GS10 Speakers

Prof. Chikako Yoshida-Noro

Chikako Noro

Professor, Applied Molecular Chemistry, College of Industrial Technology (CIT), Nihon University (NU), and Division of Cell Regeneration and Transplantation, Department of Functional Morphology, Nihon University School of Medicine

Chikako Yoshida-Noro received her Ph.D. in Developmental Biology from Kyoto University Graduate School. Her research carrier is as follows:  Postdoctoral fellow at National Institute of Neuroscience; Researcher, Group Leader at JST ERATO Project; Senior Research Associate at University of Cambridge in U.K.; Researcher at JST PRESTO; Researcher at RIKEN Brain Science Institute; Senior Research Scientist at RIKEN BioResource Center; 2005- Associate Professor, 2012- Professor at Nihon University. Research Field: Cell Adhesion, Stem Cell in Development, Regenerative Medicine.
She has been involved in Gender Equality Activities since 2005 both in NU and social committees. 2008-2010 Head of JST Female Researcher Support Project Core at NU; 2010- Chair of Gender Equality Committee, CIT, NU; 2011-2013 Member of Gender Equality Committee, JST; 2012 Chair of Science Summer School for Girls at NWEC; 2012-2013 Sub-Leader of CareerWay Project, NU, 2013 Chair of the 5th Japan-China-Korea Women Leaders Forum. She experienced GS6 in Seoul 2015.