
GS14 Registration and Abstracts

Gender Summit 14 - Africa
“Climate Change through the Gender Lens: Focus on Africa”
Marriott Hotel, Kigali, Rwanda
19-20 March 2018


The Gender Summit - Africa in Kigali is 14th in the series but the second in Africa. It is led by African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, in partnership with science institutions across Africa. It builds on the discussions and recommendations from the first Gender Summit – Africa in Cape Town in 2015 and advances the institutional collaborations started then, and in particular the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Networks and the Next Einstein Forum.

The 2-day programme theme is: “Climate Change through the Gender Lens: Focus on Africa”, and includes a mixture of plenary and parallel sessions, as well as a poster exhibition, professional networking activities, and interlinked public engagement side-events. Speakers will include leading researchers from African countries, and international experts, leaders in innovation, influential policy makers, and champions of evidence-led sustainable, socio-economic development. They will discuss:
Opportunities and methodologies for interdisciplinary and cross-sector collaborations
Measuring and monitoring research performance, quality, and impact
Integrating the values of inclusion and sustainability into research and innovation agendas and projects
Strengthening co-operation between key actors in and outside the science landscape in Africa
Connecting the reality of the UN Sustainable Development targets with technological advancements, and the vision of the 4th Industrial Revolution
Science knowledge making and application in the context of priority political and policy drivers


Logistics Note

1. Single Entry Visas

Note: Single entry visas are issued on arrival for a fee of $30 in cash, via bank cards or credit cards at the Kanombe International Airport immigration desk. Starting January 1st, 2018, the Government of Rwanda implemented a global visa free entry for travelers from everywhere in the world. A communique released by the Directorate of Immigration and Emigration said citizens of all countries the world over could enjoy 30 days visa on arrival under the regime.

2. Airport Transfers

All travelers will be arriving at the main airport in Kigali, Kanombe International Airport. After queuing up at the visa desk to make your payment ($30), you shall proceed to the baggage claim section, after which you will exit the airport. The shuttle of your hotel will be waiting for you. Please, look out for a sign with your name as you exit the airport.

3. Accommodation

The Gender Summit 14 will take place at the Marriott, Kigali. Unfortunately, due to the ongoing special Presidents session of the African Union in Kigali during the same period, we have been unable to secure accommodation at the venue of the summit. AIMS has booked accommodation at the following hotels:

a. Gorillas Hotel: You can learn more about the hotel at http://www.gorillashotels.com/. To make your reservation, email: reservation@gorillashotels.com and cc ines@gorillashotels.com – for reservation, use the code “AIMS”.

b. D-Mall Hotel: You can learn more about the hotel at http://www.dmallhotel.com/. To make your reservation, email: evelyn@homartgroup.com – for reservation, use the code “HAPPY AIMS”.

c. Package: Each hotel package includes bed and breakfast, as well as airport pick-up and drop-off. Once you exit the airport, please, look out for either of the following signs:
• A sign with your name
* A sign with the AIMS logo

d. For further inquiries, contact:

Dr Layih Butake – Communications & Outreach Manager, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program @ AIMS-NEI
+250 781 447 775 Lbutake@nexteinstein.org

Joelle Rubagenga – Project Officer, Next Einstein Forum
+250 786 098 705 jrubagenga@nef.org


Outline Programme

To see an outline programme, please see this page.

Call for Abstracts

Abstract submission is now closed.  Thank you for your interest.


Thank you for your interest in GS14. Registration is now CLOSED.