GS10 Speakers

Dr Clem Herman


Senior Lecturer, School of Computing and Communications, Director of eSTEeM (Open University Centre for STEM Pedagogy), The Open University, UK

Dr Herman has led on a range of projects to support the participation and progression of women in STEM, and her research on the impact of career breaks and women returners has been widely published. Prior to working at the Open University, Clem was founder and Director of the Manchester Women’s Electronic Village Hall, a community telecentre providing ICT training and access for women. Her recent research and publications focus on the employability and careers of women SET professionals especially on the impact of career breaks and experiences of women returners. Her current research project, with Parvati Raghuram, is a comparative study of Gender, Skilled Migration and IT in India and the UK. Clem is the Open University’s Athena SWAN Champion and chair of the university’s Gender Equality Steering Group. She is also the founder and Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Gender Science and Technology.