GS10 Speakers

Dr B. Mario Pinto


President, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), Canada

Dr Pinto received his B.Sc. and Ph.D. in Chemistry from Queen’s University. He served as Professor, Chair of Chemistry and Vice-President Research at Simon Fraser University (SFU), President of the Canadian Society for Chemistry and Vice-Chair of the Chemical Institute of Canada. Dr Pinto has received numerous awards recognizing the quality and impact of his research, including Fellowship in the Royal Society of Canada. He has also established a track record for developing exciting new models of innovation. At NSERC, building on the agency’s dual expertise as an investor in discovery-based research and a broker of successful R&D partnerships with technology-driven enterprises to de-risk promising research, Dr Pinto has been active in leading efforts for a new strategic plan, NSERC 2020.