GS24 Programme

All times are in CEST, Central European Summer Time.

Programme for the in-person event in November 2024 will be released at a later date.

22 May 2024 
09:30–09:50 CESTKeynote Address 1: Germany's journey to gender equality in science

Angela Ittel,President of Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany; Co-President of TU9-Alliance and Vice President of the German Rectors Conference (HRK),University of Brunswick
10:00–11:30 CESTPlenary Panel 1: Strategies and actions to advance equality, diversity, and inclusion in the science knowledge ecosystems

Moderator: Eva Reichwein,Deputy Head of the Division Research Culture,German Research Foundation (DFG)

> Implementing gendered innovations in research funding practice
Jonathan Dawes,Professor, University of Bath, EPSRC Deputy Executive Chair, UK Research & Innovation (UKRI),University of Bath
> Structural recognition of gender aspects in research (Geschlechteraspekte im Blick (GiB))
Daniela Hombach,Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
> Promoting the values of equity and diversity in big science projects and in access to research infrastructures
Francesca Primas,Full Astronomer and Project Scientist,European Southern Observatory
> Advancing quality of editorial processes and widening participation in editorial teams
Deborah Logan,Publishing Director,Elsevier Energy & Earth Science Journals
> The transformation of gender equality landscape in the Korean science system
Heisook Lee,President,Centre for Gendered Innovation in Science and Technology Research, South Korea
11:35–13:00 CESTOpen consultation 1: Persistent and emerging issues for inclusion in the Roadmap for Action 2.0

> Consultation 1: EDI in R&I and Academic Freedom
Moderator: Arn Sauer,Director,Federal Foundation for Gender Equality  
Moderator: Pavel Ovsieko, Senior Researcher, Principal Investigator and Senior Research fellow, University of Oxford
> Consultation 2: Reproductive justice in digital world
Moderator: Jasmine Fledderjohann,Senior Lecturer,University of Lancaster  
Additional Moderators: Lilian Hunt, Lead on EDI in Science and Health, Wellcome, and Rupa Sarkar, Editor-in-Chief of The Lancet Digital Health
> Consultation 3: Responsible R&I for Transition to Sustainable Future
Moderator: Martina Schraudner,Founder and Scientific Director of Fraunhofer Centre for Responsible Research and Innovation, Fraunhofer and Professor at Technical University Berlin,Fraunhofer Centre for Responsible Research and Innovation  
Moderator: Elizabeth Pollitzer, Director, Portia
13:35–13:55 CESTKeynote Address 2: Canada's EDI journey in science

Janice Bailey,Scientific Director,Fonds de recherche du Québec, Canada
14:00–15:30 CESTPlenary Panel 2: Strategies for achieving transformative outcomes

Moderator: Domiziana Francescon,Partnerships Director,Elsevier Foundation

> The financial cost of achieving gender equality goals in the UN Agenda 2030
Petra Kynclova,UNCTAD
> Creating Inclusive STEM Environments for People of All Genders: Evidence from the Engendering Success in STEM Research Consortium
Sonia Kang,Academic Director, Institute for Gender and the Economy (GATE), Canada Research Chair in Identity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources Management, University of Toronto,Institute for Gender and the Economy (GATE), Canada
> Creating partnerships to advance women in their science careers
Ylann Schemm,CEO,Elsevier Foundation
> Women's health innovation opportunity map 2023
Maike Scharp,Gates Foundation
Jamie White , Government Affairs Manager and Women’s Health Director at G2G Consulting, USA
> Analysing gender balance in Nature's paper submission and publication rates
Sowmya Swaminathan,Director, DEI, Research at Springer Nature and a member of Springer Nature's DEI Council,Springer Nature
15:35–15:55 CESTKeynote Address 3: Equity for women in science today: conclusions from a deep dive into research evidence

Cassidy Sugimoto,Professor, Tom and Marie Patton School Chair in the School of Public Policy,Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA
16:00–17:30 CESTPlenary Panel 3. Innovations in science knowledge-making

Moderator: Imogen Coe,Professor, Diversity and Inclusion in SRC, NSERC Scholar in Residence,SRC

> Developing standardized measures and indicators on technology-facilitated violence against women
Juncal Plazaola-Castano,Policy Specialist, Violence against Women Data,UN Women
> Comparing different diversity goals: gender vs. public participation in science
Andrew Schroeder,Professor of Philosophy and Associate Dean,Claremont McKenna College
> Diversity through non-linear career pathways
Simone Brixius-Anderko,Assistant Professor,University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy
> Academia.Net: setting the benchmarks of excellence
Jasmine Lorenzini,Swiss National Science Foundation
> What universities/science leaders can do to improve the quality and relevance of AI
Genevieve Macfarlane Smith,Founding Co-Director, Responsible & Equitable AI Initiative, UC Berkeley AI Research Lab & Professional Faculty, UC Berkeley Haas School of Business,UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business
23 May 2024 
09:00–10:30 CESTPlenary Panel 4: Systematising representations of intersectionality dimensions in research studies

Moderator: Lilian Hunt,Lead Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in Science and Health (EDIS),Wellcome

> Diversified innovations in the health sciences: Proposal for a Diversity Minimal Item Set (DIMIS)
Gertraud Stadler,Head of Gender and Diversity Research,Charite University of Medicine
> Creating the first female average size crash test dummy
Astrid Linder,Professor at the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) and Adjunct Professor at Chalmers University,Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI)
> Identifying marginalized communities using physical infrastructure as a 'social sensor'
Daniel Armanios,BT Professor and Chair of Major Programme Management,Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
> Applying guidelines on considering the relevance of sex, gender, and diversity in research proposals
Sonja Ochsenfeld-Repp,Head of the Division Research Culture,German Research Foundation (DFG)
> Closing the scissors shaped curve
Johanna Joyce,Professor, University of Lausanne,University of Lausanne
10:35–12:00 CESTOpen consultation 2: Persistent and emerging issues for inclusion in the Roadmap for Action 2.0

> Consultation 1: EDI in R&I and Academic Freedom
Moderator: Arn Sauer,Director,Federal Foundation for Gender Equality  
Moderator: Pavel Ovsieko, Senior Researcher, Principal Investigator and Senior Research fellow, University of Oxford
> Consultation 2: Reproductive justice in digital world
Moderator: Jasmine Fledderjohann,Senior Lecturer,University of Lancaster  
Additional Moderators: Lilian Hunt, Lead on EDI in Science and Health, Wellcome, and Rupa Sarkar, Editor-in-Chief of The Lancet Digital Health
> Consultation 3: Responsible R&I for Transition to Sustainable Future
Moderator: Martina Schraudner,Founder and Scientific Director of Fraunhofer Centre for Responsible Research and Innovation, Fraunhofer and Professor at Technical University Berlin,Fraunhofer Centre for Responsible Research and Innovation  
Moderator: Elizabeth Pollitzer, Director, Portia
12:05–13:30 CESTPlenary Panel 5: Optimising the benefits of diversifying science knowledge-making practice

Moderator: Claartje Vinkenburg,Independent Expert, Member of the Dutch National Advisory Committee for Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education and Research,Independent Expert

> Implementing Sex and Gender considerations into health research funding policy: Process and Impact
Angela Kaida,Scientific Director of the Institute of Gender and Health at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada,Institute of Gender and Health at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research
> Capturing diversity in perceptions of problems and solutions through the methods of responsible research and innovation
Martina Schraudner,Founder and Scientific Director of Fraunhofer Centre for Responsible Research and Innovation, Fraunhofer and Professor at Technical University Berlin,Fraunhofer Centre for Responsible Research and Innovation
> The grant proposal peer-review and the gender representation in research consortia
Stefano Bianchini,Associate professor BETA,Université de Strasbourg
> The EU as a Global Gender Actor: From Gender to Intersectionality in the 'Union of Equality' Agenda
Petra Debusscher,Ghent Institute for International and European Studies (GIES)
> A gender perspective on the global migration of scholars
Xinyi Zhao,Laboratory of Digital and Computational Demography, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
13:35–15:00 CESTPlenary Panel 6: Successful efforts by science institutions to recruit, retain and advance women and minorities

Moderator: Serge Villemure,Self-Employed/Consultant, EDI and Science Policy. Past NSERC Director of the Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering Program,Self-Employed/Consultant

> Women in Engineering Program at Purdue
Beth Holloway,Senior Assistant Dean for Student Access and Success, Leah H. Jamieson Director of Women in Engineering, Professor of Engineering Practice,School of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Purdue University
> NSERC Chairs for Women program 1989–2021
Catherine Mavriplis,Professor of Mechanical Engineering,University of Ottawa
> Un-tilting the field for women in tech work
Brian Rubineau,Associate Professor and Area Coordinator, Organizational Behaviour,, Desautels Faculty of Management McGill University
> Diversity and the Development of New Knowledge in Transdisciplinary Team Science
Stephen M. Fiore,Pegasus Professor,Department of Philosophy and School and School of Modelling, Simulation, and Training, University of Central Florida
> Harnessing the transformational potential of the Open Science movement
David Mellor,Director of Policy,Centre for Open Science
15:15–16:45 CESTPlenary Panel 7: Science leaders’‘ reflections on a decade of institutional efforts to advance gender equality and diversity in science

Moderator: Mirit Eldor,Managing Director, Life Sciences Solutions,Elsevier

Julia Taguena,Professor, National Autonomous University of Mexico, past Director of Scientific Development at Mexican National Council of Science and Technology,National Autonomous University of Mexico
Richard Horton,Editor-in-Chief,The Lancet
Rhonda Davis,Head of the Office of Equity and Civil Rights (OECR),Office of the Director, US National Science Foundation
Janine Clayton,NIH Associate Director for Research on Women’s Health (TBC) Director, NIH Office of Research on Women's Health,NIH
16:45–18:00 CESTCOST Action: European Network for Gender Balance in Informatics

Moderator: Barbora Buhnova,Coordinator, Associate Professor and Vice-Dean,Masaryk University (MU), Brno

Letizia Jaccheri,EUGAIN Chair & Norwegian University of Science and Technology,NTNU, Norway
Miguel Goulão,EUGAIN WG2 co-leader,Nova School of Science and Technology, Portugal
Birgit Penzenstadler,EUGAIN WG4&5 co-leader,Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Anna Szlavi,EUGAIN YRI Coordinator,Norwegian University of Science and Technology – NTNU, Norway
16:45–18:00 CESTCreating Centre of Excellence on inclusive gender equality in research and innovation (INSPIRE)

Moderator: Rachel Palmén,Senior Researcher,Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3 – UOC), Barcelona

> Advancing knowledge to sustain change
Yvonne Benschop,Professor of Organizational Behaviour,Institute for Management Research,Radboud University, the Netherlands
> Advancing knowledge to widen participation
Jovana Mihajlović Trbovc,Senior Researcher,Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Slovenia
> Advancing Knowledge on Intersectionality
Lorena Pajares,International consultant and senior researcher on gender and development,NOTUS, Spain
> Advancing knowledge for inclusive innovation
Maria Karaulova,Researcher,Fraunhofer Competence Center for Innovation and Knowledge Economics
16:45–18:00 CESTMSCA: The European Training Network (ETN) G-VERSITY – Achieving Gender Diversity

Moderator: Sabine Sczesny,Coordinator, Professor of Social Psychology, Institute of Psychology, University of Bern

Sofia E. Bracco,Psychology Department of Stockholm University,PhD Student
Federica Case,PhD Student,University of Surrey
Mary Ann Ciosk,Trieste University,PhD Student
Tatjana Graf,Nijmegen School of Management at Radboud University,PhD Student
Serena Haines,
Yirou Fang,University of Helsinki,PhD Student
Andrea Kočiš,Ph.D. Student,University of Surrey
Rasika Mahajan,Nijmegen School of Management,Radboud University,PhD Student
Clara Plückelmann,PhD Student,Stockholm University
Franziska Saxler,PhD Student,
16:45–18:00 CESTFinding Focus: Towards a Funding Agenda for Transformation in African Science

Moderator: Thashni Pillay,Global Research Council Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Working Group and the National Research Foundation, South Africa

Ouattara Lhaur-Yaigaiba Annette,Maitre-Assistante, Enseignante-Chercheure,Université Nangui ABROGOUA (Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire)
Hildegalda Mushi,Manager for the Social Sciences Section, in the Directorate of Research Coordination and Promotion (DRCP),COSTECH
Faith Wakhungu,Assistant Director Research,National Research Fund Kenya
/////  22 May 2024
Keynote Address 1: Germany's journey to gender equality in science

Angela Ittel,President of Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany; Co-President of TU9-Alliance and Vice President of the German Rectors Conference (HRK),University of Brunswick

Plenary Panel 1: Strategies and actions to advance equality, diversity, and inclusion in the science knowledge ecosystems

Moderator: Eva Reichwein,Deputy Head of the Division Research Culture,German Research Foundation (DFG)

> Implementing gendered innovations in research funding practice
Jonathan Dawes,Professor, University of Bath, EPSRC Deputy Executive Chair, UK Research & Innovation (UKRI),University of Bath

> Structural recognition of gender aspects in research (Geschlechteraspekte im Blick (GiB))
Daniela Hombach,Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany

> Promoting the values of equity and diversity in big science projects and in access to research infrastructures
Francesca Primas,Full Astronomer and Project Scientist,European Southern Observatory

> Advancing quality of editorial processes and widening participation in editorial teams
Deborah Logan,Publishing Director,Elsevier Energy & Earth Science Journals

> The transformation of gender equality landscape in the Korean science system
Heisook Lee,President,Centre for Gendered Innovation in Science and Technology Research, South Korea

Open consultation 1: Persistent and emerging issues for inclusion in the Roadmap for Action 2.0

> Consultation 1: EDI in R&I and Academic Freedom
Moderator: Arn Sauer,Director,Federal Foundation for Gender Equality
Moderator: Pavel Ovsieko, Senior Researcher, Principal Investigator and Senior Research fellow, University of Oxford
> Consultation 2: Reproductive justice in digital world
Moderator: Jasmine Fledderjohann,Senior Lecturer,University of Lancaster
Additional Moderators: Lilian Hunt, Lead on EDI in Science and Health, Wellcome, and Rupa Sarkar, Editor-in-Chief of The Lancet Digital Health
> Consultation 3: Responsible R&I for Transition to Sustainable Future
Moderator: Martina Schraudner,Founder and Scientific Director of Fraunhofer Centre for Responsible Research and Innovation, Fraunhofer and Professor at Technical University Berlin,Fraunhofer Centre for Responsible Research and Innovation
Moderator: Elizabeth Pollitzer, Director, Portia
Keynote Address 2: Canada's EDI journey in science

Janice Bailey,Scientific Director,Fonds de recherche du Québec, Canada

Plenary Panel 2: Strategies for achieving transformative outcomes

Moderator: Domiziana Francescon,Partnerships Director,Elsevier Foundation

> The financial cost of achieving gender equality goals in the UN Agenda 2030
Petra Kynclova,UNCTAD

> Creating Inclusive STEM Environments for People of All Genders: Evidence from the Engendering Success in STEM Research Consortium
Sonia Kang,Academic Director, Institute for Gender and the Economy (GATE), Canada Research Chair in Identity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources Management, University of Toronto,Institute for Gender and the Economy (GATE), Canada

> Creating partnerships to advance women in their science careers
Ylann Schemm,CEO,Elsevier Foundation

> Women's health innovation opportunity map 2023
Maike Scharp,Gates Foundation
Jamie White , Government Affairs Manager and Women’s Health Director at G2G Consulting, USA
> Analysing gender balance in Nature's paper submission and publication rates
Sowmya Swaminathan,Director, DEI, Research at Springer Nature and a member of Springer Nature's DEI Council,Springer Nature

Keynote Address 3: Equity for women in science today: conclusions from a deep dive into research evidence

Cassidy Sugimoto,Professor, Tom and Marie Patton School Chair in the School of Public Policy,Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA

Plenary Panel 3. Innovations in science knowledge-making

Moderator: Imogen Coe,Professor, Diversity and Inclusion in SRC, NSERC Scholar in Residence,SRC

> Developing standardized measures and indicators on technology-facilitated violence against women
Juncal Plazaola-Castano,Policy Specialist, Violence against Women Data,UN Women

> Comparing different diversity goals: gender vs. public participation in science
Andrew Schroeder,Professor of Philosophy and Associate Dean,Claremont McKenna College

> Diversity through non-linear career pathways
Simone Brixius-Anderko,Assistant Professor,University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy

> Academia.Net: setting the benchmarks of excellence
Jasmine Lorenzini,Swiss National Science Foundation

> What universities/science leaders can do to improve the quality and relevance of AI
Genevieve Macfarlane Smith,Founding Co-Director, Responsible & Equitable AI Initiative, UC Berkeley AI Research Lab & Professional Faculty, UC Berkeley Haas School of Business,UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business

/////  23 May 2024
Plenary Panel 4: Systematising representations of intersectionality dimensions in research studies

Moderator: Lilian Hunt,Lead Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in Science and Health (EDIS),Wellcome

> Diversified innovations in the health sciences: Proposal for a Diversity Minimal Item Set (DIMIS)
Gertraud Stadler,Head of Gender and Diversity Research,Charite University of Medicine

> Creating the first female average size crash test dummy
Astrid Linder,Professor at the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) and Adjunct Professor at Chalmers University,Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI)

> Identifying marginalized communities using physical infrastructure as a 'social sensor'
Daniel Armanios,BT Professor and Chair of Major Programme Management,Saïd Business School, University of Oxford

> Applying guidelines on considering the relevance of sex, gender, and diversity in research proposals
Sonja Ochsenfeld-Repp,Head of the Division Research Culture,German Research Foundation (DFG)

> Closing the scissors shaped curve
Johanna Joyce,Professor, University of Lausanne,University of Lausanne

Open consultation 2: Persistent and emerging issues for inclusion in the Roadmap for Action 2.0

> Consultation 1: EDI in R&I and Academic Freedom
Moderator: Arn Sauer,Director,Federal Foundation for Gender Equality
Moderator: Pavel Ovsieko, Senior Researcher, Principal Investigator and Senior Research fellow, University of Oxford
> Consultation 2: Reproductive justice in digital world
Moderator: Jasmine Fledderjohann,Senior Lecturer,University of Lancaster
Additional Moderators: Lilian Hunt, Lead on EDI in Science and Health, Wellcome, and Rupa Sarkar, Editor-in-Chief of The Lancet Digital Health
> Consultation 3: Responsible R&I for Transition to Sustainable Future
Moderator: Martina Schraudner,Founder and Scientific Director of Fraunhofer Centre for Responsible Research and Innovation, Fraunhofer and Professor at Technical University Berlin,Fraunhofer Centre for Responsible Research and Innovation
Moderator: Elizabeth Pollitzer, Director, Portia
Plenary Panel 5: Optimising the benefits of diversifying science knowledge-making practice

Moderator: Claartje Vinkenburg,Independent Expert, Member of the Dutch National Advisory Committee for Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education and Research,Independent Expert

> Implementing Sex and Gender considerations into health research funding policy: Process and Impact
Angela Kaida,Scientific Director of the Institute of Gender and Health at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada,Institute of Gender and Health at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research

> Capturing diversity in perceptions of problems and solutions through the methods of responsible research and innovation
Martina Schraudner,Founder and Scientific Director of Fraunhofer Centre for Responsible Research and Innovation, Fraunhofer and Professor at Technical University Berlin,Fraunhofer Centre for Responsible Research and Innovation

> The grant proposal peer-review and the gender representation in research consortia
Stefano Bianchini,Associate professor BETA,Université de Strasbourg

> The EU as a Global Gender Actor: From Gender to Intersectionality in the 'Union of Equality' Agenda
Petra Debusscher,Ghent Institute for International and European Studies (GIES)

> A gender perspective on the global migration of scholars
Xinyi Zhao,Laboratory of Digital and Computational Demography, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research

Plenary Panel 6: Successful efforts by science institutions to recruit, retain and advance women and minorities

Moderator: Serge Villemure,Self-Employed/Consultant, EDI and Science Policy. Past NSERC Director of the Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering Program,Self-Employed/Consultant

> Women in Engineering Program at Purdue
Beth Holloway,Senior Assistant Dean for Student Access and Success, Leah H. Jamieson Director of Women in Engineering, Professor of Engineering Practice,School of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Purdue University

> NSERC Chairs for Women program 1989–2021
Catherine Mavriplis,Professor of Mechanical Engineering,University of Ottawa

> Un-tilting the field for women in tech work
Brian Rubineau,Associate Professor and Area Coordinator, Organizational Behaviour,, Desautels Faculty of Management McGill University

> Diversity and the Development of New Knowledge in Transdisciplinary Team Science
Stephen M. Fiore,Pegasus Professor,Department of Philosophy and School and School of Modelling, Simulation, and Training, University of Central Florida

> Harnessing the transformational potential of the Open Science movement
David Mellor,Director of Policy,Centre for Open Science

Plenary Panel 7: Science leaders’‘ reflections on a decade of institutional efforts to advance gender equality and diversity in science

Moderator: Mirit Eldor,Managing Director, Life Sciences Solutions,Elsevier

Julia Taguena,Professor, National Autonomous University of Mexico, past Director of Scientific Development at Mexican National Council of Science and Technology,National Autonomous University of Mexico

Richard Horton,Editor-in-Chief,The Lancet

Rhonda Davis,Head of the Office of Equity and Civil Rights (OECR),Office of the Director, US National Science Foundation

Janine Clayton,NIH Associate Director for Research on Women’s Health (TBC) Director, NIH Office of Research on Women's Health,NIH

COST Action: European Network for Gender Balance in Informatics

Moderator: Barbora Buhnova,Coordinator, Associate Professor and Vice-Dean,Masaryk University (MU), Brno

Letizia Jaccheri,EUGAIN Chair & Norwegian University of Science and Technology,NTNU, Norway

Miguel Goulão,EUGAIN WG2 co-leader,Nova School of Science and Technology, Portugal

Birgit Penzenstadler,EUGAIN WG4&5 co-leader,Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

Anna Szlavi,EUGAIN YRI Coordinator,Norwegian University of Science and Technology – NTNU, Norway

Creating Centre of Excellence on inclusive gender equality in research and innovation (INSPIRE)

Moderator: Rachel Palmén,Senior Researcher,Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3 – UOC), Barcelona

> Advancing knowledge to sustain change
Yvonne Benschop,Professor of Organizational Behaviour,Institute for Management Research,Radboud University, the Netherlands

> Advancing knowledge to widen participation
Jovana Mihajlović Trbovc,Senior Researcher,Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Slovenia

> Advancing Knowledge on Intersectionality
Lorena Pajares,International consultant and senior researcher on gender and development,NOTUS, Spain

> Advancing knowledge for inclusive innovation
Maria Karaulova,Researcher,Fraunhofer Competence Center for Innovation and Knowledge Economics

MSCA: The European Training Network (ETN) G-VERSITY – Achieving Gender Diversity

Moderator: Sabine Sczesny,Coordinator, Professor of Social Psychology, Institute of Psychology, University of Bern

Sofia E. Bracco,Psychology Department of Stockholm University,PhD Student

Federica Case,PhD Student,University of Surrey

Mary Ann Ciosk,Trieste University,PhD Student

Tatjana Graf,Nijmegen School of Management at Radboud University,PhD Student

Serena Haines,

Yirou Fang,University of Helsinki,PhD Student

Andrea Kočiš,Ph.D. Student,University of Surrey

Rasika Mahajan,Nijmegen School of Management,Radboud University,PhD Student

Clara Plückelmann,PhD Student,Stockholm University

Franziska Saxler,PhD Student,

Finding Focus: Towards a Funding Agenda for Transformation in African Science

Moderator: Thashni Pillay,Global Research Council Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Working Group and the National Research Foundation, South Africa

Ouattara Lhaur-Yaigaiba Annette,Maitre-Assistante, Enseignante-Chercheure,Université Nangui ABROGOUA (Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire)

Hildegalda Mushi,Manager for the Social Sciences Section, in the Directorate of Research Coordination and Promotion (DRCP),COSTECH

Faith Wakhungu,Assistant Director Research,National Research Fund Kenya