GS10 Speakers

Kellina M. Craig-Henderson, Ph.D.

KellinaMCraig Henderson

Deputy Assistant Director, National Science Foundation, Social, Behavioral and Economic sciences Directorate

Kellina M. Craig-Henderson is a former Professor of Psychology who currently serves as the Deputy Assistant Director for the Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences Directorate of the National Science Foundation (NSF).  She previously served as the Deputy Division Director of the Social and Economic Sciences Division of SBE before transitioning into the role of Director for NSF’s Tokyo Regional Office. Prior to undertaking full-time Federal service at NSF, she was promoted to the rank of Full Professor in the Department of Psychology at Howard University.  Dr Craig-Henderson graduated from Wesleyan University in Connecticut before attending the Master’s Program in the Social Sciences at the University of Chicago where she earned a M.A. Immediately following that she attended Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana and earned an M.S. and a Ph.D. in Psychology. She served on the faculty in the Department of Psychology as well as the Afro-American Studies and Research program at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana. This was followed by an appointment in the Psychology Department of California State University in Long Beach.