Gill Allwood
Professor of Gender Politics at Nottingham Trent University, UK, and Visiting Professor in EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies, College of Europe, Bruges
Gill Allwood is Professor of Gender Politics at Nottingham Trent University, UK, and Visiting Professor in EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies, College of Europe, Bruges. She is currently Director of Doctoral Programmes for the School of Arts and Humanities. In 2020, she was awarded the Vice Chancellor’s Outstanding Researcher Award. She has published widely on gender and EU policy, in particular gender mainstreaming, development, migration and climate change. In 2018, she worked with CONCORD to research and write a report on the implementation and impact of the second Gender Action Plan (GAPII) and has co-authored a report on the implementation of Agenda 2030 for the European Parliament. She was Editor of the Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 2014-18, and is on the International Advisory Board of the European Journal of Politics and Gender.
Geneviève Almouzni
Director of research exceptional class at the CNRS
Geneviève ALMOUZNI, PhD (EMBO member, Member of the French Academy of Sciences, fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, Director of the Research Center of the Institut Curie from 2013 to 2018 and honorary director since then) is director of research exceptional class at the CNRS. She is Principal Investigator of the Chromatin dynamics team in the Nuclear dynamics research Unit (UMR3664 CNRS/Institut Curie) since 1999. She is a world leader in understanding genome organization and function during development and disease, in particular in cancer. She has combined biochemistry, cell biology and physical approaches with advanced imaging to explore chromatin dynamics. Overall, G. Almouzni authored more than 220 publications and deposited 5 patents. She coordinated the EpiGeneSys Network of Excellence to move epigenetics towards systems biology. She is highly engaged in promoting young scientist career. She received prestigious grants (ERC Advanced Grants) and awards including Woman in Sciences FEBS / EMBO (2013) and the grand prix FRM (2014). She served on the EMBO Council (Vice-chair in 2014), chairs the alliance EU-LIFE and co-chairs the European FETFlagship initiative LifeTime with Pr N. Rajewski (MDC Berlin).
Gloria Bonder

Psychologist by University of Buenos Aires and MA in Gender and Education by Cambridge University
Professor Gloria Bonder is an Psychologist by University of Buenos Aires and MA in Gender and Education by Cambridge University. She is the Director of the Department of Gender, Society and Policies of the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Argentina. She created and coordinates, since 2001, two regional programs: UNESCO Regional Chair on Women, Science and Technology in Latin America, based on FLACSO, and the online Master Program on Gender, Society and Policies. She is also the Coordinator of the Global Network of UNESCO Chairs on Gender. She has conducted numerous research projects on science, technology, education, youth and gender equality policies. She has also coordinated the Community of Practice integrated by diferents Latin American universities as part of the ACT project, and is currently coordinating this CoP within the INSPIRE project.
Lidia Borrell-Damián
Secretary General of Science Europe
Lidia Borrell-Damián is Secretary General of Science Europe, the association representing national public organisations that fund and perform research in Europe. She holds overall responsibility for the organisation’s strategic development and implementation of action plans. Her areas of experience cover a wide range of Research and Innovation (R&I) priorities, including research policy and international collaboration. She holds a Doctorate in Chemistry (Chemical Engineering Specialty; Solar Energy) from the University of Barcelona (1995). After thirteen years in university, she worked at the European University Association (EUA) from 2006-2019, serving the last five years as the Director for R&I.
Jeanet Bruil

Head of the Dutch Research Agenda (NWA) at the Dutch Research Council (NWO)
Jeanet Bruil is head of the Dutch Research Agenda (NWA) at the Dutch Research Council (NWO). Driving force in her work is to facilitate researchers and societal organisations to work together to answer research questions formulated by the society. Research funding has, in her opinion, an essential role to play in stimulating the scientific and societal impact of science, as an intermediary between science, policymakers and societal stakeholders. The ambition of the Dutch Research Agenda fits with the common theme in her work: “… to bridge the gap between various science, innovation and policy agendas and to facilitate collaboration between the various actors across the entire research and innovation chain”.
Dr. Jeanet Bruil, MBA.
Simone Carter

Simone is an epidemiologist, working in humanitarian public health emergencies in humanitarian settings for the past 12 + years. During the 2018-20 10th Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Simone led the development of Integrated Outbreak Analytics. The approach brings together multiple data sources, methods and actors to better understand outbreak dynamics and their impact on communities and community health. In 2021 she launched the SAGER (sex and gender for health equity in research) IOA project under the Global Outbreak Alerts Response Network.
Silvina Catuara-Solarz
Senior Manager, Science and Business Development at icometrix
Dr. Catuara-Solarz has a background in translational neuroscience with expertise in neurodevelopmental, neurodegenerative, and psychiatric disorders. She has served as a project evaluator and mentor of digital health start-ups at the European Institute of Innovation and Technology Health (EIT Health), mentor at the European Innovation Council (EIC), selected member of the World Health Organization’s Digital Health Roster of Experts and Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health at the Global Brain Health Institute. Dr. Catuara-Solarz supports the Women’s Brain Project (WBP) as a Scientific Advisor. Currently she works as a Senior Manager, Science and Business Development at icometrix, a neuroinformatics company developing solutions for brain and cognition measurement.
Manon van Daal
PhD at University Medical Center Utrecht (NL)
Manon van Daal holds a master’s in Philosophy and Bioethics from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Currently, she is doing her PhD at University Medical Center Utrecht (NL). Her research is about the ethics of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine with a special focus on gender issues. Manon has taught courses in medical ethics and ethics of regenerative medicine at University Medical Center Utrecht and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She is also involved as an expert at the Dutch Helpdesk on Regenerative Medicine.
Isobel Duxfield
Communications and Membership Manager at POLIS Network
Isobel Duxfield is Communications and Membership Manager at POLIS Network. She completed her MPhil in Gender Studies at the University of Cambridge where she researched gender and cycling. Isobel works with the POLIS Gender Perspectives in Mobility Taskforce, bringing together local authorities, private operators and mobility experts for a pragmatic and methodical approach to building and sharing knowledge and best practices. She is also managing SUM4All's latest project on gender diversity in the transport sector.
Thorgerður J Einarsdóttir

Professor of Gender Studies at the University of Iceland
Thorgerður J Einarsdóttir is Professor of Gender Studies at the University of Iceland. Her research areas cover a broad range of topics, such as equality policies, labor market issues, masculinities, gender and academia, gender budgeting, and transgender issues. She is currently involved in the H2020 project CENTRINNO which aims at the regeneration of historic industrial sites in the form of sustainable centres of inclusive entrepreneurship including circular economy, social Inclusion, innovation, vocational training and heritage.
Mirit Eldor

Executive Vice President for Strategy, Elsevier
Mirit Eldor is Executive Vice President for Strategy. Mirit is responsible for developing and enabling the execution of Elsevier’s strategy, and spends much of her time looking at new ways to bring together content, data, technology and analytics. Mirit joined Elsevier in 2015, and previously served as SVP strategy for Elsevier’s Health & Commercial businesses, covering industry segments including clinical solutions, health education, life sciences and engineering.
Francisco H. G. Ferreira

Amartya Sen Professor of Inequality Studies at the London School of Economics
Francisco H. G. Ferreira is the Amartya Sen Professor of Inequality Studies at the London School of Economics, where he is also Director of the International Inequalities Institute and an affiliated Professor with the Departments of Social Policy and International Development. Francisco is an economist working on the measurement, causes and consequences of inequality and poverty in developing countries. His work has been published widely and been awarded various prizes, including the Richard Stone Prize in Applied Econometrics and the Kendrick Prize from the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth. He is also an Affiliated Scholar with the Stone Center at the City University of New York; a non-resident Research Fellow at the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA, Bonn); and currently serves as President of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association. He was born and raised in São Paulo, Brazil, and holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the London School of Economics.
Simona Fiorani

iScience Lead Editor for the Life Sciences, Nature Communications
Simona obtained her PhD in molecular biology in Italy and then moved to UK for her post-doctoral studies at Research UK. She then pursued a career in publishing and became an editor for Nature Communications. Her editorial career progressed with a brief stint Nature Cell Biology and her return to Nature Communications to become Senior Editor and then Team Leader. Simona became iScience Lead Editor for the Life Sciences in 2018. She now leads a growing team of professional and academic editors scattered across the globe and covering a broad range of topics in the Life and Translational sciences.
Dylan Furszyfer Del Rio
Research fellow at SPRU working on smart, industrial, and household energy systems in Mexico, Northern Ireland and the United Arab Emirates
Dylan is a research fellow at SPRU working on smart, industrial, and household energy systems in Mexico, Northern Ireland and the United Arab Emirates. Dylan holds an MSc in Environmental Technology from Imperial College London - Centre for Environmental Policy- and a PhD in Environmental Policy from the same institution. During his PhD, Dylan examined technology adoption and household energy behaviours. Currently, Dylan examines issues around just transitions, equity and science and technology studies.
Isabel Goldman
Editor, Cell, Elsevier, USA
Isabel received an MD from Temple University. She has spent most of her career as a consultant analyzing clinical trials, regulatory submissions, and prescription drug and device marketing. After helping launch and shape Cell Reports Medicine, she joined Cell as one of its Leading Edge editors. She is also the Inclusion & Diversity Officer at Cell Press. Improving the precision and clarity of the language used to research, report and discuss sex- and gender-based analyses is one of her key interests. She believes that words matter and that inclusive and accurate language benefit us all.
Helen Gorrill

Reader in Gender, Inequality and the Arts at DJCAD, the University of Dundee, Scotland
Dr Helen Gorrill is a Reader in Gender, Inequality and the Arts at DJCAD, the University of Dundee, Scotland. She has a three book deal with Bloomsbury, including her bestselling academic book Women Can't Paint: Gender, the Glass Ceiling and Values in Contemporary Art (2020). Helen is also CEO of Boom Publications Ltd, a new global dissertation-to-book initiative founded to raise scholarships for doctorates focusing on gender (in)equality.
Christiane Grill
Senior program manager at the Open Innovation in Science Center of the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft
Christiane Grill is senior program manager at the Open Innovation in Science Center of the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft. Here she advises and supports researchers on how to actively involve stakeholders in research; especially when it comes to deciding which topics and questions research should address most urgently. Christiane Grill has a background in political and communication science.
Emre Guney

CTO and Head of Discovery and Data Science Unit at STALICLA
Emre Guney, Ph.D., has over 15 years of experience in computational data analysis with an emphasis on translational systems medicine, diseasebioinformatics and network pharmacology. He is the CTO and Head of Discovery and Data Science Unit at STALICLA, a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company leading omics-based precision medicine drug development for patients with neurodevelopmental disorders through endophenotyping and artificial intelligence. He spent several years as a postdoctoral scholar at Harvard Medical School and Northeastern University in the USA, where he pioneered the development of in silico drug efficacy screening using computational modeling of integrative multi-omics data. He was an investigator in EU funded consortia projects for drug toxicity and efficacy modeling during his appointments at the Research Programme in Biomedical Informatics at the Hospital del Mar Research Institute (IMIM) in Spain and at the Pharmacology & Personalised Medicine department at Maastricht University in the Netherlands. He is an alumnus of 'From Science to Business' program of ESADE Business & Law School in Barcelona. He has a track record of scientific innovation, with more than 40 peer-reviewed publications and has authored/co-authored 2 patents.
Laura Hassink

Managing Director, Journals
Laura Hassink is responsible for Elsevier's portfolio of 2,650 journals managed by more than 24,000 editors, who collectively publish more than 560,000 research articles a year. Previously, she served as Senior Vice President of Publishing Transformation, overseeing operational support for its journals, improving and innovating the publication experience for authors, peer reviewers and editors. Laura has also been instrumental in accelerating Elsevier's substantial progress in open access publishing, with the company now offering more than 600 gold open access journals, as well as open access publishing options across all its portfolios.
During her 24 years with Elsevier, she has also served as the SVP of Product Management for ScienceDirect and Journal Branded Solutions as well as the SVP Physical Sciences in STM Journals and held positions in Strategy, Business Development and Journal Services. Since 2015, Laura has been active as a board member of the Dutch Publishers Association, Mediafederatie and Chair of the Media Voor Vak en Wetenschap (MVW), and currently serves as Chair of the MEVW Open Science Forum. Laura has a genuine passion for understanding the needs of the research communities we serve and maintaining the highest quality and integrity standards in scholarly communications.
Raphael Heffron

Professor in Global Energy Law & Sustainability.
Professor Raphael Heffron is Professor in Global Energy Law & Sustainability. He is also Jean Monnet Professor in the Just Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy awarded by the European Commission (2019-2022). In 2020, he was appointed as Senior Counsel at Janson law firm in Brussels (Belgium). Professor Heffron is a qualified Barrister-at-Law, and a graduate of both Oxford (MSc) and Cambridge (MPhil & PhD). His work all has a principal focus on achieving a sustainable and just transition to a low-carbon economy, and combines a mix of law, policy and economics. He has published over 170 publications of different types and is the most cited scholar in his field worldwide (2300+ Scopus) with translated work in multiple languages including Chinese, Italian, and Persian. Professor Heffron has given just over 180 keynotes or guest lectures in 51 countries worldwide.
Shirin Heidari

Founding president of GENDRO
Dr Shirin Heidari is the founding president of GENDRO, an association with the mission to advance gender-sensitive research and data analysis. She is also Senior Researcher at Gender Centre, at the Geneva Graduate Institute, where she is the Principal Investigator of a multi-country multi-disciplinary research project on sexual and reproductive health of people in forced displacement. Dr Heidari also serves as Senior Technical Consultant on Gender to the World Health Organization (WHO), where she provides technical and scientific advice and strategic support on mainstreaming gender into the work of WHO departments and normative guidelines. Previously, Dr Heidari was the Executive Director of Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters and Editor-in-Chief of its peer-reviewed journal. Between 2007 and 2014, she oversaw the Research Promotion department of the International AIDS Society and was the Executive Editor of the Journal of the International AIDS Society (JIAS). At IAS, she spearheaded efforts towards gender-sensitive research and programme delivery, particularly within the HIV field. She introduced the first editorial gender policy for an HIV journal. Dr Heidari received her doctorate in medicine at Karolinska Institute in 2001, where she continued her research in the HIV field until her move to Geneva in 2007. As a feminist and human rights advocate, she has served as a board member of Amnesty International, Sweden, where she advocated for the sexual and reproductive rights of women and girls and the right to health. Dr Heidari established and co-chaired a Gender Policy Committee while a member of the Council of European Association of Science Editors (EASE). She led the development of the widely cited Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines to help address the gender bias in academic research and reporting. She has given a TEDx talk encouraging gender-sensitive research and scholarly communication. She is a commissioner of the Lancet Commission on Women and Cancer, and she was recently appointed as member of the foundation board of the International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights (FIFDH). In 2022, she was listed among the 12 individuals shaping the future of International Geneva.
Anna Holthaus
Coordinates the work on gender and chemicals, with a special focus on the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management of the United Nations (UN SAICM), MSP Institute, Berlin
Anna Holthaus holds a Masters degree in Governing Sustainability from the City University of Applied Sciences in Bremen, Germany, and a Bachelor in Environmental Sciences from Leuphana University, Lüneburg. Since February 2018, Anna is working at the MSP Institute, based in Berlin Germany. There Anna coordinates the work on gender and chemicals, with a special focus on the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management of the United Nations (UN SAICM).
Lilian Hunt
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in Science and Health (EDIS) Lead in Wellcome’s Culture Equity Diversity and Inclusion (CEDI) team
Dr Lilian Hunt is the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in Science and Health (EDIS) Lead in Wellcome’s Culture Equity Diversity and Inclusion (CEDI) team. They received their PhD in Genetics from UCL whilst at The Francis Crick Institute where they helped bring together the founders of EDIS in 2016. Lilian has since developed the coalition, supporting the 30 EDIS members to deliver on their EDI strategies covering inclusive research, culture and careers. Lilian has an active research collaboration with Professor Londa Schiebinger (Gendered Innovations, Stanford University) reviewing global research funders’ policies to include sex, gender, and/or diversity analysis in research content. They champion inclusive research design and practice within Wellcome and EDIS member organisations. They sit as an Advisory Board Member for The Health Foundation’s ‘Developing the long-term research agenda for COVID-19’ programme, The George Institute’s ‘MESSAGE (Medical Science Sex and Gender Equity)’ research project, and the SGCI grant ‘Strengthening the Capacities of Science Granting Councils (SGCs) in Gender Equality and Inclusivity (GEI)’ delivered through the HSRC South Africa.
Macellina Yinyinade Ijadunola

Public Health Physician and Associate Professor of Public Health at the Obafemi Awolowo University (O.A.U)
Dr. Macellina Ijadunola is a Public Health Physician and Associate Professor of Public Health at the Obafemi Awolowo University (O.A.U), Ile-Ife. Macellina’s career in Public Health research and teaching spans twelve years. Her research interests are in Reproductive Health and Social Epidemiology. She is a cohort six CARTA graduate. She has numerous research and training collaborative outputs with fellows and mentors in the CARTA network, and with colleagues within and outside O.A.U. She has 40 peer reviewed publications in reputable journals. Her current funded research is “Reproductive health challenges of women who experienced intimate partner violence during COVID 19 pandemic in Ile-Ife”. She also engages in research among vulnerable populations such as adolescents living in Skipped Generation Households in Africa, specifically Nigeria. Macellina engages in community mobilization and advocacy for prevention of vaccine preventable diseases and intimate partner violence.
Simone Immler
Professor of Genetics and Reproduction at the University of East Anglia, UK and the Co-Founder and Director of the start-up company Virilitas
Simone Immler is Professor of Genetics and Reproduction at the University of East Anglia, UK and the Co-Founder and Director of the start-up company Virilitas . Dr. Immler earned her MSc from the University of Basel, Switzerland and her PhD from the University of Sheffield, UK. She spent time as a Research Fellow and Associate Professor at Uppsala University, Sweden before returning to the UK in 2017. She was awarded both an European Research Council Starting Grant and an European Research Council Consolidator Grant and received a prestigious Wallenberg Academy Fellowship. Professor Immler’s research focuses on the genetics and genomics of male reproduction and fertility and her lab works mainly on zebrafish and humans using a wide range of tools including mathematical modelling, experimental manipulations and genomics. In 2022, she co-founded the spin out company Virilitas to offer new services in the human reproduction and fertility sector and to develop new devices and tests based on her research.
Kristy James
Senior data scientist in the International Center for the Study of Research at Elsevier
Kristy James is a senior data scientist in the International Center for the Study of Research at Elsevier. She assists researchers from diverse projects with their work on large datasets, advising especially on the opportunities and challenges of working with publication datasets to answer bibliometric questions, monitor trends in science and visualize aspects of research careers and research practices.
Meytal Eran Jona

Head of Diversity and Inclusion Office at Weizmann Institute of Science
Meytal Eran Jona is an organizational sociologist, she serves as the Head of Diversity and Inclusion Office at Weizmann Institute of Science and as the GENERA Network chairwomen (an EU program to enhance gender equality in physics). Her research fields are: Gender work and organizations, gender issues within the military, gender issues in physics and public opinion surveys.
Murererehe Julienne

PhD CARTA fellow and a Lecturer at University of Rwanda/ school of Dentistry
Ms. Murererehe Julienne, is a PhD CARTA fellow and a Lecturer at University of Rwanda/ school of Dentistry. She is pursuing her PhD in the field of Community Dentistry at the University of Witwatersrand. Murererehe’s research interest is to determine the underlying mechanism of how oral diseases influence the progression of chronic diseases and vice versa. She is more ambitious in determining approaches to promote good oral health to improve the quality of life among people living with HIV/AIDS.
Currently, she actively participates in various interdisciplinary research projects that aim to improve the oral health of the Rwandan population and beyond.
Bran Knowles
Senior Lecturer in the Data Science Institute at Lancaster University
Bran Knowles is a Senior Lecturer in the Data Science Institute at Lancaster University. Her research explores the social impacts of computing, with a particular interest in trust and distrust of digital technologies. Her recent work explores the many facets of "trust in AI" and what it might take to promote trust of AI by the lay public.
Julia Lane
Professor at the NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service and a NYU Provostial Fellow for Innovation Analytics
Julia Lane is a Professor at the NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service and a NYU Provostial Fellow for Innovation Analytics. She cofounded the Coleridge Initiative, whose goal is to use data to transform the way governments access and use data for the social good through training programs, research projects and a secure data facility. She currently serves on the Advisory Committee on Data for Evidence Building and the National AI Research Resources Task Force.
Neill Liptrott
Reader in Pharmacology, at the University of Liverpool
Dr Liptrott is a Reader in Pharmacology, at the University of Liverpool, and has a background in pharmacology, immunology, and molecular cell biology. He has worked, as a visiting researcher, at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Nanotechnology Characterisation Laboratory (NCL) based in Frederick, Maryland, USA.
He is the principal investigator for the Liverpool Immunocompatibility Group, Coordinator of the Liverpool Nanotherapeutics Hub, Platform manager (Nanotherapeutics) for the Infection Innovation Consortium (iiCON), member of the Liverpool City Region Health & Life Sciences board, and biocompatibility lead for the recently established Centre of Excellence for Long-acting Therapeutics (CELT) at the University of Liverpool. Additionally, Dr Liptrott is a member of the Executive Board, Core Expert Team (CET) and Assay Group leader (Immunotoxicity and Haematoxicity) for the European Nanomedicine Characterisation Laboratory (EUNCL); leading work on nanoparticle biocompatibility and structure-activity relationships.
His research is aimed at investigating the biological interactions of conventional and nanotechnology-enabled medicines and therapeutics as well as other novel therapeutic strategies such as cellular therapies. This work encompasses the assessment of the biocompatibility, immunomodulatory potential, and risk of these novel therapeutic strategies. Dr Liptrott's team is also investigating impacts on cellular health and metabolism that may underpin these interactions. To date, his research has helped underpin the successful translation of the first solid drug nanoparticle formulations, through GMP manufacture, towards healthy volunteer bioequivalence studies, for use in HIV treatment. His group continues to support developers of advanced therapeutics in their efforts to reach clinical studies.
Elena Martines

Policy Adviser in the European Innovation Council & SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) of the European Commission
Dr Elena Martines is a Policy Adviser in the European Innovation Council & SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) of the European Commission. Prior to September 2020, she worked in the Horizon Europe Missions sector of the Directorate-General for Research and Innovationand in the Irish Universities Association as Head of the Irish Marie-Sklodowska Curie Office and MSCA National Contact Point. A mechanical engineer by training, Elena holds a PhD in Cell Engineering from the University of Glasgow and has performed frontier and applied research in several research institutions in Europe and in the US. In 2013 she joined Science Foundation Ireland as a Programme Manager, where she led on the agency’s gender policy.
Maria Rosaria Masullo

Senior researcher at National Institute for Nuclear Physics, Naples unit, Italy
Maria Rosaria Masullo is senior researcher at National Institute for Nuclear Physics, Naples unit, Italy. She works in particle accelerator field collaborating within national and international projects located in different laboratories (CERN, BNL-USA, TRIUMF-Canada). Naples coordinator for INFN Scientific Committee 5, local referent for the Technological Transfer and since 2017, component of the National Committee for TT and of the FELLINI Coordination Board. Since 2008 she is involved in gender issues inside the research and the university. For 8 years, she was the president of first INFN CUG, guarantee act committee. In 2008, she joined the Women in Science Association formed by researchers of Naples University "Federico II", INFN and National Research Council (CNR). Component of the International Advisory Board of the EU FP7 GENOVATE project, she participated to HORIZON 2020 GENERA project, and later to GENERA-NETWORK. Inside INFN she is responsible of a gender transformative MENTORING program, the first in an Italian research institute. She was nominated, for gender issues, in the expert group of the Research Italian Ministry Delegate for the “Excellence in Science Pillar (ERC, MSCA, FET)” of Horizon 2020 from 2013. Referee of different journals, she has been supervisor of several Physics and Engineering master thesis.
Ruth Morgan

Professor of Crime and Forensic Science in the UCL Department of Security and Crime Science, Vice Dean (Interdisciplinarity Entrepreneurship) in the Faculty of Engineering Sciences, and the Founder and Director of the UCL Centre for the Forensic Sciences
Ruth Morgan is Professor of Crime and Forensic Science in the UCL Department of Security and Crime Science, Vice Dean (Interdisciplinarity Entrepreneurship) in the Faculty of Engineering Sciences, and the Founder and Director of the UCL Centre for the Forensic Sciences. The Centre facilitates a network of UCL academics from a wide range of different disciplines and departments to enable a strategic and multidisciplinary research programme in collaboration with external partners and forensic science stakeholders.
Professor Ruth Morgan was one of the World Economic Forum’s Young Scientists (Class of 2019) and was the Specialist Adviser to the House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee for their inquiry into Forensic Science (2018-19). She is a member of the Editorial Board for Frontiers Policy Labs and has been a member of the World Economic Forum Global Future Council, and part of the Scientific American and World Economic Forum Steering Group for the 2020 ‘Top 10 Emerging Technologies’. Ruth is a regular speaker (including a TED talk) and commentator on forensic science and the role of science in policy, and a strong advocate for enabling interdisciplinary approaches that bring diverse ways of thinking, seeing and doing to address global challenges.
Harry Muncey

Lead, Responsible AI & Data Science Principles, Elsevier
Harry has a background in mathematics & statistics, working in data science for the past 10 tackling challenges including credit & fraud risk prediction, web analytics & experimentation, customer segmentation, recommender systems, outlier detection, graph representations and embeddings. Harry has a passion for ethical, inclusive & data-driven product design and currently leads efforts within Elsevier to implement our Responsible AI & Data Science Principles. Harry’s focus is on embedding principles of fairness, accountability, transparency, explainability & mitigation of harms in Elsevier’s data science practices & process. Harry also chairs the Elsevier AI Ethics Board.
President of Vietnam Sociological Association
Dr NGUYEN Huu Minh is a High Senior Researcher and a Former Director (2005-2017) of the Institute for Family and Gender Studies, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences and is a Professor of Sociology, Vietnam Graduate Academy of Social Sciences. Currently he is the President of Vietnam Sociological Association. He received his Ph.D in Sociology in 1998 from the University of Washington, Seattle, USA. He has been a PI or Co-PI of many international and national research projects. His publications include many books, articles in Vietnamese and some monographs, book chapters, articles in English on Marriage studies; Family relations studies; Gender studies in Vietnam.
Eirini Ntoutsi

Full professor for Open Source Intelligence at the Bundeswehr University Munich (UniBw-M) and Research Insitute for Cyber-Defence and Smart Data (CODE)
Eirini Ntoutsi is a full professor for Open Source Intelligence at the Bundeswehr University Munich (UniBw-M) and Research Insitute for Cyber-Defence and Smart Data (CODE) where she is leading the AIML lab, since August 2022. Prior to that she was a full professor for Artificial Intelligence at the Free University Berlin (FUB). She holds a PhD in Data Mining/Machine Learning from the University of Piraeus, Greece and a master and diploma in Computer Engineering and Informatics from the University of Patras, Greece. Her research interests lie in the areas of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) where she designs intelligent algorithms that learn from data continuously following the cumulative nature of human learning, while ensuring that what is being learned helps driving positive societal impact.
Sonja Ochsenfeld-Repp
Head of the Division “Equal Opportunities, Research Integrity and Cross-Programme Development”, German Research Foundation
Since July 2018 she is Head of the Division “Equal Opportunities, Research Integrity and Cross-Programme Development”, German Research Foundation. Before she has been Deputy Head of Division “Quality and Programme Management” (2016-2018). Her focus is on the promotion of equity, diversity and inclusion, safeguarding good research practice and international cooperation. From 2012 to 2015 she was Deputy Director of the European Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations (Kowi) and Head of the Bonn office. She was coordinator of the KoWi-Part of the National Contact Point for the European Research Council (ERC). She is a fully qualified lawyer by training and has been awarded a doctoral degree from the University of Bonn in 2007. She has participated as a speaker or chair in many national, European and international conferences.
Anne Overbeck
Desk officer responsible for matters of participation and citizen science at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Anne Overbeck is desk officer responsible for matters of participation and citizen science at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. She is a historian by training. Before joining the Ministry, she worked as curator with a focus on science communication in (digital) exhibitions.
Bert Overlaet

Emeritus full professor at the Faculty of Business and Economics at the KU Leuven
Bert is emeritus full professor at the Faculty of Business and Economics at the KU Leuven. His research focused on different aspects of organizational behaviour, such as group dynamics, leadership development, change processes and distributive justice in organizations. From 2000 to 2019 he was HR director for the KU Leuven, where he developed the HR department into a strong professional organization.
Rachel Palmén

Senior Researcher at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3 – UOC) in Barcelona, Spain
Dr Rachel Palmén is a Senior Researcher at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3 – UOC) in Barcelona, Spain where she forms part of the Gender and ICT research program. Her current research interests include gender equality and science – specifically looking at the implementation of inclusive gender equality plans and policies from an intersectional perspective. She has worked on various different European Commission funded projects in the realm of gender and science. She formed part of the EFFORTi project which developed an evaluation framework for promoting gender equality in R&I and as part of this work she co-ordinated 19 case studies of gender equality interventions in R&I throughout Europe. TARGET, which supported institutional transformation in RPOs, RFOs and a network of higher education engineering schools in the Mediterranean – the findings of which are available in the book she co-edited, ‘A Reflexive Approach to Structural Change’. She also formed part of the ACT-on-Gender project, which established 8 communities of practice for advancing gender equality in research and innovation – the findings of which are charted in the book she co- edited “A Community of Practice Approach to Improving Gender Equality in Research”. She also took part in the FP7 GenPORT project. She is currently coordinator of INSPIRE: The European Centre of Excellence on Inclusive Gender Equality in Research and Innovation. This is a Horizon Europe project for 5 million euros over 4 years with 14 partners in Europe and Latin America.
Heike Pantelmann
Executive director of the Margherita von Brentano Center for Gender Studies at Freie Universität Berlin.
Dr. Heike Pantelmann is executive director of the Margherita von Brentano Center for Gender Studies at Freie Universität Berlin. She holds a doctorate in business administration. Her work focuses on the internationalization of gender research and gender and diversity in teaching. Her main research interests are in the areas of: sexualized harassment, discrimination and violence in the context of higher education; gender order/gender relations, power and control in organizations.
Caroline Paunov
Head of Secretariat for the OECD Working Party on Innovation and Technology Policy (TIP) at the Directorate for Science, Technology, and Innovation of the OECD
Dr Caroline Paunov (@carolinepaunov) is Head of Secretariat for the OECD Working Party on Innovation and Technology Policy (TIP) at the Directorate for Science, Technology, and Innovation of the OECD. She acted as principal manager and author of the recently released OECD’s Innovation Review of Germany. She has conducted extensive work on innovation, technology and trade, including inclusive growth, the green and digital transitions, the impacts of crises on structural development as well as innovation for development. Specialised in applied econometrics, her research work has been published in leading academic journals, including the Review of Economics and Statistics, the Journal of Development Economics, the Canadian Journal of Economics, Research Policy and World Development.
Ovseiko Pavel

Principal Investigator & Senior Research Fellow, Radcliffe Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, UK
Pavel is leading a multi-disciplinary programme of research and policy advocacy on gender equity and diversity across medical and social sciences. This includes building an evidence base to accelerate women’s advancement and leadership; exploring ways of creating a more supportive and inclusive university culture, and evaluating impact of Athena Swan gender equality action plans. He serves on his departmental Athena Swan Self-Assessment Team, the Advance HE Athena Swan Governance Committee, the UK National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Race Equality Public Action Group, and the European Association of Science Editor’s Gender Policy Committee. His personal ambition is to co-create “a science of Athena Swan” in collaboration with researchers and practitioners from the institutions and countries participating in Athena Swan.
Lucio Pisacane

Researcher at the Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies (IRPPS-CNR)
Lucio Pisacane is researcher at the Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies (IRPPS-CNR). He participated in the European project H2020 GENERA and is currently the CNR leading person for the H2020 project - MINDTHEGEPS. He is coordinator of Working Group for the Gender Plan design at CNR. In 2021 he was national expert for the European Institute Gender Equality and since 2022 he is a member of the European Commission experts group at the on the impact of the pandemic on the research and innovation system. He is consultant for the Italian National Broadcast, RAI, for the monitoring of the "No Women no Panel" campaign.
Elizabeth Pollitzer
Director, Portia Ltd, UK; founder, Gender Summit
Elizabeth Pollitzer, (PhD (InfSc), BSc (Bio/Phys)) is the founder and director of Portia, which set up the Gender Summit in 2011 and has co-convened each summit since then. She is expert evaluator and adviser for the European Commission, and is involved in several EU projects. Elizabeth Pollitzer PhD is founder and Director of Portia, an organization devoted to improving gender equality in STEM and promoting the inclusion of the gender dimension in STEM. She has 20 years’ experience teaching and researching in the Departments of Computing and Management at Imperial College, University of London. Her original training was in Biophysics. She now applies this scientific background to her work as director of Portia. Portia was the coordinator of the genSET project, the Gender Summits were established as part of the genSET project.
Katrin Rehak-Nitsche

Member of Parliament in Rhineland-Palatinate and responsible for science and transformation
Katrin Rehak-Nitsche is a geoscientist by training and recieved her PhD after studying in Berlin, Potsdam, Stanford and Edinburgh. In 2009 she changed to the head office of the Helmholtz Association in Berlin being responsible for science management and research policy. In 2014 she joined the Robert Bosch Foundation in Stuttgart where she worked until 2020 as Senior Vice President Science and Research developing and running a variety of programmes with her teams including sustainability, science communication and transdisciplinarity. Since 2018 she is Member of Parliament in Rhineland-Palatinate and responsible for science and transformation. Furthermore she is the President of the Commission for Education, Training, Research and Culture within the CPI (Conseil Parlementaire Interrégional) and Director of the Science Forum RLP.
Eva Reichwein
Deputy Head of the newly established Division “Equal Opportunities, Research Integrity and Cross-Programme Development”, DFG
Dr Reichwein studied Social and Economic history, German Literature and Media at the Philipps-University Marburg. She was awarded her PhD in Social and Economic history in 2010 with a study on child poverty in Germany. Before joining the DFG she has worked as a research fellow at the central office of the Max Weber Foundation and was among others responsible for the “Equal Opportunities Strategy”. Since December 2009 Eva Reichwein is working at the DFG Head Office in Bonn. One of her main tasks have been the development, implementation and monitoring of measures to promote gender equality within the funding portfolio of the DFG. In July 2018 she was appointed Deputy Head of the newly established Division “Equal Opportunities, Research Integrity and Cross-Programme Development”.
Jessica L. Rohmann
Research Group “Neuroepidemiology” at the Center for Stroke Research Berlin at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin in Germany
Jessica L. Rohmann recently started the Research Group “Neuroepidemiology” at the Center for Stroke Research Berlin at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin in Germany. Originally trained as a biochemist, she pursued a Master’s degree in Public Health and has been hooked on epidemiology ever since. In her research and teaching activities, Jessica seeks to promote the correct application of modern methods in observational medical research. Her strong advocacy for rigorous, high-quality methods training for early-career researchers is evidenced by her leading roles in developing the Berlin Epidemiological Methods Colloquium, the Peerspectives peer-review training program, and the Health Data Sciences PhD Program at the Charité.
Arn Sauer
Co-Director, Federal Foundation for Gender Equality
Dr. Arn Sauer – together with Lisi Maier - is the current and founding co-director of the German Federal Foundation of Gender Equality. He formerly acted as Research Officer for Gender Mainstreaming at the German Federal Environment Agency. He holds a PhD in Transdisciplinary Gender Studies from Humboldt University Berlin, where he researched gender impact assessment tools in Canada and the European Commission. He also holds a MA degree in history and political sciences from Humboldt University Berlin and the certificate “Interdisciplinary Women and Gender Research” as of Technical University Berlin. He previously was Research Associate at the Simone de Beauvoir Institute of Concordia University in Montreal, Teaching Assistant in the master programme “Gender and Diversity Competence” at the Free University Berlin and worked as a Researcher for the Gender Competency Centre at Humboldt University Berlin. His research interests and work focus are gender mainstreaming and gender equality, equality governance, diversity, human rights and impact assessment.
Ylann Schemm

Executive Director, Elsevier Foundation and Vice President, Corporate Responsibility, Elsevier
As the Elsevier Foundation's Director, Ylann Schemm drives inclusive health and research partnerships to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals building research capacity in developing countries and tackling health inequities. She has been an integral part of the Foundation's growth since joining in 2008. In addition, Ylann is Elsevier's VP of Corporate Responsibility, building on two decades of corporate relations and responsibility roles which focus on gender, 'sound science' and sustainability collaborations. Since 2015, she has served as the Co-Chair of Elsevier's Gender Equity Taskforce which shapes Elsevier's contributions to inclusive research from gender balance in editorial boards to sex and gender analysis in Research. From June 2020- June 2022, Ylann was also served as the Chair of Research4Life's Executive Council, a UN-publisher partnership to bridge access gaps for researchers and doctors in developing countries.
Prior to joining Elsevier in 2005, Ylann held various roles in publishing and the non-profit sector, representing the European Platform for Dutch Education at the European Commission. She started her career as a writer and researcher for Time Life Books and holds an MA in Film & Television Studies from the University of Amsterdam and a BA, magna cum laude in English from Amherst College in Massachusetts.
Isabella Schmidt

UN Women regional gender statistics specialist for the East and Southern Africa Region
Isabella Schmidt, is currently the UN Women regional gender statistics specialist for the East and Southern Africa Region and has more than 30 years experience in international development and statistics. Her main responsibility currently is to coordinate and provide technical support as part of UN Women’s gender data and statistics flagship project, Women Count. Prior to joining the UNWomen ESARO office, Dr. Schmidt was the Chief Director, Social Statistics, at Statistics South Africa where she was responsible for overseeing the production and promote the use of Social Statistics in the country. Her portfolio included gender, marginalized groups, education, governance, public safety and justice, housing & service delivery, tourism, transport statistics.
Martina Schraudner

Head of Center for Responsible Research and Innovation of the Fraunhofer IAO and member of board of acatech- Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften e.V.
Prof. Dr. Martina Schraudner heads the Center for Responsible Research and Innovation of the Fraunhofer IAO and has been on the board of acatech- Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften e.V. since January 2018. After studying biology and biotechnology and obtaining her doctorate at the Technical University of Munich, she held various positions at the gsf München, the ETH Zurich and the Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) since 1993. Starting in 2001, she was initially involved in the research planning of the Fraunhofer headquarter. Since 2008, she has developed and established the Center for Responsible Research in Innovation. Prof. Dr. Martina Schraudner heads the department "Gender and Diversity in Technology and Product Development" at the Technical University of Berlin. She is active in national and international selection committees for application-oriented research and innovation projects, among others for the expert group "Structural Change" of the EU and the Advisory Board for Gender and Inclusion of Elsevier. Furthermore she is a member of several University Councils (Paderborn, Landshut) and of the Board of the Competence Centre for Technik-Diversity-Chancengleichheit e.V. She is also currently a member of the BMBF's Future Circle and the Caritas Social Commission.
Marwa Shumo
Falling Walls Labs Finalist (2016) and a Young Scientist of the “Council for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings” (2020,2021 and 2023)
Dr. Marwa Shumo a.k.a The Lady of the Flies is a Falling Walls Labs Finalist (2016) and a Young Scientist of the “Council for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings” (2020,2021 and 2023). The Lady of the Flies gained a B.Sc. in Biotechnology (University of Nizwa, Oman), an MSc. in Environmental Sciences (University of Cologne, Germany) and a PhD in Agricultural Sciences (University of Bonn, Germany) and an International Doctorate in Development Studies (Center for Development Research/ZEF, Germany). She is an expert on organic waste recycling, use of insects for food and feed and bioeconomy and has held various roles both in the industry and academia.
Benjamin K. Sovacool

Professor of Energy Policy at the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at the University of Sussex Business School, UK
Dr. Benjamin K. Sovacool is Professor of Energy Policy at the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at the University of Sussex Business School in the United Kingdom. There he serves as Director of the Sussex Energy Group. He is also University Distinguished Professor of Business & Social Sciences at Aarhus University in Denmark. Professor Sovacool works as a researcher and consultant on issues pertaining to energy policy, energy justice, energy security, climate change mitigation, and climate change adaptation. More specifically, his research focuses on renewable energy and energy efficiency, the politics of large-scale energy infrastructure, the ethics and morality of energy decisions, designing public policy to improve energy security and access to electricity, and building adaptive capacity to the consequences of climate change. He is a Lead Author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), due to be published in 2022, and an Advisor on Energy to the European Commission’s Directorate General for Research and Innovation in Brussels, Belgium. With much coverage of his work in the international news media, he is one of the most highly cited global researchers on issues bearing on controversies in energy and climate policy.
Gertraud Stadler

Honorary Senior Lecturer in Health Psychology in the Institute of Applied Health Sciences in the School of Medicine at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Gertraud Stadler holds Professorship in Prevention Research & Director of the Institute Gender Research in Medicine at Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany. She is, Honorary Senior Lecturer in Health Psychology in the Institute of Applied Health Sciences in the School of Medicine at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, and Adjunct Associate Research Scientist, Department of Psychology, Columbia University, New York, USA
Finnborg Salome Steinþórsdóttir

Post-doctoral researcher and sessional teacher in Gender Studies at the University of Iceland.
Finnborg Salome Steinþórsdóttir is a post-doctoral researcher and sessional teacher in Gender Studies at the University of Iceland. Her main research focus is on gender budgeting and implementation of equality policies in research performing organisations. Her research interests also revolve around gender relations in organisations, organisational cultures and gender-based violence.
Clemens Striebing
Senior researcher national and international projects on organizational culture and diversity in innovation processes,Fraunhofer Center for Responsible Research and Innovation (CeRRI)
Dr. Clemens Striebing is working at the Fraunhofer Center for Responsible Research and Innovation (CeRRI), where he leads as senior researcher national and international projects on organizational culture and diversity in innovation processes. Clemens Striebing earned his doctorate in 2016 as a sociologist at the University of Heidelberg on the accountability of non-profit organizations. Previously, he studied political science and public law at the Free University of Berlin. Early career stages included a fellowship with the BMW Foundation and participation in a research project on the German foundation system by the University of Heidelberg and the Hertie School of Governance. Clemens Striebing teaches demand-oriented and diversity-sensitive innovation development at TU Berlin. He is a member of the Organizational Sociology Section of the German Society of Sociology (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie e.V.).
Michaela Strinzel

Scientific Officer in the Strategy Division of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
Michaela Strinzel is a Scientific Officer in the Strategy Division of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). She has been involved in the development and implementation of the SNSF’s new CV format. Her interest revolves around innovation and best practices in research funding and evaluation. Michaela is a linguist by training.
Sowmya Swaminathan

Head of Collaborations for Springer Nature and Chair of Springer Nature’s Research & Solutions DEI Programmeand a member of the Springer Nature DEI Council
Sowmya Swaminathan is Head of Collaborations for Springer Nature and Chair of Springer Nature’s Research & Solutions DEI Programmeand a member of the Springer Nature DEI Council. She represents Springer Nature in multiple community and industry forums and collaboration in the areas of inclusion, open research practices and integrity in scholarly publishing. She was previously Head of Editorial Policy & Research Integrity for Nature Research where she was responsible for editorial policy development, including policies and initiatives that advance transparency, integrity, open research practices and inclusion in scholarly publishing. She is a strong advocate of working in coalition with diverse stakeholders across the research ecosystem.
Thomas Thayer

Executive Publisher for Physics
Thomas Thayer is the Executive Publisher for Physics. He manages a portfolio of 15 journals, including Scientific African. Thomas has been with Elsevier for 15 years and is based out of Amsterdam.
Isabel Torres

Co-founder and CEO of Mothers in Science
Isabel Torres is co-founder and CEO of Mothers in Science, the leading global nonprofit organisation advocating for mothers in STEMM and creating evidence-based solutions to promote workplace equity and inclusion of parents and caregivers. She is a science editor and communicator with a research background in cell biology and holds a PhD in genetics from the University of Cambridge (UK). Isabel is passionate about advocating for women in STEMM and promoting gender equality, and she is a mother of four children.
Claartje Vinkenburg
Independent expert consultant specialized in (gender) diversity in careers
Claartje Vinkenburg PhD is an independent expert consultant specialized in (gender) diversity in careers. Her area of expertise is careers in academia and professional service firms, where she looks at the impact of implicit bias, normative beliefs, and discursive practices on career patterns and outcomes. Claartje spent 25 years studying and writing on this subject at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She is committed to developing evidence based interventions in to promote diversity in organizations. Claartje is an affliated research consultant with VU Amsterdam, Atria Institute for Gender Equality, and Portia Ltd. Recent clients include research councils, national government and the European Commission.
Kalpana Viswanath

Co-founder and CEO of Safetipin
Dr. Kalpana Viswanath, a researcher and practitioner on gender inclusive urbanisation, is the co-founder and CEO of Safetipin, a social enterprise that uses technology and data to advocate for safe urban spaces for women in more than 25 cities in India and globally. Prior to this, she headed the Safe Delhi program for Jagori that worked closely with Delhi government since 2009 to help build programs to address women’s safety. She has worked as a consultant with UN Women and UN Habitat on issues of gender and urban safety and has led research studies on safer cities for women in cities across the world. She is a member of the Advisory Group on Gender Issues (AGGI) at UN Habitat, Board member of SLOCAT (a global network on sustainable mobility), the International Centre for the Prevention of Crime (ICPC), and the Chair of Jagori. She has published widely in newspapers, magazines and journals and has co-edited a book on Building Gender Inclusive Cities. She wrote a weekly column on inclusive urban spaces for Hindustan Times.
Tanja Wälty
Research associate Margherita von Brentano Center for Gender Studies at Freie Universität Berlin
Dr. Tanja Wälty is a research associate in the research focus "Sexualized Harassment, Discrimination and Violence in the Context of Higher Education" at the Margherita von Brentano Center for Gender Studies at Freie Universität Berlin. She completed her PhD on the topic of bodies and body politics in the female punk movement of Mexico City. Her research focuses on sexualized violence, bodies and body politics, feminisms, social movements, and punk.
Tom Welton
Professor of Sustainable Chemistry, Imperial College London
Tom Welton OBE FRSC FCGI is Professor of Sustainable Chemistry at Imperial College London. Sustainable Chemistry is both the implementation of sustainability in the production and use of chemicals (Green Chemistry) and the application of chemistry and chemical products to enable sustainable development. The UN Sustainable Development Goals provide a framework for the creation of a sustainable common future, in which all the world’s needs are met without compromising the abilities of future generations to provide for their needs. The chemical sciences and chemical scientists have much to offer to all of the SDGs. Tom is a former President of the Royal Society of Chemistry (2020-2022), during which he championed the contribution of the Chemical Sciences to achieving a sustainable future. Tom is the author of over 150 research papers across the range of inorganic, organic and physical chemistry journals, mostly on the structures and chemistry of ionic liquids and solutes in these. He is particularly interested in using ionic liquids for the conversion of biomass to chemicals and materials.He is widely acknowledged to be a champion of diversity in science and was head of department when the Chemistry department at Imperial College won its first Athena SWAN Gold award. Together with Alison Roger of the University of Warwick, he founded the Irene Juliot-Curie conference series. He is a L’Oréal-UNESCO Male Champion for Women in Science, a member of Elsevier’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion advisory board. In recognition of these activities, he was awarded an OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours 2017.
Bernhard Windisch
Head of Unit in the European Commission, DG Budget
Bernhard Windisch is Head of Unit in the European Commission, DG Budget, responsible for Budget performance & policy mainstreaming. In this role, Bernhard has been driving the integration into the EU budget of gender equality as a key policy objective of the present Commission. Next to gender equality, Bernhard is working on mainstreaming other key objectives such as the fight against climate change and, more generally, the performance framework of the EU budget. Bernhard has a background in banking and finance.
Michael Wingens
Project lead of “”,
Michael Wingens is project lead of “”, a meta-level digital platform dealing with science communication, and “Fast Forward Science”, a multimedia competition for science, at Wissenschaft im Dialog (WiD) in Berlin. Previously, he was project lead of the Future of Science Communication Conference and part of the “IdeenLauf” team, organizing the participation process that accompanied the German “Science Year 2022 – Participate!”. He holds two master degrees in Politics and Public Administration from the University of Konstanz and in International Politics of East Asia from the University of Warwick.