GS10 Speakers

Dr Silaporn Buasai


Deputy Director on Social Innovation, Thailand Research Fund, Thailand

Dr Silaporn Buasai is Deputy Director on Social Innovation at the Thailand Research Fund. She was a pioneer in Area Based Collaborative Research for Development and an advocate for Area-Based Reform as a solution to Thailand's problem of widening gap between urban and rural areas. She also served as Member of the National Reform Council during 2014-15 and chaired a sub-commission on Budgetary Reform and Local Finance. Dr Silaporn received a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science, Chulalongkorn University with 1st class honor, a Master's Degree in International Development Education from School of Education, Stanford University, and a Ph.D. in Educational Foundation and Policy Studies, Florida State University. She currently chairs a Committee on Networking for Area Based Reform for the Royal Thai Government and also in charge of the research program on Innovation for Area Based Development at TRF.