Roshni Abedin

Senior International Policy Manager for UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)
Roshni is currently Senior International Policy Manager for UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) on the Global Challenges Research Fund, and prior to this she was Senior International Policy Manager on Newton Fund activities, where she led on joint programmes with multiple partner countries. Roshni also sits on the cross-UKRI Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Group, and is co-chair of the Global Research Council (GRC) Gender Working Group. Has experience working in varied programmes in higher and international education in the UK, USA and briefly in India. Prior to joining UKRI she worked at the Institute for International Education as well as universities in the UK and USA. Roshni has a degrees in International Development with a focus on Gender and International Affairs from McGill University and Georgetown University.
Amanda Aldercotte

Research Manager, Advance HE
As Research Manager at Advance HE, Amanda works on the development, analysis and delivery of Advance HE’s research initiatives with a particular interest in exploring how gender and other protected characteristics such as ethnicity and sexual orientation interact with socioeconomic barriers to higher education. She completed her PhD in Psychology at the University of Cambridge in 2016 and her background is in developmental psychology, education, and quantitative statistics.
Ana Arana Antelo

Head of Unit for "Science with and for the Society" in the Directorate General for Research and Innovation, European Commission
Ana Arana Antelo is a lawyer specialised in European Law. She works in the European Commission as Head of Unit for "Science with and for the Society" in the Directorate General for Research and Innovation, where she also headed the "Research Infrastructures" unit. She was previously Deputy Head of Cabinet of the Commissioner responsible for Research, Innovation and Science. Prior to that she worked in the Directorate General for Transport and Energy, where she headed the unit responsible for the electricity and gas internal markets. She has also worked in the Directorate General for Competition, as well as in the Directorate General for External Relations dealing with relations with the then New Independent States of the former Soviet Union. Before entering the European Commission, Ana worked as head of the legal department in a software company.
Carlotta M. Arthur

Director of the Clare Boothe Luce (CBL) Program for women in STEM at the Henry Luce Foundation
The Clare Boothe Luce Program is one of the nation’s single most significant source of private support for women in science, mathematics and engineering in Higher Education, having awarded over $180 million in grants to support scholarships, undergraduate research awards, fellowships, and professorships. In addition to directing the CBL Program, Dr. Arthur makes and administers grants to support leadership development of women in STEM disciplines. Dr. Arthur was the first Black woman to earn a B.S. in Metallurgical Engineering from Purdue University. She went on to work in quality control/continuous process and product improvement for Fortune 50 corporations in the automotive and aerospace industries, prior to pursuing graduate study in Psychology. Carlotta earned an M.A. in Psychology and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, with a Psychophysiology/Health Psychology focus, from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dr. Arthur was a member of the inaugural cohort of W.K. Kellogg Scholars in Health Disparities (Postdoctoral Fellowship) at the Harvard School of Public Health, co-coordinating Harvard’s first symposium on U.S. racial/ethnic health disparities. She also served as an Assistant Professor at Meharry Medical College, an Historically Black College in Nashville, TN; Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at Smith College; Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychiatry in the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth’s Psychiatric Research Center; and a member of the inaugural cohort of the 92Y Women InPower Fellows. Prior to joining the Luce Foundation, Carlotta was Program Director for the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program and Program Officer for Diversity Initiatives at the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation in New York. Dr. Arthur is owner of Tranquility Psychological Services, PLLC, a Health Psychology and health disparities/equity consultancy; and producer of the Caribbean Tranquility: Research-based Stress Reduction CD/MP3. Carlotta is the author of both scholarly and popular press articles on psychological stress, health disparities, and mental health in Caribbean communities. She is also an emergent children’s book author.
Angela Balzano

Research Fellow
Dr. Angela Balzano is a Research Fellow deeply involved in the research activities carried out in the frame of the H202O project “PLOTINA: Promoting gender balance and inclusion in research, innovation and training” since the very beginning (1 February 2016). The research carried out by Dr. Angela Balzano is still ongoing and will last until the end of the Project (1 January 2020). She has successfully conducted the Gender Audit at the University of Bologna, contributing to deliver a qualitative research based on focus groups and interviews on the gender equality policies and issues, submitted to the European Commission as agreed in the Project Grant Agreement ( Moreover, she undertook researches for all the Consortium on the development and implementation of self-tailored Gender Equality Plans, basing on the institutional documents and advices provided by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE). Furthermore, she has participated, supporting the Scientific Coordinator, in several international and national dissemination events, representing the University of Bologna, such as the Gender Summit 9 2016 and the STEMM Gender Equality Congress 2017. In the ongoing academic year she is working at the development of a methodology for the integration of the “sex” and “gender” variables in research and teaching.
Thomas Berghöfer

Senior Scientist
Dr. T. W. Berghöfer studied Physics and Astrophysics in Marburg, Bochum, and received a PhD in Munich. He won a Humboldt fellowship to work at the Space Sciences Lab at UC Berkeley. During his active research career, he was working in X-ray and EUV astronomy at the Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics, UC Berkeley, and University of Hamburg. While working at the University of Hamburg he was appointed as one of the women’s representatives in the faculty of physics. He holds a degree in higher education didactics and e-learning methods from the University of Hamburg. Later he became a science programme manager in the German research funding system of the federal government. He is very experienced in coordinating larger consortia in Europe and is currently the coordinator of the GENERA project. Thomas Berghöfer is involved in the coordination between academia and industry on advancing photosensor technology and developed with his group the currently running EU funded FET-Exchange project SENSE. The development of photosensors and its application in medical applications provides a perfect example for Gendered Innovations in the field of physics.
Nigel Birch

Senior Portfolio Manager in the Information and Communications Technologies Theme of the UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Nigel is a Senior Portfolio Manager in the Information and Communications Technologies Theme of the UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (part of UK Research and Innovation). He is responsible for the research portfolios of Digital Signal Processing and, Music and Acoustic Technology as well as various aspects of the theme’s developing strategies: the cross-theme priorities of People at the Heart of ICT and, New and Emerging areas, digital health, Human-like Computing, and, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. This last has included leading on the study of the barri-ers facing under-represented groups in academic ICT. His long and interminable career seems to have come not just full circle, but is going round again! He started life pre-EPSRC with the old Science and Engineering Research Council working as a committee secretary in the materials area looking after metallurgy and materials processing as well as electron microscopy and spectrometer facilities. From there he moved on to cover a range of science and engineering research portfolios and involvement in policy generation including pro-cess, polymer and mechanical engineering, biological sciences, biotechnology and information technology. In 2001 he became EPSRC's Head of International looking at ways to improve links with China, India and Japan.
Angelicque Tucker Blackmon

CEO and Director of Research and Evaluation at Innovative Learning Center (ILC)
Dr. Blackmon is the CEO and Director of Research and Evaluation at Innovative Learning Center (ILC). ILC is an education, research and data management firm. Dr. Blackmon earned her Ph.D. in Educational Studies with an emphasis in Science Education from Emory University. She has a B.S. and a M.S. degree in Analytical Chemistry from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Blackmon completed a two-year Postdoctoral Fellowship in Cultural Anthropology. She has an extensive background in developing and executing performance, outcome, and impact-based evaluations. She has a depth of knowledge of mixed methods research and general inferential statistical analysis. She specializes in designing STEM education program evaluation studies that measure the cognitive and non-cognitive variables that influence students’ persistence and retention in STEM. Dr. Blackmon was trained as a quantitative scientist but specializes in qualitative research methods and analysis. Prior to entering the field of education, Dr. Blackmon worked as a research chemist with Dow Chemical and 3M.
Fredrik Bondestam

Research Coordinator at the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research
Fredrik Bondestam holds a PhD in sociology (2004, Uppsala University) on feminist theory, gender equality and gender mainstreaming in academia, and has done research on gender and higher education in different respects, foremost on gender and organizational change, critical and feminist pedagogy and teaching, sexual harassment and violence, implementation of gender equality and gender mainstreaming, among other. His research spans other fields as well, for example risk, organization and masculinities, gendered teaching in elementary schools, and the role of feminist theory and methodology in sociological research. His main field of expertise is thus research politics, higher education, gender and gender mainstreaming in a broad sense, emanating from pioneering work at the Centre for Gender Research, Uppsala University, within the framework of a Centre of Excellence. Currently Dr. Bondestam is working as Research Coordinator at the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research. In this role Bondestam is mainly focusing on gender mainstreaming academia and gender research in Sweden and the Nordic countries as well as in EU and beyond. He has long experience from different expert assignments on gender equality and gender research, including governmental assignments on gender and education, and is involved in several EU-networks on gender and research.
Hans M. Borchgrevink

Former Director of Medicine, and Special Adviser for International Affairs Staff in The Research Council of Norway (RCN)
Hans M. Borchgrevink MD MHA BA is former Director of Medicine, and Special Adviser for International Affairs Staff in The Research Council of Norway (RCN). Before he was consultant/researcher in audiology and brain function diagnosis at the University Hospital of Oslo. His efforts on gender issues include the EU ERA Communication Expert Advisory Group 2013 (subgroup gender), the EU Gender Impact Assessment Expert Advisory Group (2013), the Science Europe Task Force on Gender and Diversity (2013), and organiser/chair/invited speaker at Gender Summits - Europe (2011-16). Now retired, he was Vice Chair of the Marie S Curie Advisory Group (2014-17) and is the EURAXESS Top III Advisory Group (2015-). He is also a member of the gender expert group advising the statistical consortium preparing She Figures 2018 edition.
Andrea Bramberger

Professor of Gender and Education at the University of Education in Salzburg,Austria
Andrea Bramberger is Professor of Gender and Education at the University of Education in Salzburg (Austria). Her research interests are educational sciences, gender, and aesthetic education. She has taught at universities in Austria, Switzerland, and Germany.
Roxana Carare

Professor of Clinical Neuroanatomy, Equality and Diversity Lead - University of Southampton
Roxana Carare leads interdisciplinary research team investigating the cause of Alzheimer's disease and suggesting therapeutic strategies. Roxana is a member of the MRC Dementia Platform UK Vascular Experimental Medicine committee and the government advisory committee for the effects of pollution on the brain. The Carare team has won prestigious awards, including a Dementia Research Leader award from Alzheimer’s Society UK. Roxana has enjoyed teaching anatomy for 20 years, with a passion for neuroanatomy. She has supervised over 50 undergraduate projects and has contributed to the design of the medical undergraduate curriculum in Southampton. Roxana chairs the committee for equality, diversity, intersectionality and inclusivity in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton.
Emilie Courtin

Research Fellow - Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at King’s College London
Dr. Emilie Courtin is Research Fellow at the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at King’s College London. She holds a PhD in social policy from the London School of Economics and Political Science. Her research focuses on the life-course determinants of mental health and cognition, and the role of social policies in reducing health inequalities. Her work has been published in major academic journals such as Health Affairs, the American Journal of Epidemiology and Social Science and Medicine. In September 2018, she will join the Harvard Center for Population and Development as a Bell Fellow.
Natalia Criado

Lecturer in Computer Science in the Department of Informatics at KCL
Dr Natalia Criado (CoI) is Lecturer in Computer Science in the Department of Informatics at KCL, where she is a member of the Agents and Intelligent Systems research group. Dr. Criado is an expert in computational norms and normative multi-agent systems, as well as and in the application of multi-agent systems, data science and artificial intelligence to enhance cyber security and privacy. She is currently involved in a cross-disciplinary co-creation EPSRC project taking a social, legal, ethical, and technical approach to address digital discrimination discovering and attesting.
Stephen Curry

Assistant Provost (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion), Imperial College, UK
Stephen Curry, a structural biologist, divides his time between research and teaching in the Department of Life Sciences at Imperial College with his relatively new role overseeing equality, diversity and inclusion at the university. Originally a physicist, Stephen migrated to the life sciences during his PhD and postdoctoral stints in France, the UK and the USA. He is a Fellow of the Society of Biology. He also regularly writes on the culture and the social responsibilities of scientists and universities. His writing has appeared in The Guardian, Times Higher Education, The Biochemist, Research Fortnight, and New Scientist. In 2014, he awarded the Peter Wildy Prize for Microbial Education at the Society for General Microbiology. He is a board member of the Campaign for Science and Enginering (CaSE), the Science is Vital campaign group and is a co-author of The Metric Tide, a UK review on the use of metrics in research evaluation.
Rana Dajani

Molecular cell biology, Harvard Radcliff fellow, a Fulbrighter, Eisenhower fellow, Associate Professor, former center of studies director, Hashemite University, Jordan, Yale and Cambridge visiting professor
Rana Dajani Ph.D. molecular cell biology, Harvard Radcliff fellow, a Fulbrighter, Eisenhower fellow, Associate Professor, former center of studies director, Hashemite University, Jordan, Yale and Cambridge visiting professor. World expert on genetics of Circassian and Chechan populations in Jordan. Established stem cell research ethics law in Jordan. Advocate for biological evolution and Islam, speaker at McGill University and MIT. Jordan team leader in studying refugee youth with Yale University and the epigenetics of trauma across generations. Higher education reform expert, member UN women Jordan advisory council. Writer in Science and Nature, Established a women mentor network, received PEER award 2014. Organized the first gender summit for the Arab world 2017. Most influential women scientists in Islamic World, 12 among100 most influential Arab women 2015, women in science hall of fame 2015, King Hussein Cancer Institute for cancer and biotechnology award 2009 and 2016 Global Changemaker Award IIE/Fulbright. Higher Education Reform Expert EU-TEMPUS, Jordan, founder service learning center, Hashemite University, speaker at TEDxDeadsea, World Islamic Economic Forum 2012 and World Science Forum 2015. Developed a community-based model “We love reading” to encourage children to read for pleasure received Synergos Arab world social innovators 2009, WISE Award 2014, King Hussein Medal of Honor 2014, Star Award 2015, best refugee education program 2015, UNESCO International Literacy Prize 2017 and World Literacy Council Award 2018.
Jonathan Dawes

Director, Institute for Mathematical Innovation, University of Bath
Jonathan Dawes is an applied mathematician working on a wide range of mathematical modelling projects involving dynamical systems, fluid and solid mechanics, and network science. He presents his academic work regularly around the world, and his current or recent projects involve partners from British Telecom to UNICEF. In 2015 he established the Bath Institute for Mathematical Innovation (IMI), which cultivates novel collaborations between mathematicians and natural and social scientists. Current and recent IMI research projects and consultancy have included companies in the aerospace, agri-food, automotive, bioscience, and insurance sectors.
Malgorzata Debiak

Toxicologist and expert for indoor air pollutants
Dr. Malgorzata Debiak holds a Diploma in Biology, a Master in Business and Administration and a PhD in Biology from the Johannes Guttenberg University of Mainz. She committed her research career to molecular and regulatory toxicology. For several years she studied molecular mechanisms of genotoxicity, DNA repair and cancerogenesis. She joined the German Environment Agency in 2013 as a scientist where she works as a toxicologist and expert for indoor air pollutants. Since then she is involved in projects concerning risk assessment for indoor air toxicology.
Jean des Rivières

Vice President Exploration - BHP
Jean des Rivières heads the Greenfield Copper exploration activities for BHP offices in five countries. He joined the company in 1997 and has performed several roles since then, such as Resource Development Manager within the Strategy and Development team, where he had to provide strategic advice to the Copper brownfield exploration program and geological assessment in the M&A activities. Jean’s career started in 1984 in the small town of Matagami in north Québec, and in 34 years it has spanned over a wide range of roles with global accountabilities and residency in six countries; Canada, Mexico, Ireland, Australia, Chile and the US. Having worked in more than 50 countries, Jean’s exposure to diversity and inclusion is part of his daily life. Jean is married with Michele and living in Santiago. He has two adult sons, Jean-Luc and Philippe, graduates from Colorado School of Mines and Carlton University in Ottawa, Canada.
Elena Doldor

Senior Lecturer in Organizational Behaviour, Centre for Research in Equality and Diversity, Queen Mary University of London
Elena is a Senior Lecturer in Organizational Behaviour and a researcher at Queen Mary University of London (Centre for Research in Equality and Diversity), and a Visiting Fellow at Cranfield School of Management. Her research examines diversity and leadership, women on corporate boards, the role of headhunters and executive search firms in inclusive board appointments, organizational politics and leadership experiences for men and women, and gender and ethnic differences in career progression patterns. Elena has co-authored the Female FTSE Report for several years, a publication widely used by practitioners and policy-makers. Her previous research was sponsored or endorsed by organizations such as KPMG, Barclays, the Equality and Human Rights Commission, and the Government Equalities Office. Her work was published in several edited books, practitioner reports and academic journals, including the British Journal of Management, the Human Resource Management Journal, and Equality Diversity & Inclusion: An International Journal. Elena is a regular speaker at international academic and practitioner conferences (e.g. IBM Business Connect, European Parliament, Professional Women’s Network). She is a member of the Academy of Management and the British Academy of Management and was a Fulbright scholar at Northwestern University, USA. As a business psychologist, Elena has been involved in diversity management and leadership development programmes. She draws on her research to advise organizations and policy makers on ways of supporting women leaders.
Robert Ellis

Industrial Innovation Research Fellow – Biosciences Department, University of Exeter
Dr Robert Ellis is an Industrial Innovation Research Fellow in the Biosciences department at the University of Exeter, having obtained a PhD in Marine Biology from the University of Plymouth. His research focuses on adaptation and acclimation in aquatic animals exposed to environmental change. Specifically how a mechanistic understanding of animal physiology can be used to improve the productivity and sustainability of aquaculture as well as be used to help secure future marine ecosystems in the face of climate change impacts. In 2014 he published the first study to show males and females responded differently to climate change, and followed this up in 2017 highlighting sex as a wholly overlooked factor affecting species responses in climate change studies more generally.
Jane English

Associate Professor, Head of Department, Professional Communication Studies and Services Department (PCS), Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa.
However, English is also increasingly researching within the Faculty of Engineering and Building Environment (UCT) as the student body represents a core of the future managers in industry and thus issues of communication and gender (including related areas such as Health and Safety, and HIV/AIDS) are relevant. As head of the Professional Communication Studies, her task is to ensure that technical and scientific research is communicated in a way that a non-expert can understand it. Dr English holds a PhD, Built & Natural Environment (Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland) for which she had a NRF grant within Sustainable Livelihoods: Eradication of Poverty through Developing women in the skilled workforce and an MPhil, Construction Economics and Management (University of Cape Town). Dr English was ILO funded to present at the Tripartite Meeting on the Construction Industry in the 21st Century, Geneva, 2002, on labour in construction and was commissioned to write a Working Paper. Prior to joining UCT, she was: Research Editor: Chamber of Mines’ Research Organisation, and Company Editor - Syfrets; Melton Publications; Southern Life Association; and Books of Africa Publishers.
Linda Evans

Professor of Education, University of Manchester
Linda Evans took up her chair in education at the University of Manchester exactly a year ago, having moved from the University of Leeds, where she was professor of leadership and professional learning. At Manchester Linda works within the Critical Educational Policy and Leadership research group. Her research interests and expertise lie in the field of professional working life in education contexts, and incorporate foci on professionalism, professional learning and development, workplace attitudes, and leadership. Her latest book, Professors as Academic Leaders: Expectations, Enacted Professionalism and Evolving Roles, was published in February by Bloomsbury.
Ernesto Fernández Polcuch

Chief of Section for Science Policy and Partnerships in the Natural Sciences Sector of UNESCO
Ernesto Fernández Polcuch is a Science Diplomat, a specialist in Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, with a M.Sc. in Science, Technology and Society from the National University of Quilmes, Argentina. He is currently Chief of Section for Science Policy and Partnerships in the Natural Sciences Sector of UNESCO. In this position he manages global UNESCO programmes in Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, Science Communication, Gender and STEM, Science Diplomacy, and Science-Policy-Society linkages, including the UNESCO Global Observatory of STI Policy Instruments GO-SPIN, the UNESCO Science Report, the L’Oréal UNESCO For Women in Science Programme, and the STEM and Gender Advancement (SAGA). He was previously a Programme Specialist at UNESCO Windhoek (2008-2010) and UNESCO Montevideo (2010-2015) Offices, managing UNESCO’s Science and Technology Policy, Basic Science and Engineering programmes on a subregional and later Latin American and Caribbean scale.
Arne Flåøyen

Director, NordForsk
Arne Flåøyen is Director of NordForsk. He has spent the past 20 years at the Norwegian Veterinary Institute, where he is currently Head of Department for Fish Health. He studied at the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, where he earned a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree and two Ph.D. degrees. He also completed a Master of Management at the BI Norwegian Business School. Dr Flåøyen also has international experience from his work as project officer at the Directorate for Biotechnologies, Agriculture and Food Research under the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation.
Tyr Fothergill

Research Fellow in Ethics Support and Researcher Awareness on the Human Brain Project in the Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility, Faculty of Technology, De Montfort University
Dr. Tyr Fothergill is a Research Fellow in Ethics Support and Researcher Awareness on the Human Brain Project in the Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility, Faculty of Technology at De Montfort University. Tyr originally trained as a palaeopathologist studying signs of disease and injury in skeletal remains from archaeological sites, but her interest in the processes and nature of research and innovation led to a shift in personal research focus. Tyr is interested in data ethics, technology ethics and neuroethics; ethics communication and outreach; responsible data governance; archaeological insights into human-nonhuman relationships in digital environments; neuroscience history; and developing a temporally-contingent framework for researcher reflection within Responsible Research and Innovation. Tyr is also an Auroran (Women in Leadership in HE) with interests in intersectionality, representation, and equality issues.
Catherine Gater

Gender Project Officer at EMBL-EBI
Catherine Gater is the Gender Project Officer at EMBL-EBI. Catherine has a background in project management of European-funded projects and communications, and has mainly worked in the public sector at science laboratories, universities and European organisations. She holds a degree in Materials Science from the University of Oxford and a Masters in Science Communication from Imperial College London. In her current role, she works with the Wellcome Genome Campus Equality in Science Programme and the EMBL Equality and Diversity Committee to raise awareness about diversity issues in STEM and to establish the EMBL-EBI Diversity Action Plan. Catherine chairs the EIFOforum adhoc Working Group on Diversity and Inclusiveness and works with the ELIXIR biosciences research infrastructure on equal opportunities.
Bola Grace

Researcher at the Institute of Women’s Health, University College London
Bola Grace is a researcher at the Institute of Women’s Health, University College London. She is a fellow of the Royal Society of Public Health. Her research interests lie in Women’s Health, Socio-economic trends, Health Economics, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Global Health. She is currently finalising her PhD in Population Health and Epidemiology at UCL. Bola also has over a decade of experience in the medical device industry with various leadership roles in R&D, Clinical Research, Product Development and Women’s Health; delivering numerous innovative products. She has several peer-reviewed publications and presents her work at national and international conferences.
Katrin Groth

Scientist for INGER-project (Integration of Sex/Gender in Environmental-based Health Research) at the German Federal Environment Agency
Katrin Groth holds a Diploma in Economics and a Master of Science in Statistics. She joined the German Environment Agency as a scientist for INGER-project (Integration of Sex/Gender in Environmental-based Health Research) in November 2017. She has theoretical and practical knowledge in data handling and data analysis.
Sarah Guerra

Director of King's College London’s Diversity & Inclusion
Sarah Guerra is the Director of King's College London’s Diversity & Inclusion and spearheads the College’s strategic vision and implementation plans on diversity, equality and inclusion for the entire campus community. Her leadership serves a catalyst for cultural innovation throughout King’s and generates activity that delivers against King’s ambitions to provide an extraordinary staff and student experience. She has sought and gained the support from King's senior leadership, instigated a suite of strategic projects to revolutionise attitudes towards diversity and inclusion, championed the use of data to build an evidence base for all activity and is supporting King’s in realising its 'inclusion journey'. Her priority projects this year will include inclusive practice and provision for staff with disabilities, fostering a cultures and attitudes which challenge bullying, harassment and discrimination, the improving working conditions and support for parents and carers alongside developing a wide -ranging engagement programme which seeks to harness the energy and enthusiasm of the entire King's community.
Charlotte Guillard

PhD candidate at the University of Strasbourg (France) and at UNU-MERIT (The Netherlands)
Charlotte Guillard is a PhD candidate at the University of Strasbourg (France) and at UNU-MERIT (The Netherlands). Her research interests include the economics of innovation, structural change and international competitiveness in the context of developing and emerging countries. She has worked as a consultant in economics in the Competitiveness, Technology and Innovation division of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Washington DC. Within the IDB, she has contributed to several research projects on productivity and innovation as well as the development of different types of indicators, including harmonized indicators measuring gender gaps in science, technology and innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Christina Hadulla-Kuhlmann

Head of Division for Equal Opportunities in Education and Research at the BMBF
Christina Hadulla-Kuhlmann worked as a lawyer before becoming Deputy Head of the Legal Affairs Division in 1992 and subsequently Deputy Head of the Human Resources Division at the then Federal Ministry of Education and Science (today's BMBF). She has been Head of Division for Equal Opportunities in Education and Research at the BMBF since 2001. In this capacity, she is co-chair of the gender equality working group of the Joint Science Conference (GWK) and also represents the Federal Government in the ERAC Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation (Helsinki Group), which prepares expert reports on the further development of equal opportunities for women in the science system.
Anne Laure Humbert

Director, Centre for Diversity Policy Research and Practice at Oxford Brookes University
Anne Laure Humbert, PhD, is a Reader in Gender and Diversity and Director of the Centre for Diversity Policy Research and Practice at Oxford Brookes University. Anne is very experienced in gender equality research at national and EU level, policy analysis and assessment as well as gender statistics. She specialises in applying advanced quantitative methods to comparative social and economic analysis, particularly in relation to work and organisations, entrepreneurship, and the integration of work and life. She has also developed several composite indicators at international level. She has worked both at EU level and in academia, with previous positions at Cranfield University and Middlesex University London. Anne is a regular public speaker on gender equality and she enjoys the opportunity to make connections between theory, practice and activism.
Nick Ishmael-Perkins

Lead Technical Advisor- Development, Communication & Extension, CABI
Nick has worked as a journalist, media trainer and project manager for nearly 30 years in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. He founded the consultancy group Media for Development and was Head of Research Communication at the Institute of Development Studies. He was Director of SciDev.Net, an online news service for science and technology in the developing world, prior to moving to CAB International as an advisor in development communication. He has a post-graduate degree in anthropology and international development.
Omar Kaissi

Doctoral student at The University of Manchester
Omar Kaissi is currently a doctoral student at The University of Manchester. His PhD project, Researching Corporeality in Education, is a study of knowledge production in gender and education research on boys and masculinities in schools in the UK, primarily England, Australia and North America. The project is centrally concerned with the sociological focus of corporeality, and the aim investigating and critically evaluating knowledge claims and knowing is to try to explain why research into boys, young men and masculinities in schooling tends to miss out on the body. Omar has a Master's of Arts in Educational Leadership from the same university, and he joined the Manchester Institute of Education as a postgraduate researcher in 2016. Along with his PhD studies, he is currently working as a teaching assistant on a number of courses, including Sociology of Leisure and Leading Educational Change and Development. Apart from men and masculinities and gender and education, his other research interests include: qualitative inquiry (with an interest in critical realism), feminist methodologies and methods, neoliberalism, higher education and the knowledge economy, faith schools, sex education (particularly in developing contexts), education in conflict zones and educational (particularly curriculum) reform in Lebanon.
Yvonne Kavanagh

Assistant Registrar in the Institute of Technology Carlow, Ireland
Dr Yvonne Kavanagh is the Assistant Registrar in the Institute of Technology Carlow, Ireland. She is the operational manager of the quality assurance and enhancement review processes and is currently managing the first Professional Service Reviews. She is involved in many projects involving learners in Institute of Technology Carlow, including the national NStEP project. She is also one of the eight members of the Institute of Technology Carlow Athena Swan Steering Committee. As a national level, Yvonne is a member of the Institute of Physics Ireland committee and has represented Ireland at the International Conference for Women in Physics. Before becoming Assistant Registrar, Yvonne was a Lecturer in the Department of Computing, Faculty of Science in the Institute of Technology Carlow. Yvonne lectured Applied Physics to Games Development students. Her interest in Education led her to pioneer Physical Physics as an active learning approach to engage students. Having lectured in China, she was also involved in the Teaching & Learning funded project Live and Learn in Ireland, which was led by IT Tralee. This southern cluster based project developed the website and she is currently involved in the Technology Enhanced Assessment Methods (TEAM) project, Yvonne previously worked in Industry for Hughes-JVC and Bio-Rad in various scientific roles and her research interests include sol-gel deposition of thin films. She is the recipient of the R. F. Bunshah Award which is awarded in recognition of outstanding research or technological innovation in the areas of interest to the Advanced Surface Engineering Division (ASED) of the American Vacuum Society (AVS), with emphasis in the fields of surface engineering, thin films, and related topics.
Marike Kolossa-Gehring

Scientist in the sections environmental impacts on human health, general and international affairs of environmental chemicals and toxicology at the German Federal Environment Agency
Dr. Marike Kolossa-Gehring received her state exam in Biology in 1986 and Ph.D. based on a toxicological thesis in 1991 from the University of Kiel. During all her working life she was engaged in the field of toxicology and protection of health and the environment. She joined the German Environment Agency in 1992 where she worked as a scientist in the sections environmental impacts on human health, general and international affairs of environmental chemicals and toxicology. In 2002 she became head of the section responsible for environmental risk assessment and regulation of pharmaceuticals, washing- and cleansing agents. Since 2004 she is heading the section “toxicology, health related environmental monitoring” where she is responsible for the German Environmental Survey and the German Specimen Bank which build the basis for the German system for health-related environmental monitoring. In 2010 she took over the management for a German initiative to support human biomonitoring which is a co-operation project between the German Chemical Industry Association and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. She was member and work package leader of the finalized EU-project Expert team to Support BIOmonitoring (ESBIO), a consortium preparing a concept for biomonitoring in Europe and DEMOCOPHES and COPHES, the Consortium to Perform Human Biomonitoring on a European Scale preparing a human biomonitoring study for Europe. From to 2006 to 2010 she was vice-chair and chair, respectively, of the OECD Endocrine Disruptor Testing and Assessment Advisory Board. Since 2011 she is governmental councilor of the International Society of Exposure Science ISES. She is co-ordinator of the European Joint Programme HBM4EU.
Julien Lamontagne-Godwin

Julien Lamontagne-Godwin is currently finalising his University of Reading PhD thesis on gendered relationships in formal and informal rural advisory services in Pakistan. He has a Masters in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation from Imperial College London. He joined the Centre for Agricultural Biosciences International (CABI) as a scientific officer in 2008. He is currently managing a programme dedicated to the prevention, detection and control of invasive species. The programme focuses on the development of knowledge and information services for both policymakers and the communities affected, as well as testing and promoting innovative solutions to reduce the impact of invasive.
Maryse Lassonde

Scientific Director, FRQNT and President, Royal Society of Canada
Dr. Maryse Lassonde completed a PhD in neuropsychology at Stanford University. She became professor at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (1977–1988) and then at the Université de Montréal (1988–2013), where she was nominated emeritus professor. She is a Fellow of the Canadian Psychological Association (1994), the Royal Society of Canada (1997) and the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (2010), and she held a Canada Research Chair (2001–2013). Dr. Lassonde was appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada in 2012 and a Chevalière of the Ordre national du Québec in 1999. She was President of the Association francophone pour le savoir (1993–1994) and presided the Conseil de l’Ordre national du Québec (2008–2010). Dr. Lassonde became the Scientific Director of the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies in 2012 and is President of the Royal Society of Canada, the Academies of Arts, Humanities and Sciences.
J. Ann Le Good

Senior Editor, Nature Communications
Ann is a cell/developmental biologist with a PhD from UCL/ICRF and has held various postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Alberta, Canada and the Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research. As an Editor, Ann embraced open access publishing by joining BioMed Central and now, at Nature Communications, handles papers on development, including sex determination of organisms, regeneration, bioengineering and embryonic stem cells.
Siyeon Lee

Professor of English at the Division of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Dr. Siyeon Lee is a professor of English at the Division of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea. Her latest publications have addressed the interrelationship between the New Science and literary discourse in seventeenth- to early eighteenth-century England, with particular reference to gender issues therein. She is also committed to developing and teaching liberal arts courses to promote gender parity in science and engineering education in Korea.
Stanley Maphosa

International and National Liaison Manager - Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf)
Mr Stanley Maphosa is the International and National Liaison Manager of the Academy of Science of South Africa. He is responsible for Strategic Partnerships, Overseas Collaborations, and African Collaborations, Gender in Science Technology and Innovation as well as Young Scientist Liaison. His role is to develop relations with science academies, multilateral science organisation, universities, government departments, parliament, embassies, and civil society and science councils. He is involved in science diplomacy, internationalisation of science, science advice and science communication. He hosts Regional Office of The World Academy of Sciences, the South African National Chapter of the Organisation for Women in Science for the Developing World, the South African Young Academy of Science and the International Council for Science Regional Office for Africa. Currently studying for a PhD in Social Science at the University of Fort Hare, Stanley holds a Master’s degrees in Development Studies.
Camille A. McKayle

Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs at the University of the Virgin Islands
Camille A. McKayle, PhD is Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs at the University of the Virgin Islands. Dr. McKayle has served as principal investigator and project director for various grant projects that aimed to strengthen the quality of the preparation in science and mathematics for university students, as well as K-12. The overall goal of those efforts was to increase the number of students that became and remained interested in the Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) disciplines and ultimately choose to enter into the STEM workforce. Her newest project seeks to identify those leadership qualities that have led to the successes that HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) have realized in producing quality STEM graduates throughout the years.
Ron Mobed

Chief Executive Officer, Elsevier
Ron Mobed was appointed Chief Executive Officer, Elsevier in August 2012. Ron previously headed Elsevier’s science and technology businesses. Joining Elsevier in 2011, Ron has had a broad range of global experience in electronic information businesses across a number of sectors and regions globally. He was previously President of Cengage Learning's Academic & Professional Group. Earlier, Ron held a series of leadership positions with information services company IHS, including as Co-President & Co-Chief Operating Officer; and with Schlumberger. Ron is a Fellow of the Institute of Directors and of the Energy Institute. He holds a bachelor's degree in engineering from Trinity College, University of Cambridge and a master's degree in petroleum engineering from Imperial College, University of London.
Ruth Morgan

Founder and Director of the UCL Centre for the Forensic Sciences and Professor of Crime and Forensic Science at UCL
Professor Ruth Morgan is the Founder and Director of the UCL Centre for the Forensic Sciences and Professor of Crime and Forensic Science at UCL. The Centre facilitates a network of researchers from a wide range of different disciplines, to enable a strategic and multidisciplinary research programme in collaboration with external partners and forensic science stakeholders. Her research group is focussed on developing the field of forensic science evidence interpretation. Professor Morgan has received the PW Allen Award from the Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences for best publication in the Chartered Society of Forensic Science journal 'Science and Justice' in 2006 and 2017. She sits on a number of advisory bodies including groups at the Home Office and the Knowledge Transfer Network, and is the Vice Chair of the London Geological Society Forensic Geoscience Group. Ruth is a regular speaker (including a recent TED talk and commentator on forensic science and a strong advocate for addressing the challenges faced in forensic science with problem based research that has an impact in the real world.
Jörg Müller

Researcher at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3 – UOC) in Barcelona, Spain
Jörg Müller is currently researcher at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3 – UOC) in Barcelona, Spain where he forms part of the Gender and ICT research program. He obtained his PhD in Communications at the European Graduate School (EGS) in Saas-Fee, Switzerland and holds a degree in Sociology and Computer Science from the Free-University in Berlin, Germany. He's been an expert advisor to the European Commission DG Research and Innovation. Main research interests include practice based approach to gender (in)equality, the science of team science, and new, data intensive research methods within the social sciences. He has been coordinating the FP7 project “GenPORT – Your gateway to gender and science resources” (2013-2017) and is currently coordinating the H2020 project GEDII – “Gender-Diversity-Impact” (2015-2018) which will develop new concepts and methods for assessing the impact of gender diversity in research teams upon research performance. From 2018 onwards he will be coordinating the H2020 project “ACT - Communities of Practice for Accelerating Gender Equality and Institutional Change in Research and Innovation across Europe.”
Andreas Neef

Head of the research group "Biophysics of neural computation" at the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, Göttingen
Trained in Physics, Biochemistry and Neuroscience at Jena and Jülich. Graduated from the University of Cologne with a study of ion channel gating. Studied early auditory and visual system at the MRC LMB in Cambridge and the inner ear lab at Göttingen medical centre. Since 2013 Dr. Neef is head of the research group "Biophysics of neural computation" at the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, Göttingen.
Dorothy Nyambi

Executive VP, AIMS-NEI
Dr. Dorothy Nyambi is head of the AIMS Global network’s programs and grants team. She joined AIMS-NEI in 2013. Prior to joining AIMS-NEI, she led a global consulting firm based in Canada for four years servings as its Executive Director. She describes herself as a social entrepreneur and working in partnership with colleagues, provided technical support and capacity development for organizations and funders in areas of project/program design, monitoring and evaluation in health, education and livelihood programs. An international development practioner and a certified Evaluator, she has worked for governments and not-for-profit organizations where she developed and managed major development initiatives (bilateral and responsive) for government donors and foundations. Member of the Canadian, American and African evaluation societies, she also serves as a volunteer with UNICEF Canada and sits on the board of two not-for-profit organizations in Canada.
Sonja Ochsenfeld-Repp

Deputy Head of Division Quality and Programme Management, German Research Foundation
Sonja Ochsenfeld-Repp has been Deputy Head of Division Quality and Programme Management, German Research Foundation, since 2016. Her focus is on the promotion of gender equality, early career researchers, international cooperation and on the implementation of the federal-state initiative “Excellence Strategy”. Before she was Deputy Director of the European Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations (Kowi) and Head of the Bonn office (2012-2015). She was coordinator of the KoWi-Part of the National Contact Point for the European Research Council (ERC). Her priorities lay on the funding opportunities of the ERC and the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. She is a fully qualified lawyer by training and has been awarded a doctoral degree from the University of Bonn in 2007. She has participated as a speaker or moderator in several national, European and international conferences.
Sabine Oertelt-Prigione

Strategic Chair for Gender in Primary and Transmural Care at the Department of Primary and Community Care, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Sabine Oertelt-Prigione is a physician specialized in internal medicine (at the University of Milan, Italy) and public health (at LSHTM, London, UK). She has been working on the implications of sex and gender in biomedical and public health research since 2004. During her years at UC Davis (California, USA) she explored sex differences in autoimmunity and after moving to the Institute of Gender in Medicine at Charité, Universitätsmedizin (Berlin, Germany) in 2009, she started focusing on gender-sensitive prevention. Currently, she is the “Strategic Chair for Gender in Primary and Transmural Care” at the Department of Primary and Community Care, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. She developed the first systematic database on sex and gender-specific literature and co-edited one of the first textbooks on gender medicine. In 2014 she won the Max Rubner Prize for Innovations of the Charité Foundation, for the first project in the field of sexual harassment in German hospitals. Her main interests are the development of innovative methods for gender-senstitive prevention and the analysis of implementation strategies for sex and gender-sensitive medicine.
Mary Olson

Director, Gender and Radiation Impact Project; Senior Radioactive Waste Policy Specialist, Nuclear Information and Resource Service, (NIRS) USA
A senior policy specialist on highly radioactive spent nuclear fuel at Nuclear Information and Resource Service since 1991, Olson’s background in biology, biochemistry and her own radioactive contamination during her final biological research job, lead to her focus on radiation health consequences. The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster resulted in questions from the public about greater harm to women from ionizing radiation exposures, leading to Olson’s independent review of data presented by the National Academy of Sciences, Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation VII. Olson’s findings are published in a short 2011 briefing paper entitled “Atomic Radiation is More Harmful to Women.” UN diplomats pioneering application of Humanitarian law to nuclear weapons invited Olson to present her findings at the global Vienna Conference, 2014, opening a series of UN events on gender and radiation, culminating in side sessions organized by Olson at the UN during the negotiation of the Convention on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, 2017. Olson is an educator, policy advocate and “stake holder” for civil-society organizations, event planner and facilitator. She now heads a new initiative to identify and fund research to address the many questions on gender as a factor in harm from exposure to ionizing radiation.
Dr Hee-Young Paik

Director of the Center for Gendered Innovations Research, Korea Federation of Women’s Science and Technology Associations (KOFWST) in Korea and Professor Emeritus of Seoul National University
Dr. Paik received Doctor of Science in Nutrition from Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, Massachusettes, USA. After receiving doctoral degree, she worked as a faculty member at Sookmyung Women’s University and then at Seoul National University in Korea until February 2016. She worked in various professional organizations serving various roles including Presidents of the Korean Home Economics Association in 2013, the Korean Nutrition Society in 2015, and the Korea Federation of Women’s Science and Technology Associations in 2014-2016. She was the Chair of the the Korean DRIs Committee during 2002-2005, when the Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans were newly developed in Korea. She was a member of the IUNS Council in 2005-2009, and received several honors including Excellent Research Awards in Science (2005), National Honor for High Achievements in Science (2008), and Asia-Pacific Clinical Nutrition Award (2009) and Blue Ribbon National Medal for Public Service (2012). Dr. Paik served as the Minister of Gender Equality and Family, Republic of Korea, 2009-2011.
Matthias Parey

Senior Lecturer in the Department of Economics at the University of Essex
Matthias Parey is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Economics at the University of Essex. He is also Research Fellow at the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), and Research Fellow at the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA). He completed his PhD in Economics at University College London (UCL). His research interests include labour economics, economics of education, and micro-econometrics.
Francesca Primas

Professional astronomer at the European Southern Observatory
Francesca Primas is a professional astronomer at the European Southern Observatory (Munich area, Germany), the leading intergovernmental science and technology organisation in astronomy. She obtained her university degree in Italy and then spent most of her PhD and first post-doctoral appointment at the University of Chicago (USA). Since 1997, she has been at ESO, first as a Fellow, then as a staff astronomer in the Operations and Data Management Division. Between 2006 and 2015 she was the Head of the User Support Department; now she is Full Astronomer in the Observing Programme Office and she is the Chair of ESO Faculty.
Lakshmi Ramachandran

Senior Program Specialist at STEM Advocacy Institute, Boston; MBI Women in Science, Singapore
Dr. Lakshmi Ramachandran, PhD in Cell & Molecular Biology (SUNY Buffalo, USA), is an active proponent of female participation in science. As a member of the Mechanobiology Institute Women in Science, Singapore, she has written and spoken on recruiting and retaining more women in science. Lakshmi was a speaker at the Gender Summit 10 (GS10) held in Tokyo in May 2017. Influenced by the value and impact of the GS, she initiated the organizing of the next GS Asia Pac and is presently co-organizing the GS-AP, 2019, in Singapore. Lakshmi is affiliated with the STEM Advocacy Institute, Boston, USA, as a senior program specialist and stories in science ambassador. She speaks at schools and has participated in the UNESCO international symposium and policy forum on girls’ education in STEM, 2017. Additionally, Lakshmi is a keynote speaker and an independent scientific consultant, specialized in science communications. Her professional background in science (15 years) broadly spans science communications (MBI, National University of Singapore) and early drug discovery (Astrazeneca India, Allesh Biosciences India Pvt Ltd).
Vandana Ramachandran

Head, Institute of Medical Biology, A*STAR; Singapore Women in Science
Dr Vandana Ramachandran received her PhD in Molecular Parasitology from the National University of Singapore in collaboration with INSERM, Paris, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, working on malaria. At present, she is the Head of Research Administration at IMB. She is the co-founder of the Singapore Women in Science and have been actively promoting women participation in Science through networking events with women leaders in the STEM field and hosting talks by these professional women. Vandana is also presently co-organizing the Gender Summit –Asia Pacific, 2019 in Singapore. She has been interviewed for a global report by the L’Oreal foundation for the advancement women in science (2018). Additionally, Vandana is the founder of A*PECSS (A*STAR Post Doc and Early Career Scientist Society) and was awarded a MTI (Ministry of Trade and Industry) Outstanding Activist Award for that. The Society aims to address the needs of the early career researchers in terms of career options.
Mark Ivan Roblas

Project leader of the Science Explorer,Philippines
Mark Ivan Roblas is the project leader of the Science Explorer, the Philippines’ first and mobile learning science facility, which seeks to entice students to get into STEM careers through interactive science activities and interaction with real life scientists. Bringing a different science experience since 2010, the Science Explorer has served more than 25, 000 elementary and high school students in eight regions in the Philippines. He also works as the Chairperson of the Department of Science and Technology – Science Education Institute Gender Focal Point System Technical Working Group which runs the Gender and Development Efforts project of the agency. Ivan holds a Master of Development Communication degree from the University of the Philippines Open University and a Bachelor in Secondary Education, Major in Mathematics from University of the Philippines – Diliman.
Giuliana Rubbia Rinaldi

Technologist at Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, (INGV) Roma
Physicist, Senior Technologist at Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, (INGV) Roma. She achieved a Master in Innovation and Knowledge Transfer at MIP- Politecnico di Milano (2011) discussing a project work about Research Support Services. In 2012 she joined the Central Administration of INGV in Rome, starting with contributing to outreach and e-infrastructures projects, and collaborating with several offices. she served as President of Equal Opportunities Committee, CPO, later Committee for Wellbeing of Workers and Non Discrimination – CUG (2010-2013); member of Disciplinary Procedures Office (2015-); member of the Working Group for drafting Personnel Regulation (2017); Representative (2011-) and assessor (2015-) for the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers EC initiative, facilitating genuine implementation of the European Charter & Code for Researchers; Peer reviewer for the HR Excellence in Research Award for UK Universities (2014 -).Member of Associazione Donne e Scienza (2010-) and Secretary (2014-2017). Since 2017 alternate Member in the Advisory Board of European Platform of Women Scientists (EPWS). Vice president Associazione Donne e Scienza (2017-2020).
Arn Sauer

Research Officer for Gender Mainstreaming at the German Federal Environment Agency
Dr. Arn Sauer is the Research Officer for Gender Mainstreaming at the German Federal Environment Agency since 2013. He recently completed his PhD in Transdisciplinary Gender Studies at Humboldt University Berlin on the subject of Equality Governance through Gender Impact Assessment and Gender-based Analysis. He holds a MA degree in history and political science from Humboldt University Berlin and a certificate in “Interdisciplinary Women and Gender Research” from the Technical University Berlin. Previous positions include Research Associate at the Simone de Beauvoir Institute of Concordia University in Montreal, Teaching Assistant in the master programme “Gender and Diversity Competence” at the Free University Berlin and Researcher for the Gender Competency Centre at Humboldt University Berlin. His research interests and work focus are gender mainstreaming and gender equality, equality governance, diversity, human rights and impact assessment.
Ylann Schemm

Director of the Elsevier Foundation
Ylann Schemm drives the Elsevier Foundation’s programmatic focus on advancing diversity in science, building research capacity in developing countries, global health and embedding technology for development across the portfolio. For over a decade, Ylann ran the Foundation’s New Scholars program which supports projects to help early- to mid-career women scientists balance family responsibilities with demanding academic careers and addressed the attrition rate of talented women scientists. She currently also serves as Director of External Partnerships within Elsevier's Global Communications group, developing in depth corporate collaborations focusing on technology and the SDGs and co-chairs the communications group for Research4Life, a UN-pan publisher access program working to bridge the digital divide. Ylann is both American and Dutch and holds an MA in Film & Television Studies from the University of Amsterdam and a BA, magna cum laude in English from Amherst College.
Marlene Sieck

Scientific Employee with the German Federal Environment Agency
Marlene Sieck works as Scientific Employee with the German Federal Environment Agency in the field of waste technology and waste technology transfer with a focus on greenhouse gas mitigation since 2005. Starting from 2016 she is the acting Gender Equality Officer of the German Environment Agency. Before joining the scientific work with the German Environment Agency, she worked for many years in a district administration on environment topics, especially on enabling participation processes of citizens in district planning. Marlene Sieck is a trained veterinary surgeon and holds a master degree in European Administrative Management.
Sergio A. Silverio

Research Assistant in Qualitative Methods,Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Institute for Women’s Health, University College London
Sergio A. Silverio is an academic Psychologist, and Registered Scientist of the Science Council. His primary research interest lies in the ‘Female Psychology’ branch of ‘The Psychology of Women’ and he adopts a lifecourse analysis approach, using qualitative methodologies to examine women’s mental health and social wellbeing outcomes in relation to changes in gender identity, across the lifespan. Having graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2016, his Master’s research into older never married women, later-life femininity, and ageing social networks attracted critical acclaim from his learned academy: The British Psychological Society. Since moving to the University College London in 2018, and assuming the role of Research Assistant in Qualitative Methods within the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Institute for Women’s Health, he has been able to further pursue his wider interests into women’s experiences of motherhood and bereavement. This has only supported his endeavours to bring women’s health to the forefront of academic debate, whilst continuing to strive for better provisions for psychological health and greater female empowerment.
Silvia Silvestri

Senior Socio-economist, CAB International
Dr. Silvia Silvestri is senior Socio-Economist at the Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International (CABI). She joined CABI in 2016 to lead social science research and support the design and implementation of programs components, as well as advising on socio-economics elements across the organization. Before joining CABI Silvia worked as senior scientist environment and livelihoods for the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and as programme officer for the United Nation Environment Program-World Conservation Monitoring Center (UNEP-WCMC).
Over the last 16 years she has been working on various facets of research: academic research, bridging research and policy, research for development and action research. She has published on the field of agriculture, climate change, food security and gender. In this framework she has been involved with a number of major international development initiatives with poverty alleviation focus. More recently she focused on the interaction between communication, extension and the use of ICT in agriculture. She has participated as a speaker in several national, European and international conferences.
Robert Stolz

Project Director
Robert Stolz received a PhD in Mathematics from Lehigh University, where his work was focused on stochastic processes, integration and measures in infinite dimensional vector spaces. His more recent and current mathematics research include application of mathematical and computational methods to proteomics, population biology, and study of coral diseases. Dr. Stolz is director of a number of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) undergraduate projects aimed at increasing the number of students from groups traditionally underrepresented in STEM who earn baccalaureate degrees, and ultimately increase the numbers that go on for advanced degrees in STEM.
Lotta Strandberg

Senior adviser, NordForsk; Associate professor, Bergen University College, Norway.
Lotta Strandberg, (PhD., MSc. (Econ.)) is a senior adviser at NordForsk. NordForsk is an organisation that facilitates and provides funding for Nordic research cooperation and research infrastructure. She is responsible for the Nordic programme The Nordic Gender Paradox: Gender Gaps in the Nordic Research and Innovation Area. Through new and innovative, yet focused and result-oriented activities, this joint Nordic initiative will make a significant contribution to gender issues on the research and innovation agenda. The aim of the initiative is to pinpoint the reason for why the research and innovation area has not followed the trend towards a gender equal society and to identify the measures needed to remedy this.
Barbara Stranger

Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Section of Genetic Medicine, The University of Chicago
Dr. Barbara Stranger has a longstanding interest in population genetics and gene regulatory processes, and how these shape phenotypic variability. Her lab collects and analyzes multi-dimensional human genomics data, particularly transcriptome data and genetic variation data, in the context of health and disease. She had made many contributions to the field of expression QTL (eQTL) mapping in human populations, including large-scale genome-wide eQTL studies in humans, cross-tissue eQTL analysis of a single cohort, analysis of eQTLs in populations of diverse ancestry, sex-specific eQTLs in humans, and others. She has also successfully integrated eQTLs with disease, including cancer and inflammatory diseases, and published methods and resources for doing so. Current projects in her lab integrate regulatory genomics (including transcriptomics and proteomics) with human disease mapping, as well as characterizing the context-specificity of genetic and epigenetic effects on gene regulation (e.g., cell-type, sex, age).
Clemens Striebing

Research Fellow at the Fraunhofer Center for Responsible Research
Dr. Clemens Striebing is a Research Fellow at the Fraunhofer Center for Responsible Research, where he deals with gender & diversity in business and science, organizational cultures and human-centered innovation. He received his doctorate in sociology from the University of Heidelberg and studied political science and public law at Free University Berlin. Prior to Fraunhofer CeRRI, he was part of a research project at Hertie School of Governance and University of Heidelberg on mapping the philanthropic sector in Germany and worked for the BMW Foundation and a member of the German Bundestag.
Renetta Garrison Tull

Associate Vice Provost for Strategic Initiatives at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), and Professor of the Practice in UMBC’s College of Engineering and IT
A recognized speaker on global diversity in STEM, Dr. Renetta Tull leads discussions such as “Inclusive Engagement – Engineering for All,” “Cultivating Inclusive Excellence within Science, Engineering, and Technology,” and similar topics around across the world. Tull is Associate Vice Provost for Strategic Initiatives at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), and Professor of the Practice in UMBC’s College of Engineering and IT. She is Founding Director of the National Science Foundation’s PROMISE AGEP for 12 institutions, and has a detail in the Office of the Sr. Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs for the University System of Maryland. Tull earned science and engineering degrees from Howard University and Northwestern University, specializing in signal processing and disability access to technology. She regularly speaks about gender equity in STEM, and discussed addressing abusive climates at Gender Summit 8 in Mexico. She co-led Puerto Rico’s ADVANCE Hispanic Women in STEM project, and leads the “Women in STEM Forum” for the Latin and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions (LACCEI) and the Engineering for the Americas/Organization of American States. Recognitions include: 2015 O’Reilly Media “Women in Data” cover, 2015 Global Engineering Deans Council/Airbus Diversity Award Finalist, and the 2016 ABET Claire L. Felbinger Award for Diversity. She is a Tau Beta Pi “Eminent Engineer,” is an invited 2018-19 member of a mentoring committee for the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine. She serves the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as a team member for the next international engineering report (ERII), and invites all to engage on Twitter @Renetta_Tull.
Charikleia (Charoula) Tzanakou

Co-leading a Workpackage on Academic careers, Gender and Culture change in a Horizon 2020 Consortium Project PLOTINA
Dr Charikleia (Charoula) Tzanakou is co-leading a Workpackage on Academic careers, Gender and Culture change in a Horizon 2020 Consortium Project PLOTINA (Promoting gender baLance and inclusiOn in research, innovaTioN and training). She is an interdisciplinary researcher interested in academic careers and equality and diversity issues in higher education.
Alison Wall

Associate Director, EPSRC, Building Leadership
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is high on the agenda for UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), formed by bringing together the Research Councils, Innovate UK and part of HEFCE, Research England in April 2018. Alison is leading on shared work on equality, diversity and inclusion for UKRI to developambitious plans for UKRI, working with all the constituent Councils, and to embed equality, diversity and inclusion in all the UKRI does. Alison is a member of the EPSRC Leadership team, with responsibility for the Building Leadership strategy which sets out EPSRC’s aspiration to invest in people with leadership potential at all career stages so they can make the maximum contribution, whether that be to universities, business, government or other research organisations. A key part of this is work on equality, diversity and inclusion.
Dr Miyoko O. Watanabe

Deputy Executive Director at Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Vice-President of the Science Council of Japan (SCJ) and a Member of Specialist Committee on Formulating the Fourth Basic Plan for Gender Equality in the Council for Gender Equality of the Cabinet Office of Japan; Chair, Gender Summit 10 Asia-Pacific
Miyoko O. Watanabe is Deputy Executive Director at Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Vice-President of the Science Council of Japan (SCJ) and a Member of Specialist Committee on Formulating the Fourth Basic Plan for Gender Equality in the Council for Gender Equality of the Cabinet Office of Japan. She also serves as Director of the Office for Diversity and Inclusion at JST. She has a long experience of research in semiconductor physics at Toshiba R&D Center in Japan. She conducted her physics research as Postdoctoral Fellow at Dalhousie University, Canada as well as Visiting Researcher at Nanoscale Physics Research Laboratory, The University of Birmingham, U.K. She served in various roles including Senior Research Scientist, Chief Specialist at Audit Division, and Executive Quality Leader at Innovation Division of Toshiba Headquarters.
Kate Winter

Team lead at Kate Winter Evaluation, LLC
Kate Winter, PhD, leads the team at Kate Winter Evaluation, LLC (KWE). KWE is currently the external evaluator for several federally funded initiatives in the US to broaden participation in STEM. Dr. Winter has numerous peer-reviewed publications, is on the editorial board of the Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, and is a member of several national and international professional associations. Her areas of evaluation expertise include diversity in STEM, college student access and retention, professional development for faculty, and institutional cultural change.
Angela Wroblewski

Senior researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS)
Angela Wroblewski has been a senior researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) in Vienna since 1999. She is also a lecturer at the University of Vienna and the Vienna University of Economics and Business (quantitative research methods, data analysis, and evaluation research). She is a trained sociologist and has a background in the field of Gender Studies in Education, including evaluations of equality policies and women-only programs.
From 1999 on, Angela Wroblewski was involved in several research projects and evaluations focusing on equality policies in (higher) education and labour markets. From 2007-2015 she was part of the teaching team at the IHS (terminated in 2015) and responsible for the organisation of guest professors and seminars. She also manages research and evaluation projects with a focus on equality policies at schools, universities and research institutions. Angela is active in international networks focusing on gender equality in higher education. In 2011, she was a research fellow at the Centre for Gender Excellence (GEXcel) at the University of Örebro, Sweden.