GS10 Speakers

Asako Hoshino


Senior Vice President, Nissan Motor Corporation

Asako Hoshino joined Nippon Credit Bank, Co., Ltd after graduation from the economic department of Keio University. She receives her MBA of Marketing, Management and Finance from J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management Northwestern University in 1988. Joined Marketing Intelligence Corporation as Senior Consultant of Customized Research Service Dept. in 1989 and took the position of Director in charge of Market Research Div. in 1996. Took up the post of Executive Director and Chief Marketing Officer of Marketing Intelligence Corporation in 2001. Joined Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. and served as Vice President in charge of Market Intelligence Dept. in 2002. She took a corporate role as Corporate Vice President in charge of Market Intelligence Dept. in 2006. Became Corporate Vice President in charge of Corporate Market Intelligence Dept. in 2012. Appointed to be Senior Vice President as head of Japan Marketing & Sales in 2015, and expanded her responsibility as head of Nissan Japan business in 2016.