Alice Abreu

Professor Emerita of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in Brazil
Alice Abreu, Professor Emerita of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in Brazil since 2009, has a M.Sc. in Sociology from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) of the University of London (1971) and a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of São Paulo Brazil (1980). She was a Full Professor of Sociology at the UFRJ until 2005 and has published extensively in sociology of work and gender and on gender and science. She also held a number of important positions within the academic community of Brazil and internationally, which included the Vice Presidency of the National Research Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) of Brazil (1999-2002), and Director of the Office of Education, Science and Technology of the Organization of American States, in Washington D.C. (2003-2006). Returning to Brazil, Prof. Abreu was the Director of the Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean of the International Council for Science (ICSU) from 2007 to 2011. More recently, Prof. Abreu was the Director of GenderInSITE from 2015 to 2017, a global initiative aimed at promoting the role of women in science, innovation, technology, and engineering (SITE).Prof. Abreu has been a member of several important boards and advisory committees of different institutions and projects and is active in gender equality in science policies and projects. Professor Abreu received the Ordem Nacional do Mérito Científico (Comendador) of Brazil in 2001; the Palmes Académiques (Officier), of the Ministère de la Jeunesse, de l’Éducation Nationale et de la Recherche. République Française, in 2003. She was awarded the Florestan Fernandes Prize for Sociology in 2009 and the ANPOCS Award in Academic Excellence Antonio Flavio Pierucci Sociology in 2013. In February 2020 she received the Honorary Mention at the first edition of the "Carolina Bori Ciência & Mulher" Award of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science.
Ana Maria Almeida

Professor of Education and Inequalities at the University of Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil
I am a professor of Education and Inequalities at the University of Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. My research and teaching agenda focuses on understanding how education and schooling contribute to enduring social inequalities among social groups along class, race and gender lines, and to crafting solutions to change it. I am President of the Committee on Gender Equality at the University of Campinas where I have steered the formulation and implementation of the university's policy in this issue, and I am also the Vice Dean of Admissions, where I have been overseeing the implementation of Affirmative Actions in the last five years. I work as Special Advisor to the Scientific Director at the Sao Paulo Research Foundation, in the areas of Humanities and Social Sciences, and I am also co-lead of the Global Research Council Gender Working Group.
Viviana Rebufel Álvarez

Lecturer at O ́Higgins University Chile, PhD Student at University of Valencia
Agricultural Engineer and Master in Management and Public Policies at the University of Chile, Master in Agricultural Sciences, area of Agrarian Economics and Natural Resources at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. She is currently doing her PhD in Design, Management and Evaluation of Public Social Welfare Policies at the University of Valencia. She also has specialized diplomas in Innovation and Territory at the Polytechnic University of Valencia-UPV, Public Management for Territorial Development at FLACSO, Public Management, Project Management and International Marketing at the University of Chile. She has served as leader of work teams and technical professional in public institutions linked to the science, technology, and promotion area. She has been a researcher in projects financed by public and private sources and by international organizations. She is an evaluator at Public Programs of the Budget Office of Chile’s Finance Ministry. She has been a tutor at Major University and is currently a teacher at the School of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine at the University of O'Higgins-UOH. She has conducted research and designed public policy instruments with a gender perspective.
Guillermo Anlló

Senior Programme Specialist, Science and Technology Policy and Capacity-Building, at the UNESCO Regional Office for Science in Latin America and the Caribbean
Guillermo Anlló. Degree in Economics from the Faculty of Economics. Universidad de Buenos Aires – M.SC. in Science, Technology and Society of the Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina. Specialist in Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, Bioeconomy and Innovation Indicators – He currently serves as Senior Programme Specialist, Science and Technology Policy and Capacity-Building, at the UNESCO Regional Office for Science in Latin America and the Caribbean, based in Montevideo, Uruguay. In this position he manages UNESCO´s regional activities in fields such as: Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policies, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education, Science Communication, Gender and STEM, STI information, Promotion of Basic and Engineering Sciences, Science-Policy-Society linkages, Science Diplomacy. He was Vice- Minister of Technology and Innovation, at the first Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry of the Buenos Aires Province, Argentina (2016-2107); previously, he was a researcher and professor at the Faculty of Economics UBA, Argentina (2011 – 2015). From 2002 to 2011, he worked as specialist at ECLAC UN Buenos Aires office, as Innovation Policy Specialist, doing research and assessing govern agencies mainly in agriculture innovation, producing various analytical reports. Before joining ECLAC he had worked in Argentina with RICYT, the Ibero American Network on Science and Technology Indicators, as a researcher and as professor at the National University of Quilmes and other universities in Argentina and Latin America, and as a consultant to various National and International agencies, (IADB, OIT, UNICEF, WIPO, OPS, World Bank).
Erika Raquel Badillo

Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics, Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana
Erika Raquel Badillo is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics, Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana (Medellín-Colombia). She earned her Ph.D. in Economics and MA in Economics from the University of Barcelona (Spain). Her main research interests lie in the fields of innovations economics, labor, gender and applied microeconometrics. She has published part of her research in field journals, such as, Review of Industrial Organization, Journal of International Development, European Journal of Management and Business Economics, among others. She is a member of the Red de Investigadores en Economía in Colombia.
Germana Barata

Research associate in the Publishing Program at Simon Fraser University
Germana Barata, PhD, is a research associate in the Publishing Program at Simon Fraser University and a science communication researcher at the Laboratory of Advanced Studies in Journalism (Labjor) and the Centre for the Development of Creativity (Nudecri) at the University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil. She holds a MSc and PhD in History of Science from São Paulo University and a productivity research fellowship in science communication at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Brazil. She also teaches in Labjor/Unicamp’s Master in Science Communication program and coordinates the graduate Science Journalism course at Unicamp. Germana’s research focuses on how social media and altmetrics (alternative metrics for measuring the societal impact of science) affect the value of Brazilian Science journals
Katja Becker

President of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation)
Katja Becker is the President of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation). She studied medicine at Heidelberg University, where she also obtained her doctoral degree and habilitation. After a position at the Center for Infectious Diseases, Würzburg University, she accepted a chair in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Giessen University. Education and research led her to Africa, Australia, Switzerland, the UK and the US. Her research interests focus on cellular redox metabolism as a drug target in malaria parasites and cancer cells. Until 2019 she was the coordinator of the DFG Priority Programme 1710, which examines the thiol-based regulation of enzymes, and spokesperson of the LOEWE Center DRUID, which aims to develop novel drugs, vaccines and diagnostics against neglected tropical diseases. Katja Becker is active in multiple scientific advisory boards and served as vice president at Giessen University. From 2014 to 2019, she was vice president of the DFG. Her work has been honoured with the Ludolf Krehl Prize, the Carus Medal, the Rudolf Leuckart Medal and membership in the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. Since 2021, Katja Becker is also Chair of the Governing Board of the Global Research Council (GRC).
Jessica L. Bedoya

Chief of staff and executive advisor to the president of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Jessica L. Bedoya has served as chief of staff and executive advisor to the president of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) since October 2020. Prior to her role at the IDB, she held a range of leadership roles focused on the Western Hemisphere in U.S. foreign policy, development, and intelligence communities, including as Managing Director at the International Development Finance Corporation and Deputy Senior Director at the National Security Council. At the White House, she also served as the director for Central America and the Caribbean and director for the Andes and Venezuela. She has also worked at the U.S. Embassy in Colombia and in Haiti and the Eastern Caribbean.
Livia Benavides

Human Development Program Leader for the Andean Countries, World Bank
Livia Benavides joined the World Bank in 1994 as a consultant in Country Department, Environment & Urban Development issues. Since then, she has worked in different positions including Senior Social Sector Specialist, Operations Manager for the Andean Countries and, most recently as Program Leader for Human Development. Her focus countries have been Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador and Peru, where she has overseen the portfolio of operations with these countries. She has particularly focused her work in the areas of Education, Health, Social Protection and Science, Technology and Innovation. Before joining the World Bank, she worked for the Pan-American Health Organization – Pan-American Center for Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, as an Environmental Health Specialist and as an independent consultant for various international organizations. Livia Benavides holds a B.Sc. with a major in Chemistry from Trinity College, an M. Sc. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Post Graduate Diploma in Economics from the University of London. She has also published on a wide range of topics such as economics, health, education, social protection and environmental issues.
Andrea Bentancor

Assistant Professor at the Universidad de Talca
Andrea Bentancor has engaged in research related to economics and women, including work published in The Economic Journal related to the effects of the emergency contraceptive pill (with Clarke). She received the First Place in Research Medal Award of the GDN for her analysis on female part-time work (with Robano), published in Economia. She received the Union Award Fresia Arcos for her work in the promotion of women’s workers’ rights. She obtained a PhD from University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is an Assistant Professor at the Universidad de Talca and was previously the Gender Affairs Advisor of the Chilean Finance Minister.
Edelmira Castro Blanco

Agroforestry Group in the Cuban Ministry of Agriculture in Havana
Graduated of Forestry Engineering in 1995 in the Pinar del Rio University, Cuba. Master in Sciences in Forestry Sciences , 2018. Nowadays is specialized in Woodland Management, occupying a position in the Agroforestry Group in the Cuban Ministry of Agriculture in Havana. She is the National and international Project Manager, coordinating all the forestry activity at national level. Some relevant projects in which Edelmira is executive or participant are;Project “Manglar Vivo”, from the Fund for Adaptation;Projects “Sabana–Camagüey”, ECOVALOR, Conectando Paisajes- Connecting Landscapes, funded by GEF-PNUD;Project “Zaza”, Fase I, Fase II, financed by WorldWide Foundation, WWF;Representative of the Cuban Ministry of Agriculture for the Project of FAO, Fondo Verde del Clima, (IRES). 2018-2020
Vanderlan da S. Bolzani

Full professor at Sao Paulo State University (UNESP)
Vanderlan da S. Bolzani is graduated in Pharmacy by UFPB, Northeast of Brazil, and currently is full professor at Sao Paulo State University (UNESP). She did PhD in Chemistry at University of São Paulo (USP, USP), São Paulo and post-doctorate at Virginia Polytechnic Institute (VPISU-USA). She is member elected of the Brazilian Academy of Science (ABC), Academy of Science for the Advancement of Science in Developing Countries (TWAS), Academia de Ciências da América Latina (ACAL), São Paulo Academy of Science (ACIESP) where is currently president, and CNPq Fellow level 1A. Received several awards, highlighting most recent: Prize SBQ Vanderlan da Silva Bolzani, to honor women in Chemistry and correlated areas, 2019; Otto R. Gottlieb Medal, for the contribution to Natural Products Chemistry in Brazil and abroad, 2017; Kurt Politzer Technological Innovation Award, category research, ABIQUIM, 2015; CAPES-Elsevier Award for the contributions to science in Brazil, 2014; Distinguished Woman in Science Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, ACS/IUPAC USA, 2011; Simão Mathias Medal, the highest honor conferred by Brazilian Chemical Society, 2011. Member of the Biota-FAPESP Program Coordination. Field of interest is plant science, and has been involved in the isolation, metabolomics, bioactivity and function of secondary metabolites, orbitides and cyclotides from plants. Published 267 articles (ih=42, 7753 citations, 1 book, 5 book chapters and 5 patents. Also has work collaboration with Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Industries looking for new drugs from plants species, President of the Brazilian Chemical Society from 2008-2010, and Vice-President of the SBPC from 2015/2017 and 2017/2019. In 2011 was visiting professor at UPMC, Paris VI, Paris, and from 2012-2019 was member of the International L’Oreal Scientific Advisory Board, Paris-FR.
Gloria Bonder

Director of the Gender, Society and Policies Area of FLACSO Argentina and of the UNESCO Regional Chair, Women, Science and Technology in Latin America
Master in Education and Gender (University of Cambridge) / B.A. in Psychology (UBA). Since 2001 she has been the Director of the Gender, Society and Policies Area of FLACSO Argentina and of the UNESCO Regional Chair, Women, Science and Technology in Latin America. Coordinator of the Global Network of UNESCO Chairs in Gender. Consultant to numerous Latin American governments, universities and global and regional organizations such as PAHO, UNICEF, UNDP, UNWOMEN, OAS, ECLAC, Women's Pavilion. Member of the Advisory Council of the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity of Argentina and of the Advisory Commission of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Argentina. She developed numerous research projects on Gender, Science and Technology, Childhood, Youth, Education and Gender Equality Policies in Universities and Research Centers in Latin America and other regions.
Lidia Arthur Brito

UNESCO Regional Director for Sciences in the Latin-America and Caribbean region
A forest engineer, with a Master and Doctorate in Forest and Wood Sciences from Colorado State University in the USA, born in Mozambique, and staff of Eduardo Mondlane University since graduation in Forest Engineering in 1981. She has held senior positions in Mozambique such as Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Eduardo Mondlane University and Minister for Higher Education, Science and Technology. She joined UNESCO in November 2009 as Director for Science Policy and Sustainable Development, in Paris, and currently she is the UNESCO Regional Director for Sciences in the Latin-America and Caribbean region.
Karla Gonzalez Carvajal

Transport Global Practice Manager for Europe and Central Asia, World Bank
Ms. Gonzalez works at the World Bank as the Transport Global Practice Manager for Europe and Central Asia regions. Additionally, she leads the Gender Agenda for the Transport Sector at the World Bank. Before assuming her current position in 2018, she worked for over six years as Transport Practice Manager for South Asia region. Previously to her career at the World Bank, Ms. Gonzalez served in the public sector as Minister of Public Works and Transportation of Costa Rica. During her tenure, she facilitated a fourfold increase in the investment in public works, in the sectors of aviation and highways through the Public Private partnerships agendas. She also led to the transformation of the sector through policy reforms including the promotion of a new traffic law and the inclusion of road safety components in the design of road infrastructure. Ms. Gonzalez Carvajal obtained her MBA title at the National University of San Diego, California and holds a Law degree from the University of Costa Rica.
Youngsuk 'YS' Chi
Chairman of Elsevier
Youngsuk ‘YS’ Chi is an international businessman and a global thought leader in the publishing, education and information solutions industries. As Chairman of Elsevier, he works directly with key stakeholders in government, academia and industry to support over 30 million scientists, students and health information professionals. In his role as Director of Corporate Affairs for RELX, Elsevier’s parent company, he is responsible for government affairs, corporate communications and corporate responsibility across all four of the group’s market segments. Based in London and New York, Chi travels extensively to engage with scientific research communities, deliver thought leadership on key trends and advise stakeholders, boards and groups across industries. He has served as President of the International Publishers Association and Chairman of the Association of American Publishers, and currently serves as Distinguished Visiting Professor at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, as well as an independent director of Ingram Industries Inc. and CFI Education. He is also actively involved in numerous educational, artistic, and charitable organizations, including Princeton University, Educational Testing Services ETS and the Ban Ki-Moon Foundation.
Bertha Cecilia Garcia Cienfuegos

Research professor at the National University of Tumbes
Research professor at the National University of Tumbes. Master of Science in Natural Resources, Biotechnology Line (National University of Cajamarca), obtained an AECID grant for Improvement Studies in scientific research at CAEU,Organization for Iberoamerican States-OEI and at the University of Oviedo (Spain), and a training grant from USAID / OFDA in disaster risk reduction at the University of San Carlos (Guatemala) and Florida International University (USA). Researcher associated with CONCYTEC Peru, AGRORED NORTE and CONACYT México. Research and publications in plant taxonomy, biological diversity, environment, nature-based solutions, disaster risk reduction, climate change and resilient ecosystems. With 16 years of experience as a university teacher, she has represented Peru in scientific conferences in ten countries. Consultant for the Choco Project (Ecuador, Colombia, Peru) and for USAID / OFDA. She was distinguished by the Women's Environment & Development Organization-WEDO for her defense of the environment. She is an active member of the Gender and Water Alliance- GWA and the Global and Water Partnership-GWP. Actually is Vice Chair of the Organization of Women in Sciences for the Developing World-OWSD Chapter Peru.
Stephanie Oueda Cruz

Head of Gender, Diversity and Inclusion at IDB Invest
Stéphanie is the Head of Gender, Diversity and Inclusion at IDB Invest. In this role she advises clients developing a diversity and inclusion strategy, identifying new markets and developing inclusive value chains that will include women and minority owned companies. Before joining IDB Invest, Stephanie was the Associate Director for Diversity& Inclusion in Coca-Cola European Partners in London. And before that Stephanie was Head of International Diversity at L’Oréal in Paris where she led the D&I strategy among 60 subsidiaries of the company.Stephanie has received numerous awards for her work in diversity: Diversity Leader by the USA diversity Journal and Head of Diversity by the European Diversity Awards. She was also recognized as one of the top 40 diversity professionals in the world by The Times in 2017 and 2018. She is part of Vital Voices Young Leaders Council and is member of the board of different charities related to women empowerment and diversity. She is associate lecturer at Sorbonne University.
Vaneeta-marie D’Andrea

Consultant with the British Council Newton Programme Researcher Connect, and CEO of the World-wide Higher Education Consultancy
Professor Vaneeta D’Andrea has held academic posts in the USA and the UK for over forty years and has been awarded professorships at City University (personal chair), the Open University and the University of the Arts London, where she is now Professor Emerita. Currently she is a consultant with the British Council Newton Programme Researcher Connect, and CEO of the World-wide Higher Education Consultancy. She has been a policy advisor on secondments to the Higher Education Quality Council (UK) and for the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE). She has published widely and consulted universities, governments, and higher education NGOs on a range of higher education issues in Africa, Asia, Australasia, Central Asia Europe, the Gulf States, North and South America and Southeast Asia. She has conducted over 200 professional development workshops on research skills, teaching and learning, institutional and national policy development, and institutional and organisational management in higher education. She has also received numerous fellowships, awards and honours for her work in higher education, including being selected as a Carnegie Scholar (US) and Fellow of the Academy of Social Science (UK).
Carmen Rosa García Dávila

Presidente executiva do Instituto de Pesquisas da Amazônia Peruana - IIAP
Carmen Rosa García Dávila, é presidente executiva do Instituto de Pesquisas da Amazônia Peruana - IIAP, doutora em Ciências pela Universidade Federal do Amazonas-UFAM / Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia-INPA, Brasil. Possui mais de 20 anos de experiência na avaliação de recursos da flora e fauna amazônicas, por meio da utilização de marcadores moleculares, com conhecimento especializado em ecologia, biologia e genética molecular de populações. Participou da publicação de mais de 100 artigos científicos em revistas especializadas nacionais e internacionais. Nos últimos anos, seus estudos têm se concentrado na geração de bancos de dados moleculares (barcoding) de espécies aquáticas amazônicas como base para a aplicação do Metabarcoding e DNA ambiental (eDNA), que servirão para realizar monitoreos massivos, econômicos e rápidos do estado de conservação dos recursos da flora e da fauna da Amazônia peruana. Ela faz parte dos comitês gestores da Rede de Pesquisa de Ictiofauna da Amazônia (RIIA) e Ciência Cidadã para a Amazônia (CCA). É também codiretora do Laboratório Misto Internacional: Evolução e Domesticação da Ictiofauna Amazônica, e membro da World Aquaculture Society, do Capítulo Latinoamericano. Ela também é membro do Comitê de Especialistas em Flora e Fauna da CITES-Perú. Carmen García é um dos cinco membros da Comissão Nacional de Integridade na Ciência da CONCYTEC e da Comissão Consultiva de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação do Perú.
Roseanne Diab

Director of the global initiative, GenderInSITE
Prof. Roseanne Diab is currently Director of the global initiative, GenderInSITE, which is based in Trieste, Italy. She currently also chairs the Gender Advisory Committee of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS). She is the former Executive Officer of the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) and Emeritus Professor in the School of Environmental Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal. She is a Member of ASSAf and is recognised for her research contributions in the field of atmospheric sciences, particularly air quality, climate change and tropospheric ozone variability. Prof Diab has over 100 refereed scientific publications and has successfully graduated over 50 PhD and Masters students. She is a Fellow of the University of KwaZulu-Natal, the South African Geographical Society, TWAS and the African Academy of Sciences. She has been a Fulbright senior research scholar and has been a member of a number of international bodies such as the International Ozone Commission (IOC). She currently serves on the African Union High-Level Panel on Emerging Technologies and was recently co-chair of an OECD Expert Group on Reducing the Precarity of Young Researchers’ Careers.
Lilliam Alvarez Díaz

Leader in the Iberoamerican Program of S&T, CYTED, and in the Network on Gender, Science and Technology
Graduated of Physics, Havana University, 1971. MSc in Nuclear Physics, 1976. PhD Physics-Mathematics in Moscow, 1989.1986, founded the Group of Numerical Analysis in the Institute of Cybernetics, Mathematics and Physics where also was Deputy director 1990-2002. 1999 official member of the Cuban delegation in the World Summit of Sciences in Budapest, especially she participated in the issues of the importance of Basic Sciences and Women in Sciences. National Director of Sciences of the Ministry of Sciences, Technology and Environment of Cuba 2002-2010. 2001 National Medal Carlos Finlay due to her contributions to the Cuban Sciences. 2008 was elected as TWAS Fellow. Leader in the Iberoamerican Program of S&T, CYTED, and in the Network on Gender, Science and Technology.Co-chair of the IANAS Program for Women of Sciences 2013-2017, contributing in publication of two books on Women and Young women in sciences in the Americas. Focal point for the Surveys on presence of Women in the Academies, in the IANAS Regional Survey for Latin America and the Caribbean and for the IAP World Survey. Author of a popular Book “Being woman in sciences or dying in the intent” ,- Ser mujer científica o morir en el intento, Editorial ACADEMIA, La Habana, 2011. More than 80 Seminars, Workshops and Conferences in Applied Mathematics and also giving priority to Basic Sciences and Gender issues. Lilliam is the “soul” and a main activist in promoting Cuban Women in Sciences.
Luisa Maria Diele-Viegas

Postdoctoral researcher at the Federal University of Alagoas
Luisa Maria Diele-Viegas holds a PhD in ecology and evolution and is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Federal University of Alagoas. Her research involves evaluating the impact of human activities on biodiversity, with emphasis on climate change and terrestrial ectotherms. She also researches implicit and explicit biases within academia, considering gender, race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, people with disabilities and their intersections. She is a climate leader, founder of the science dissemination project Minha Amiga Cientista, one of the founders of the Salvador Climate Forum, the Northeast Climate network, the Kunhã Asé network of women in science and the Women in Zoology network, in Brazil. She is also part of UNESCO's Organization for Women in Science in the Developing World, besides participating in the Commission on Diversity and Inclusion of the Brazilian Society of Herpetology, the CoVida Network, and the science dissemination project Ciência Brasileira is of Quality .
Debora Diniz

Brazilian anthropologist and law professor at the University of Brasilia, a visiting scholar at Brown University and the founder of feminist organization Anis – Institute of Bioethics
Debora Diniz is a Brazilian anthropologist and law professor at the University of Brasilia, a visiting scholar at Brown University and the founder of feminist organization Anis – Institute of Bioethics. Her research projects focus on bioethics, feminism, human rights and health. For decades Debora has been working on research, communications, advocacy and community leadership projects regarding sexual and reproductive health and rights, including abortion, on the Zika virus epidemic its impacts on women’s and children’s health and rights, and more recently on Covid-19 and its impact on women (especially pregnant women). Debora is a member of the Advisory Committee of the Gender & Health Hub at the United Nations University – International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH). In 2020 she was honored with the Dan David Prize for her work as an international leader in the field of reproductive justice and gender equality.
Holly J. Falk-Krzesinski

Vice President, Research Intelligence on the Global Strategic Networks team at Elsevier.
Holly J. Falk-Krzesinski, PhD, is the Vice President, Research Intelligence on the Global Strategic Networks team at Elsevier. Her key role is building and maintaining long term relationships with research institutions and funders, giving voice to research leaders at those organizations within Elsevier to help the business deliver the most impactful solutions to support research globally. Dr. Falk-Krzesinski focuses on how insights from data and analytics guide strategic planning for research institutions, funders, and science policy organizations and her engagement activities include building partnerships around gender diversity and equity issues. Actively involved in promoting women leaders in STEM, Dr. Falk-Krzesinski is co-chair of the Gender Working Group at Elsevier and co-author on Elsevier’s two global gender reports. She also previously served as the editor-in-chief of the AWIS Magazine. Prior to joining Elsevier, Holly was a faculty member and administrator at Northwestern University. Notably, there she launched the Chicago Collaboration for Women in STEM and the Navigating the Professoriate and Beyond Tenure programs in support of career advancement for women faculty members in STEM fields.
Ana Rosa Ruiz Fernández

Economist and Master in Computing
Member of the University Council of the Technological Institute of Costa Rica. Since 2017, she has coordinated, on behalf of the TEC, the project Regional Observatory of Quality and Equity of Higher Education in Latin America, with the participation of 35 higher education institutions in Latin America and Europe
Member of the Community of Practice for Gender Equality Policies project in Universities and research centers - Latin America - ACT On Gender Project. Coordinated by FLACSO from Argentina. Permanent Secretary of the Red Equality since 2014 Coordinator and member of international projects on gender equality with universities in Latin America and Europe, specifically with the EQUALTIY 2012-2014 projects with funds from the European Union and G-NET. Equality training Network 2015-2017 with funds from the European Union and the Jean Monet Program.
Sena Galazzi

Associate Programme Officer at UNESCO-TWAS
Sena Galazzi is Associate Programme Officer at UNESCO-TWAS, where she works across programmes in scientific capacity building, science diplomacy and policy. Sena is in the final stages of her PhD in International Politics at SOAS, University of London. Sena’s background is in International Development, Law, and Politics, with a thematic specialisation in migration and forced displacement. Before joining UNESCO-TWAS in 2019, Sena was based in in Myanmar having earlier served in a variety of research and project management roles also across the United Kingdom, Thailand, and Malaysia.
Margareth Goldenberg

CEO Goldenberg Diversidade, Gestora Executiva Movimento Mulher 360º
Psicóloga e psicopedagoga, especialista em direitos humanos & mundo corporativo , há 27 anos, atua nos temas de responsabilidade social , educação, diversidade e equidade de gênero em grandes corporações. CEO na Goldenberg Responsabilidade Social e Diversidade onde atua como consultora estratégica e tática em diversidade e inclusão em várias empresas como Santander, Vivo, Latam, Scania, Roche, Eurofarma, Magazine Luiza, Globo, Suzano, Raia Drogasil, Stellantis, CPFL, COMGÁS, Credit Suisse, dentre outras. Foi consultora estratégica no desenho do Movimento Mulher 360 e é atualmente gestora executiva , deste movimento empresarial sem fins lucrativos mantido por 86 empresas, articulando o tema de empoderamento feminino , diversidade e equidade de gêneros no meio corporativo. Professora de Diversidade e Equidade na ABERJE (Associação Brasileira de Comunicação Empresarial).É palestrante e realiza inúmeros workshops , mentorias e treinamentos para gestores e lideranças de empresa, além de debates e participação em painéis na temática de Diversidade e Equidade de Gênero.
Ana Maritza Reyes González

Studying her master’s degree in Food Biotechnology at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
Ana Maritza Reyes González graduated with a Bachelor degree in Biotechnology Engineering from Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico in 2020 and is currently studying her master’s degree in Food Biotechnology in the same institution. Throughout her professional years, she has implemented her scientific background and critical thinking to improve her research abilities and find solutions to various food and environmental problems. Seeking to make a positive impact on society, Ana Maritza has recently focused her research in analyzing the impact self-efficacy can have in the employment of recently graduated engineers from atypical STEM majors, depending on their gender.
Bola Grace

Founder, Orishi and Visiting Scholar, Cambridge Judge Wo+Men’s Leadership Centre
Dr Bola Grace has over a decade of senior leadership experience in the Healthcare Industry. She is the founder of Orishi, which provides inclusive innovation solutions; and a visiting scholar at the Cambridge Judge Wo+Men’s Leadership Centre. She holds a PhD in Population Health and Epidemiology from University College London and an Executive MBA from Cambridge Judge Business School. She is also an academic with extensive research on gender, health inequalities, EDI and digital health. Within academia, she holds visiting faculty roles where she lectures and supervises undergraduate and postgraduate research projects, presents at national and international conferences, and has published numerous articles in top academic journals.
Matteo Grazzi

Science & Technology Senior Specialist the Competitiveness, Technology and Innovation Division of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Matteo Grazzi is an economist specialized in science, technology and innovation policy. He currently works as a Science & Technology Senior Specialist the Competitiveness, Technology and Innovation Division of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), where he designs and manages programs to promote innovation and private sector development in Latin America and the Caribbean and coordinates the analytical and operational work related to gender and STI. Before joining the IDB, Matteo worked as a consultant economist at the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in Santiago, Chile and as a researcher at the Centre for Research on Latin American and Transition Economies Studies (ISLA) at Bocconi University in Milan. He holds a PhD in International Law and Economics from Bocconi University and an MA in Development Economics from the University of Sussex (Brighton, UK). His main research interests focus on gender and STI, economics of innovation, creative economy and ICT for development.
Ayush Gupta

Associate Professor at the Homi Bhabha Center for Science Education, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India (HBCSE-TIFR)
Ayush Gupta is Associate Professor at the Homi Bhabha Center for Science Education, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India (HBCSE-TIFR). The roles held before included Associate Research Professor (in Physics), and Keystone Instructor (in A. J. Clark School of Engineering) at the University of Maryland, College Park, USA. Ayush Gupta works in physics education research and engineering education research with recent interest in the role of ideologies and power in learning, especially in (i) how engineering students think about technology and society; and (ii) how we can design STEM learning environments with more opportunities for reasoning about the societal impacts of science and technology. Ayush serves on the editorial board for the International Journal of Engineering, Social Justice, and Peace.
Sophia Huyer

Gender and Social Inclusion Leader at the CGIAR Research Programme on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), Director of Women in Global Science and Technology (WISAT) based in Brighton, Canada
Sophia Huyer is Gender and Social Inclusion Leader at the CGIAR Research Programme on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) as well as Director of Women in Global Science and Technology (WISAT) based in Brighton, Canada. She has engaged in research and policy analysis on global gender equality issues relating to technology, innovation and sustainable development for over 20 years. She was with the Gender Advisory Board of the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development (GAB-CSTD) from 1998 - 2014 and Senior Advisor to the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) at The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) from 2009-2013.
Sarah Dickinson Hyams

Assistant Director, International Equality Charters, Advance HE, UK
Sarah Dickinson Hyams is the Assistant Director for International Equality Charters at Advance HE. Sarah is responsible for driving Advance HE’s strategy around global diversity and inclusion and overseeing two internationally renowned, diversity intervention frameworks, the Athena Swan Charter (an international Charter for gender equality) and the Race Equality Charter, both highly successful, systemic change programmes recognised for their ability to positively affect cultural change and values. The Athena Swan Charter was established in 2005 to recognise commitment to advancing the careers of women in STEMM employment in higher education and research. The Athena Swan Charter expanded in 2015 to recognise advancement of gender equality representation, progression and success for all and was substantially updated in the UK 2021 to reflect the changing landscape of UK higher education and research. Sarah joined Advance HE (previously the Equality Challenge Unit) in 2012 and has overseen the successful expansion of the Athena Swan Charter outside of higher education to include research institutes and outside of the UK to the Republic of Ireland and Australia with sister charters in the US, Canada and India, as well as the development of the Race Equality Charter for higher education in the UK. Sarah has worked in diversity in STEMM for over 17 years, previously managing WISETI (women in science, engineering and technology initiative) at the University of Cambridge and the diversity programme at the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Engell Jaime

Regional Programme Management Specialist - UN Women
Engell Jaime, UN Women's Regional Programme Management Specialist for the Americas and the Caribbean, where she provides monitoring support and facilitates the proper management of programmatic actions to promote gender equality and women's empowerment. Ms. Jaime began her professional career as a volunteer when she was 14 years old for an international medical NGO, as an interpreter. At 18, she became Operations Coordinator for Global Medical Training, the same organization where she used to volunteer. Prior to UN Women, she worked as GMT's Regional Operations Coordinator, managing the operational and programmatic aspects of the organization in Panama, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and San Salvador. Engell Jaime is a graduate of the Technological University of Panama, has postgraduate studies and a master's degree in project management from the National University of Panama and a specialization in Results-Based Project Management: Monitoring and Evaluation from the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg.
Fabiola Leon

Professor of the Department of Biological and Physiological Sciences, Faculty of Sciences of the UPCH
Biologist with a DSc. in Sciences (Physiology) from the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH). Professor of the Department of Biological and Physiological Sciences, Faculty of Sciences of the UPCH. Scientific production mainly in high altitude adaptation physiology with more than 180 titles. President of the National Council for Science and Technology from Perú (Concytec) from July 2017 to 2020. Rector of UPCH from 2008 to June 2017, and Vice-Rector for Research from 2004 to 2008. Member of the board of directors, of the Peruvian Strategic Planning Center (CEPLAN).
Nora Libertun

Expert in Housing and Urban Development at the Inter-American Development Bank (IBD)
Nora Libertun is an expert in Housing and Urban Development Sector at the IBD, where she leads the knowledge agenda and the promotion of gender and diversity actions in the Sector. She holds a PhD in Urban and Regional Planning from MIT, a Master's in Urban Design from Harvard University, and a Master’s in Architecture from the University of Buenos Aires. Nora has taught urban planning and international development at various universities and is an Adjunct Associate Professor at Columbia University. She is a member of various technical boards, including the Steering Committee of Harvard Mexican Cities Initiative. Previously, she was the Director of Planning and Natural Resources for New York City. Her articles have been published in a range of academic journals, counting the Journal of Planning Education and Research, Housing Policy Debate, International Journal of Urban & Regional Research, Cities, Urban Studies, World Development Perspectives, and City & Community, among others.
Nísia Trindade Lima

President of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation
Nísia Trindade Lima is the current president of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, where she served as Vice-President of Teaching, Information, and Communication from 2011 to 2016. Her research and teaching interests include the history of science and health, especially the social sciences, and Brazilian social thought.
Shirley Malcom

Senior advisor and director of SEA Change
Shirley Malcom is senior advisor and director of SEA Change, an institutional transformation initiative, at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). In her more than 40-year tenure at the Association she has worked to improve the quality and increase access to education and careers in STEMM for all women, BIPOC men (Black, Indigenous and People of Color), persons with disabilities and other marginalized groups, as well as to enhance public science literacy. Dr. Malcom is a trustee of Caltech and regent of Morgan State University, an HBCU. She is a former member of the National Science Board, the policymaking body of the U.S. National Science Foundation, and served on President Clinton’s Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology. Malcom, a native of Birmingham, Alabama, received her PhD in ecology from The Pennsylvania State University, masters in zoology from UCLA and bachelor’s with distinction in zoology from the University of Washington. She has been recognized for her work and service by all of these institutions, being the recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award from The Pennsylvania State University (2001), the UCLA Medal (2015), and Alumna Summa Laude Dignata of the University of Washington (1998). Malcom is an elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In addition, she holds 17 honorary degrees. Malcom is a former high school science teacher and university faculty member. She serves on the boards of the Heinz Endowments, Public Agenda and Digital Promise Global. She also chairs the board of NMSI, the National Math-Science Initiative. In 2003, Malcom received the Public Welfare Medal of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, the highest award given by the Academy.
Marcela Márquez-García

Postdoctoral researcher at the Río Cruces Wetland Center and courtesy faculty at the Conservation, Biodiversity and Territory Institute, Universidad Austral de Chile
I am a conservation social scientist and practitioner based in the south of Chile. I studied environmental sciences and ecology at Universidad de Chile, and then I became interested in interdisciplinary studies, specifically in the human dimensions of biodiversity conservation. I did my PhD at the School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Florida (USA), where I acquired knowledge and skills in social science research and its application to conservation practice. My research aims to understand factors influencing conservation behaviors, collaboration processes and stakeholder participation in sustainability programs. My recent publications explore diverse motivations and barriers to adopt conservation practices among Chilean winegrowers, and assess the effectiveness of outreach interventions in fostering conservation action. My practice builds upon my knowledge on human dimensions of biodiversity conservation and facilitation, communication and leadership skills to promote multi-stakeholder partnerships for innovation and problem solving in complex socio-ecological systems. Along with other colleagues (mainly University of Florida alumni), we have organized and facilitated a workshop series that aims to support and empower Latin American women in conservation. Currently, I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Río Cruces Wetland Center and courtesy faculty at the Conservation, Biodiversity and Territory Institute, Universidad Austral de Chile.
Celina Maria Turchi Martelli

Visiting researcher at Instituto Aggeu Magalhães, FIOCRUZ-Pernambuco, Brazil,
Dr. Celina Maria Turchi Martelli is a visiting researcher at Instituto Aggeu Magalhães, FIOCRUZ-Pernambuco, Brazil, with research activities focusing on the epidemiology of communicable diseases. She is one of the founders of the Microcephaly Epidemic Research Group (MERG), based in the Northeast of Brazil, that aims to investigate ZIKV infections in pregnant women and Congenital Zika Syndrome in children. She was awarded by Nature in 2016 as one of the 10 most important scientist and by the Time in 2017 as the 100 most influential people in the category of pioneers for the research development during the Zika pandemic. She receives CNPq Scholarship in Research Productivity, and she is member of the National Institute for Health Technology Assessment (IATS- and of the Brazilian Academy of Science (2018).
Luisa Massarani

Regional coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean SciDev.Net
Luisa Massarani has been the regional coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean since 2003. As such, she is responsible for managing the independent collaborators of SciDev.Net and other key people and organizations in the region, as well as writing journalistic articles. She also coordinates meetings, workshops and other training events on science and scientific journalism dissemination.
Peter McGrath

PCoordinator of the InterAcademy Partnership, Coordinator of the TWAS science diplomacy initiative
Peter McGrath obtained his BSc (honours) in Agricultural Zoology from the University of Glasgow, UK, and followed this with a PhD from the University of Leeds, UK, in 1989. After a 10-year research career in labs in the UK and USA, in 1997 he established his own business as a freelance journalist focusing on agricultural, environmental and scientific issues.In 2003, he joined the Public Information Office of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) in Trieste, Italy. From 2006, he began overseeing the implementation and expansion of TWAS’s core programmes aimed at developing scientific capacity in low- and middle-income countries, including South-South fellowships and other exchange schemes, research grants, various prizes and, initially, the activities of the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD).In 2013, he switched to become Coordinator of the InterAcademy Partnership, overseeing the Trieste office of the IAP secretariat and acting as liaison person for the IAP Science Education Programme and the IAP Biosecurity Working Group, as well as coordinating the implementation of GenderInSITE (GIS) activities. He also retains his position as coordinator of the TWAS science diplomacy initiative, including representing TWAS in the EU Horizon2020-funded S4D4C project and as liaison with the Solar Radiation Management Governance Initiative (SRMGI).
Janaína Dutra Silvestre Mendes

Medical physicist and science communicator, National Cancer Institute José Alencar Gomes da Silva (INCA-MS)
Janaína Dutra Silvestre Mendes is a medical physicist and science communicator, Master in Medicine (Radiology) and PhD in Radioprotection and Dosimetry. She works at the nuclear medicine department of the National Cancer Institute José Alencar Gomes da Silva (INCA-MS) and currently researches on two fronts: professional education and epistemology of medical physics and gender studies related to women in science.
Fabina Menna

Director of the Gender, Society and Policies Area of FLACSO Argentina and of the UNESCO Regional Chair, Women, Science and Technology in Latin America
Italian anthropologist, resident in Argentina for the last 20 years, with actions developed in nearby Latin American countries. Specialist in gender and public policies, with 2 decades of experience in local development, with a network approach and collective impact. Dedicated to strengthening organizational processes, training leaders associated with productive development and income generation, with a focus on the valorization of territories and their biodiversity. I have specialized in the development of rural women and climate change. Delegate of Women20 (G20 working group), with experience in the civil society environment, consultant for local governments and international agencies such as UN Women, UNEP, World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank.
Carol Mondragone

Director of Vocations and Training in Science, Technology and Innovation at the Ministry of Science
Political scientist from Universidad Nacional de Colombia with a Master in Development Management and Practice from Universidad de los Andes. She currently serves as Director of Vocations and Training in Science, Technology and Innovation at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Colombia. She has a wide experience of more than 10 years in project management for development from the public and private scenario. Carol has also worked in educational innovation projects and application of technologies for child participation. She has worked in project design, management and evaluation with emphasis on monitoring processes, data analysis and reporting for different stakeholders. Experience in strategic planning, budget elaboration and follow-up, and human talent management. She has also carried out several projects in design and facilitation of collective work sessions in various modalities (focus groups, participatory leadership, collective intelligence, strategic planning workshops, promotion of networking and social innovation).
Camila Morsch

English Language, Education and Society Director for the Americas at the British Council
Camila Morsch is the English Language, Education and Society Director for the Americas at the British Council, where she started in 2014 as Senior Programme Manager for the Newton Fund. Before the British Council, Camila supported organizations with programmes related to social development, gender and racial justice. Organizations include the Ethos Institute in São Paulo and the African American Policy Forum at Columbia University, New York, where she held her first executive role at age 25. In 2011, Camila was nominated by UN Women to the first cohort of the agency’s Civil Society Advisory Group in Brazil. Academically, she holds a PhD in Law from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand and a Masters in Law (LLM) from the University of California Los Angeles. She is originally from Brazil, where she helped co-found the first Latin American chapter of the European Professional Women’s Network, PWN, as vice-president for institutional affairs.
Luciana Maria Azevedo Nascimento

She graduated in Computer Science (Federal University of Pará, 2004), holds a Master's degree in Applied Computing (Federal University of Pará, 2007), and a Ph.D degree in Systems and Computer Engineering (PESC/COPPE-University Federal of Rio de Janeiro, 2019). She has experience in the field of Computer Science, with an emphasis on Software Engineering, Project Management, Measurement and Process Improvement. Her research interest is in Experimental Software Engineering, methods, techniques and processes to support software development for Innovation and in Software Startups contexts. As a college teacher and as Scrum Master for software development teams, she has observed the low rate of women in computer and engineering fields and is motivated to contribute with research studies and actions to increase women participation in STEM areas.
Silmara Neves

Fundei em sociedade IQX-Inove Qualyx
Fundei em sociedade, a IQX-Inove Qualyx, uma empresa dedicada à inovação tecnológica na área de resinas poliméricas, destacando-se o desenvolvimento de aditivos condutores para dissipação de carga eletrostática. Tenho experiência na área de Química, com ênfase em Eletroquímica e Química de Materiais. Sou graduada em Química pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas mesma instituição em que obtive os títulos de Mestre em Química Inorgânica (1992) e Doutora em Ciências (1997). Desde 2002 sou professora associada da Universidade São Francisco atuando, principalmente, na gestão e docência dos cursos de Química Industrial e Engenharia Química.
Sonja Ochsenfeld-Repp

Head of the Division “Equal Opportunities, Research Integrity and Cross-Programme Development”, German Research Foundation
Since July 2018 she is Head of the Division “Equal Opportunities, Research Integrity and Cross-Programme Development”, German Research Foundation. Before she has been Deputy Head of Division “Quality and Programme Management” (2016-2018). Her focus is on the promotion of equity, diversity and inclusion, safeguarding good research practice and international cooperation. From 2012 to 2015 she was Deputy Director of the European Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations (Kowi) and Head of the Bonn office. She was coordinator of the KoWi-Part of the National Contact Point for the European Research Council (ERC). She is a fully qualified lawyer by training and has been awarded a doctoral degree from the University of Bonn in 2007. She has participated as a speaker or chair in many national, European and international conferences.
Jocelyn Olivari

Professor and researcher at the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences at Adolfo Ibáñez University
Dr. Jocelyn Olivari, is a professor and researcher at the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences at Adolfo Ibáñez University in Chile, where she also performed as Director of the Gender Equality Committee between April 2019 and January 2021. She is also a member of the Board of Directors of the influential Chilean think tank, Espacio Público. With more than fifteen years of experience in the area of economics and policy of innovation, her current research interests cover gender gaps in CTI activities and STEM, and the economics of innovation and technological entrepreneurship. She previously worked as a consultant for the Interamerican Development Bank, and for the Chilean Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation, in topics related to gender gaps and CTI. Dr. Olivari has a BA and MSc in Economics from University of Chile, and a PhD
in Economics and Policy Studies of Technical Change from UNU-MERIT, Maastricht University.
Suhas Parandekar

Senior Economist in the World Bank’s Global Education Practice
Senior Economist in the World Bank’s Global Education Practice, where he leads and participates in task teams in the areas of education, science, technology and innovation. He worked in projects in 24 countries, with the bulk of the experience from the countries of El Salvador, Nicaragua, Argentina, Brazil, Laos and Vietnam.
Rosa Petit

Studying the specialty in Physics of Nuclear Medicine at the San Martin University, in Argentina
Rosa Petit finished the Master's program in Advanced Studies in Medical Physics at the University of Trieste in collaboration with ICTP. She also completed her clinical training in radiotherapy at the University Hospital of Siena. Her previous studies were carried out at the Faculty of Science and Technology (Facyt) at the University of Carabobo, obtaining a degree in Physics. Later, she had a position of professor in the Physics Department of the University of Carabobo. She is currently studying the specialty in Physics of Nuclear Medicine at the San Martin University, in Argentina, and she is also part of the research and development team of the Allianzy company.
Elizabeth Pollitzer
Director, Portia Ltd, UK; founder, Gender Summit
Elizabeth Pollitzer, (PhD (InfSc), BSc (Bio/Phys)) is the founder and director of Portia, which set up the Gender Summit in 2011 and has co-convened each summit since then. She is expert evaluator and adviser for the European Commission, and is involved in several EU projects. Elizabeth Pollitzer PhD is founder and Director of Portia, an organization devoted to improving gender equality in STEM and promoting the inclusion of the gender dimension in STEM. She has 20 years’ experience teaching and researching in the Departments of Computing and Management at Imperial College, University of London. Her original training was in Biophysics. She now applies this scientific background to her work as director of Portia. Portia was the coordinator of the genSET project, the Gender Summits were established as part of the genSET project.
Laura Ripani

Chief of the Labor Markets and Social Security Division of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Laura Ripani is Chief of the Labor Markets and Social Security Division of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). She specializes in the area of labor markets, with a particular interest in improving labor market opportunities for all. She has published extensively in academic journals in the areas of labor markets, social protection, and education. In her twenty years of experience, Laura has developed an extensive network of international contacts in the public, private and academic sectors and has become a thought leader for labor economics and the future of work. Prior to joining the IDB, she worked at the World Bank on projects related to the link between poverty and labor markets in Latin America. She holds an M.A and Ph.D. in economics from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and a B.A. and M.A. in economics from the National University of La Plata, Argentina.
Meghie Rodrigues

Freelance science and environment journalist based in Brazil and the vice-president of the Brazilian Network of Science Journalists
Meghie Rodrigues is a freelance science and environment journalist based in Brazil and the vice-president of the Brazilian Network of Science Journalists. Her work has been featured by SciDev.Net, Nature, Thomson Reuters Foundation, Science News, Eos, and other news outlets. Meghie is currently developing her PhD research on climate change disinformation at the State University of Campinas. From 2015 to 2019, she worked as a researcher at the Museum of Tomorrow in Rio de Janeiro, where she developed the Women in Science and Innovation training program. It is a joint initiative of the British Council in Brazil and the Museum of Tomorrow seeking to empower female scientists to explore the entrepreneurial value of their research and become leaders in their fields.
Virginia Garretón Rodríguez

Chief of advisors of the vice-ministry of science, technology, knowledge, and innovation of Chile, and executive director of the national council of equality for science, technology, knowledge and innovation of Chile
Biochemist and Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Biology from Catholic University of Chile. Postdoctoral training at the Rockefeller University in Plant Cell Biology. Ex-CEO of Austral Biotech, a Chilean biotech company. ex-Chair of the Biotechnology department at Santo Tomas University in Chile. Member of the National Council of Innovation of Chile. Creator of videogames to learn and teach science: Kokori and Ciclania. Ex-Executive director of a Chilean public program to support scientific research centers: the Millenium Science Initiative. Founder of “Capital Biodiversidad” a Chilean NGO working for nature conservancy based on science. Since 2019: chief of advisors of the vice-ministry of science, technology, knowledge, and innovation of Chile, and executive director of the national council of equality for science, technology, knowledge and innovation of Chile.
Giulia Rossello

Post-Doc at the Institute of Economics of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Italy)
Giulia Rossello is Post-Doc at the Institute of Economics of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Italy). She holds a MSc in Economics from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and University of Pisa (Italy), and a Ph.D. in Economics from Maastricht University, UNU-MERIT (Netherlands). She was a visiting researcher at the Centre for Research on Evaluation of Science and Technology (CREST) at Stellenbosch University (South Africa). She was teaching assistant of Data Science, Econometrics, and Network Economics at the School of Business and Economics at Maastricht University (Netherlands). Her PhD research was part of the project “Social Transformation in South African Science and Innovation” funded by the ANR of France. Her work is at the intersection of Economics of Knowledge and Innovation, Education, Science of Science and Sociology. In particular, her research uses empirical methods to uncover mechanisms at work in Academia. She has additional expertise in Applied Econometrics, Network Analysis, and Network Economics. One of the chapters of her thesis has been published in “Scientometrics”. Her research was presented at WEHIA 2017, 2021; STI 2018, EAEPE 2019, 2021; ISS 2021; EPIP 2021 and as invited seminar speaker at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy), Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (Italy), and Harvard University (USA).
Eliana Rubiano-Matulevich

Economist with the World Bank Poverty Global Practice (GP) and the Regional Gender Coordinator for the Latin America and the Caribbean Region
Eliana Rubiano-Matulevich is an Economist with the World Bank Poverty Global Practice (GP) and the Regional Gender Coordinator for the Latin America and the Caribbean Region. Before joining the Poverty GP, she served as an Economist with the Gender Group where she was the focal point for Human Development sectors. She first joined the Bank in 2006 as a consultant working for the Office of the Chief Economist for the Latin America and the Caribbean Region. From 2008-2010 Eliana was a Junior Professional for the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network. She has worked in Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, South Asia, and in the Middle East. Eliana also held positions at the Inter-American Development Bank and at the Central Bank of Colombia. Prior to rejoining the Bank in 2015, she was a Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist with the Global Partnership for Education. She holds a Ph.D. from Maastricht University School of Business and Economics, and Master’s degree in Public Administration from Columbia University and a Master’s degree in Economics from Universidad Javeriana in Bogota (Colombia).
Josefina Takahashi Sato

Bióloga, Ph.D. en Ciencias Biológicas
Ha sido investigadora del Centro Internacional de la Papa y Jefa del Instituto Nacional de Recursos Naturales – INRENA. Actualmente es: Rectora Emérita de la Universidad Científica del Sur, Directora del Consejo Directivo del CONCYTEC y Pta. del Comité ProMujer CTI del CONCYTEC.
Londa Schiebinger

John L. Hinds Professor of History of Science at Stanford University, and Director of Gendered Innovations in Science, Health & Medicine, Engineering, and Environment
Londa Schiebinger is the John L. Hinds Professor of History of Science at Stanford University, and Director of Gendered Innovations in Science, Health & Medicine, Engineering, and Environment. She is a leading international expert on gender in science and technology and has addressed the United Nations, the European Parliament, the Korean National Assembly, and numerous others on that topic. Schiebinger received her Ph.D. from Harvard University, is an elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the recipient of numerous prizes and awards, including the prestigious Alexander von Humboldt Research Prize and Guggenheim Fellowship. From 2018-2020, she directed a large project in collaboration with the European Commission: Gendered Innovations 2: How Inclusive Analysis Contributes to Research and Innovation. Gendered Innovations harnesses the creative power of sex, gender, and intersectional analysis to enhance excellence and reproducibility in science and technology. See Ensuring that Biomedical AI Benefits Diverse Populations eBioMedicine (2021); Analysing How Sex and Gender Interact The Lancet (2020); AI can be Sexist and Racist—It’s Time to Make it Fair Nature (2018); Sex and Gender Analysis Improves Science and Engineering Nature (2019).
Claudia Segovia-Salcedo

Associate professor at Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas (ESPE) and cofounder of the Ecuadorian Network of Women Scientists (REMCI)
Claudia Segovia-Salcedo was born in Cuenca, Ecuador, but spent her childhood in the capital city of Quito. She obtained her bachelor’s degree at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador and her M.Sc in environmental and plant biology at Ohio University. In 2014, she earned her Ph.D in the biology department at the University of Florida. She is interested in high-elevation Andean páramos and is researching the genetic composition of Polylepis as an essential component of comprehensive conservation planning. Her research focuses on the use of genetic divergence and uniqueness to identify areas of conservation importance in Ecuador. Currently, she is an associate professor at Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas (ESPE) and cofounder of the Ecuadorian Network of Women Scientists (REMCI).
Benjamin K. Sovacool

Professor of Energy Policy at the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at the University of Sussex Business School, UK
Dr. Benjamin K. Sovacool is Professor of Energy Policy at the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at the University of Sussex Business School in the United Kingdom. There he serves as Director of the Sussex Energy Group. He is also University Distinguished Professor of Business & Social Sciences at Aarhus University in Denmark. Professor Sovacool works as a researcher and consultant on issues pertaining to energy policy, energy justice, energy security, climate change mitigation, and climate change adaptation. More specifically, his research focuses on renewable energy and energy efficiency, the politics of large-scale energy infrastructure, the ethics and morality of energy decisions, designing public policy to improve energy security and access to electricity, and building adaptive capacity to the consequences of climate change. He is a Lead Author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), due to be published in 2022, and an Advisor on Energy to the European Commission’s Directorate General for Research and Innovation in Brussels, Belgium. With much coverage of his work in the international news media, he is one of the most highly cited global researchers on issues bearing on controversies in energy and climate policy.
Diana Suárez

Vice-president at Council of Scientific Research of Buenos Aires Province
Vice-president at Council of Scientific Research of Buenos Aires Province, Arg. Profesor at National University General Sarmiento (UNGS), Arg. Researcher at CIECTI. Her main topics are in the field of science and technology policy, gender and science and innovation and development. She leads the Argentinean team in CYTED’s thematic network “Science, technology and innovation policies for the solution of national problems” (P619RT0014). As a consultant, she has worked for IDB, UNCTAD, ECLAC, RICYT and national ministries in Argentina (MINCYT, MECON). She integrates the Scientific Board of Lalics.
Susanne Täuber

Rosalind Franklin Fellow and an Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Susanne Täuber is a Rosalind Franklin Fellow and an Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. She graduated from Friedrich-Schiller University Jena (Germany) with a Ph.D. in Social Psychology. Dr. Täuber is interested in the dynamics that undermine the effectiveness of policy, for instance in the context of harassment, gender quota and diversity programs. She has been appointed as a member of the National Advisory Committee Diverse and Inclusive Higher Education and Research by the Dutch minister of Education, Culture and Science. Dr. Täuber also serves as an advisor for The Academic Parity Movement, a non-profit organization that addresses academic bullying, mobbing, abusive supervision, harassment, and discrimination at their roots to ensure all bright minds can excel and progress. Her advocacy for culture change in academia has been published for instance in Women’s Higher Education Network, Times Higher Education, Nature and The Lancet.
Adriana Tonini

Director of Engineering, Hard Sciences, Human and Social Sciences at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)
Graduated in Civil Engineering at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1992), Master Degree in Technology (Mathematical and Computational Models) at the Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais (1999) and PhD in Education at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2007). She is currently Director of Engineering, Hard Sciences, Human and Social Sciences at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). External institutional evaluator of the National Higher Education Assessment System (SINAES, BASis / INEP / MEC).. Vice-President of the Society of Engineers from the State of Minas Gerais (SME). Associate professor at the Federal University of Ouro Preto, in the Center for Open and Distance Education, Department of Education and Technologies (DEETE). Editor of the Engineering Education magazine of the Brazilian Engineering Education Association (ABENGE). She works mainly in the following areas: Professional and Technological Education, Distance Learning, Teacher Training, Engineering Education, Scientific Dissemination, Women in Science, Technology and Innovation.
Luiza Helena Trajano

President of the Management Committee of Magazine Luiza
Luiza Helena Trajano is the president of the Management Committee of Magazine Luiza. She was responsible for the innovation and growth leap that set Magazine Luiza as one of the biggest retailers in Brazil in the coming decades. Putting people first, entrepreneurial attitudes, Innovation and creativity are some of the concepts she has always adopted and incentivised her team. Among the results from these beliefs and practices, Magazine Luiza has been on the ranking of “Best companies to work at” for 23 years in a row. She also acts as Consultant in 16 different entities, such as IDV – Instituto para Desenvolvimento do Varejo, UNICEF and the Consulting Group of the UN Population Fund in Brazil. She was elected the Personality of the Year of 2020 by the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-USA. She is president of Grupo Mulheres do Brasil, which gathers over 80 thousand participants in groups across Brazil and overseas. Throughout her career she has received hundreds of awards as entrepreneurs, businesswoman, women and leader, such as the first place as business leader with the best reputation in Brazil, according to the Spanish Consulting group Merco, and also as the Only Brazilian executive in the global ist of WRC – World Retail Congress. Magazine Luiza has got over 1,100 stores in 18 states in Brazil, and over 47,000 collaborators.
Maria Zaira Turchi

Director for Institutional Cooperation – Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq
Maria Zaira Turchi, PhD in Humanities - Literature, is a Professor at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). At the University she has served as Coordinator of Postgraduate Programs and as Director of Faculty of Languages, Literature and Linguistics. She is a researcher in the fields of literary criticism and anthropology with books and papers published. She was the President of Goiás State Funding Agency for Scientific Research – FAPEG, and President of the Brazilian National Council of the State Funding Agencies – CONFAP. She had sits on a number of scientific and educational boards, including the National Council of Science and Technology of Brazil (CCT). She served as Director for Research Infrastructure and Training and Education Policies of the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation – MCTI. Currently, she is Director of Institutional Cooperation at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).
Hebe Vessuri

Social anthropologist
Hebe Vessuri is a social anthropologist who contributed to the emergence and consolidation of the field of social studies of science and technology in Latin America. Her research focus has been on science in the world peripheries, with emphasis in Latin American, the dilemmas of participation / social exclusion and expert knowledge, and the interface between higher education, scientific research, and autochthonous / traditional knowledge. With a record of cooperation serving on many boards and committees of international science, she has chosen to live in several American countries, like Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Mexico, and Venezuela. She got the JD Bernal Prize for the scientific trajectory of the 4S (Society for the Social Study of Science) and spends her time during the pandemic at a pied à terre in Buenos Aires.
Edith Villegas

Edith Villegas recently received a Master’s in Medical Physics from the University of Trieste and the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Italy. She had previously studied computational physics in Besançon, France and received a Bachelor’s degree in Physics from the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, in her home country. She has experience in ionizing radiation metrology and radiotherapy and diagnostic imaging in medical physics. She also briefly took part in activities of the CMS Open Data Group at CERN and currently holds a research scholarship on Data Management in Area Science Park in Italy.
Dimitra Xynou

Policy Analyst,Sustainable Development, Gender and Partnerships Team, Environment Directorate, OECD
Dimitra Xynou is a Policy Analyst at OECD’s Environment Directorate. Her work focuses on the gender-environment nexus, and on mainstreaming gender equality and women’s empowerment in environmental policies. Prior to joining the OECD, Dimitra held various senior advisory positions in the Greek public administration, as Counsellor at the Permanent Delegation of Greece to the OECD, and as Advisor to the Ministers of Economy, Development and Transport, managing projects mainly on transport and economic development. She has also worked as a policy advisor in the European Parliament and in the private sector. She obtained her Bachelor’s Degree from Athens University of Economics and Business and her Master’s Degree on International Political Economy from the University of Warwick.