Public and Private Partnerships that Enhance Gender Diversity in STEM (download presentation here
Plenary Panel 3: Developing Policies & Partnerships to Improve Gender Diversity in STEMM
Lorraine Hariton joined the Academy in March 2014 as Senior Vice President, Global Partnerships. In this role, Ms. Hariton is responsible for bringing new corporate and government supporters to the Academy’s Global STEM Alliance. Ms. Hariton joined the Academy after completing her term as Special Representative for Commercial and Business Affairs at the U.S. Department of State in February 2014. She was appointed by Secretary Clinton in September 2009. In this position, Ms. Hariton was responsible for State Department outreach to the business community, commercial advocacy, and global entrepreneurship efforts. She worked with U.S. embassies around the world and was instrumental in establishing entrepreneurship as a foreign policy tool. She also led initiatives in women’s leadership including spearheading the APEC Women and the Economy Summit in 2011.
Read more: Lorraine Hariton

Home Service Robots Innovate Typical Gender Role (download presentation here
Parallel Session 3: Advancing Gender Sensitive Innovation Ecosystems
Kyungchul Shin received the B.S., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Seoul National University, Korea in 1982 and from University of Michigan, USA in 1988 respectively. Dr Shin was the President of Korea Advanced Intelligent Robot Association between 2003 and 2006. And also he is the member of The National Academy of Engineering of Korea since 2010. He is appointed as the Chairman of KOSDAQ Listed Companies Association in 2015. Dr Shin is specifically interested in developing various service robots that contributes to utmost convenience and betterment of lifestyle. He is Currently serving as the President of Yujin Robot Co., Ltd, which has been developing various service robots.
Read more: Kyungchul Shin

Professor, Graduate School of Innovation and Technology Management, Yamaguchi University, Japan.
A Survey on the impact of mothers in course selection of Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) on their daughters (download presentation here
Conference: Improving Diversity of STEMM Talents: K-12 Programmes
Yuko Hayashi is a Professor of Graduate School of Innovation and Technology Management at Yamaguchi University. Her first degree was a Bachelor in School of Medicine, Health Sciences at University of Tokyo, followed by a Master of Science in Technology and Policy Program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Then she received her Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Engineering from University of Tokyo Graduate School of Engineering in October 2006. Her research interests include innovation management, science and technology policy in a medical field, and diversity and innovation in STEMM. Her social contributions are an Expert member of Gender Equality Promoting Liaison Committee in Cabinet Office, Director of Japan MOT (Management of Technology) Society, President of Special Olympics Nippon Yamaguchi, an Executive Director of Cultural and Sports Support Organization for the Grate East Japan Orphan and others.
Read more: Yuko Hayashi

Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of Yangon, Yangon, Myanmar.
Gender Impact of Science and Arts at University of Yangon, Myanmar (download presentation here
Parallel session 1: Mainstreaming Gender into Asia-Pacific’s Research, Innovation and Development Goals for more effective and sustainable outcomes
Dr Mya Kay Thi Aung is a lecturer in the department of chemistry at the University of Yangon, Myanmar. She previously worked as an assistant lecturer at Sittwe University, Myanmar, and as a demonstrator at the Institute of Medicine, Yangon, Myanmar. She obtained her PhD in Chemistry with research on "Phosphorylation of Thit-sein Oil and Its Application in Horticulture" in 2007, following her MSc in Chemistry in 1998 with research on "Electrodeposition of Copper-zinc Alloy on Aluminium" and her BSc (Honours) in Chemistry in 1994, all in chemistry and all from the University of Yangon, Yangon, Myanmar. She has also undergone various courses in English language and teaching methodology.
Read more: Mya Kay Thi Aung

Professor, Department of Graphic Arts and Information Engineering, Pukyong National University, Korea.
Factors Causing Women Students to Drop Out of Engineering (download presentation here
Conference: Introducing the Gender Dimension to STEMM Higher Education
Jong Tae Youn is a Professor at the department of Graphic Arts and Information Engineering in Pukyong National University and has been Director of WISET, Women in Science Engineering and Technology, Regional Agency of Dongnam in South Korea since 2012 and also Director of IVDP, Internship and Vocational Training Program of his school since 2015. His main research interests are Computer Simulations for Higher Education, Rheology, and Women in Engineering Education. Currently, he is performing two government projects including WISET program and two University-Industry Corporation projects including the Computer Simulation of the Printed Electronics and had performed 20 projects.
Read more: Jong Tae Youn

Associate professor, Healthcare System Gangnam Center, Seoul National University Hospital (SNUH), Korea.
Sex & Gender related Differences in Gastroeosphageal reflux disease
Workshop: Gendered Innovations in Engineering Technology & Industry, Clinical Practice and Life Science Research
Dr Young Sun Kim is Associate professor of Healthcare System Gangnam Center Seoul National University Hospital. She received her M.D in College of Medicine from Ewha Womans University and Ph. D from Ewha Womans University Postgraduate School. She has also worked at University of California San Diego, Gastroenterology Motility Research Unit as a visiting scholar.
Read more: Young Sun Kim

Differential risk of metabolic syndrome by sex in the Korean adults (download presentation here
Workshop: Gendered Innovations in Engineering Technology & Industry
Dr Won Song, a professor of human nutrition in the Department of Food Science at Michigan State University (MSU), has been an active researcher and teacher since she joined the MSU faculty as an assistant professor. Her research training and interests reside in nutritional epidemiology; community nutrition; food consumption behaviors in relation to chronic diseases; dietary patterns and health risks at the national and international settings; biomarkers and predictors for nutritional status in large populations with emphasis on the subgroups at risk; national nutrition surveys and its application in research; nutrition education – theories and application of technology. She has received numerous recognitions for her research and teaching accomplishments, served on many national and international committees for professional organizations and industry, and advised and mentored numerous graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and international visiting scholars extending her research expertise.
Read more: Won Ok Song

Program Manager, ICT & Convergence Research Division, National Research Foundation (NRF), Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Seoul National University College of Medicine and Professor, Seoul National University Hospital (SNUH), Korea.
NRF’s Strategy on the Gender-Based Research (download presentation here
Plenary Panel 2: Developing Science Policies to Promote Gender-Based and Innovations
Program Manager (PM) & Professor Sungwan Kim received the B.S. degree in Electronics Engineering and the M.S. degree in Control and Instrumentation Engineering from Seoul National University (SNU), Seoul, Korea in 1985 and 1987, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1993, respectively. He is a Program Manager (PM) of the ICT & Convergence Research Division, National Research Foundation, Korea since May 2015 and a Professor with the Department of Biomedical Engineering, SNU College of Medicine since March 2010.
Read more: Sungwan Kim

Senior Executive Director, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Japan.
Satoru Ohtake joined the science and technology administration in the Government of Japan in 1984, just after graduating the Graduate School of University of Tokyo where he was conferred Master Degree of Science in high energy physics. In his public service career in science administrations, he engaged in policy planning and R&D management; establishment of Government’s Science and Technology Basic Plans (in 1996, 2001 and 2011), establishing and running research programs and projects in photonics and mathematical science; as well as engaging in the International Human Frontier Science Program in the HFSP Organization in Strasbourg in France between 1990 and 1992.
Read more: Satoru Ohtake

Director of User Experience, Automotive R&D Division, Hyundai Motor Group, Korea.
User experience in automobiles considering gender differences (download presentation here
Parallel Session 3: Advancing Gender Sensitive Innovation Ecosystems
Hyolin Kim is Director of User Experience in the Automotive R&D Division at Hyundai Motor Group. She received the B.S. in computer science from Yonsei University, Korea and the master’s degree in interactive telecommunications from New York University, USA. She is a leading professional in user experience design, interactions and usability areas from building strategic concepts to hands-on production with more than 20 years working experiences. Before joining Hyundai Motor Group, she was the head of user experience organization in the mobile industry. She also led successful projects in software and services industries in Korea and in the US. Her major goal is to make holistically satisfying products and to make users more comfortable and pleased while they use the products. She focuses on users considering gender, age, culture and etc., and figures out how the products could meet various and different expectations in the whole development processes.
Read more: Hyolin Kim

Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Regional Studies, University of Miami, USA.
Linking Gender Inequalities/Inequities with Impacts of Climate Change in the Global South (download presentation here
Parallel Session 2: Workshop on Gendered Innovations in Research
Dr Sen Roy’s research focuses on expanding the understanding about long term trends in climate processes, in view of impending climate change, mainly over the Indian subcontinent. Her research methodology incorporates extensive spatial analysis using GIS methodologies. In addition to researching on climate processes over the Indian subcontinent, she has focused on working on specific climate related research questions in other regions of the world including the US, Myanmar, and South Africa. She has also been involved in collaborative work with other people in the discipline, who have different complimentary expertise. Her latest research, examines climate change impacts though gendered lenses, specifically in the Global South. Specifically, her research examines the spatial variations of already occurring and potential impacts of climate change on girls and women in the Global South. She uses a variety of spatial analysis methods to assess the relationship between gender inequities/inequalities and gaps, and impacts of climate change at various spatial scales.
Read more: Shouraseni Sen Roy

Principal Director, Office of Information Systems and Technology (OIST), Asia Development Bank (ADB).
Putting the Heart back in Technology - through Gendered Research [VIDEO]
Plenary Panel 4: Building Public Aspirations for Socioeconomic Improvement through Gender-Based Technologies
Dr Susheela Venkataraman is the Principal Director of the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Office of Information Systems and Technology. She is responsible for planning, implementing, and maintaining ADB’s communications and information technology platforms and systems. Dr. Venkataraman has led teams in major consulting firms, working for governments and multi-national corporations in many countries and industries for about three decades. Her engagements focused on enterprise and community transformation. She holds a PhD from the Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani, with an MBA from the University of Delhi and a Master’s degree in Physics from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.
Read more: Susheela Venkataraman

Professor, School of Architecture, Interior Design and Coastal Engineering, Kunsan National University, Korea.
The Effect of W-Programs on Women Engineers’ Employment and Duration of their Career (download presentation here
Conference: Introducing the Gender Dimension to STEMM Higher Education
Sungsine Pak is a professor of the School of Architecture, Interior Design and Coastal Engineering at Kunsan National University, Korea. She took up her current post in March 2010, after working for architectural design firms. From 1993 to 1997, she studied urban and architectural design at Ecole d’Architecture Paris - la Villette in France under academic adviser, Professor Jean-Pierre Le Dantec. The academic approach and practice in Paris enlarged her interest in the relations between urban context and space design. She received her PhD from Yonsei University, Korea, in 2008 on completing her doctoral thesis on ‘Space Design Marketing’ based on architectural design and design management. Over 20 years of experience in planning and management of the built environment, she has been the responsible designer and manager of 70 projects.
Read more: Sungsine Pak

Effect of Sex and Age on Hippocampal Gene Expression under Stress Conditions (download presentation here
Parallel Session 2: Workshop on Gendered Innovations in Research
Dr Siyoung Cho is chief scientist in the Beauty Food Research Division at AMOREPACIFIC Corporation R&D unit. She obtained a BS degree in genetic engineering from Korea University and a PhD in molecular and cellular biology from the School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology at Korea University in 2000. Her research goal is to develop biologically active ingredients for functional food and cosmetics. She focuses on identifying active small compounds and their molecular mechanisms responsible for the anti-aging activities of ginseng, green tea and soybeans.
Read more: Siyoung Cho

Gender related toxic response to chemicals and nanomaterials (download presentation here
Parallel Session 3: Advancing Gender Sensitive Innovation Ecosystems
Dr Hyun-Min Park has served as Vice President of the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS)
since 2014, following his work as Principal Researcher of the Center for Nano-characterization in the same institute. He received his Ph.D from the Department of Inorganic Materials Engineering at Seoul National University (SNU) in 1994. After that he carried out post-doctorate research at the Institut fuer Kristallographie in RWTH University, Aachen, Germany.
Read more: Hyun-Min Park

Yangtze River Scholar Professor of Economics, Peking University, China.
Gender Difference in Pension Income in China (download presentation here
Parallel Session 2: Workshop on Gendered Innovations in Research
Yaohui Zhao is the Yangtze River Scholar Professor of economics at Peking University, China. She is Principal Investigator of the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHALRS), a nationally representative sample of Chinese residents 45 and older. Her research interests include labor and demographic economics, social security system pertaining to the elderly, and health economics. She received both her BA and MA in economics from Peking University and her Ph.D in economics from the University of Chicago.
Read more: Yaohui Zhao

Professor, Department of Architecture, University of Seoul, Korea.
Gender Analysis of Urban Public Rental Housing Guidelines in Korea (download presentation here
Parallel Session 2: Workshop on Gendered Innovations in Research
Sun-Young Rieh is a registered architect in Korea and the U.S. Currently she is a professor in the Department of Architecture, University of Seoul, Korea. Her research has focused on the gender conscious environment and sustainable design. She led the research project Women-Friendly City, Seoul, in 2006 which set the direction of gender conscious environmental policy of the metropolitan Seoul government. She was responsible for neighborhood design in the city of Sejong, new administrative city of Korea, focusing on the special needs of women. She is the co-author of "Gender Analysis of the 2030 Seoul Plan" published in 2013.
Read more: Sun-Young Rieh

President, National Medical Center of Korea.
Gender in Science Policy (download presentation here
Plenary Panel 2: Developing Science Policies to Promote Gender-Based and Innovations
Dr Ahn is President & CEO of National Medical Center of Korea and Professor of Graduate School of Health and Welfare, CHA University. She is medical doctor specialized in OB & Gyn and preventive medicine, who holds public health background as well(MPH & DrPH, PhD) Prior to this position, she was the chairman of the Advisory Committee to Speaker of Korean National Assembly, Future Vision Committee for the Women and Children of Korea as well as Chairman of boards of directors, Women’s Human Rights Commission of Korea. Before that she was Member of National Assembly, who was recognized as the best parliamentarian to propose the most bills and pass the most bills in the history during one term.
Read more: Myoung-Ock Ahn

The effect of repeated Water Avoidance Stress on Visceromotor response and mucosal mast cells in the male and female Wistar rat
Workshop: Gendered Innovations in Engineering Technology & Industry, Clinical Practice and Life Science Research
Dr Nayoung Kim is a professor of Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea. She is also Congress Chairwoman of Korean Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility, and Executive Board Member for Academic Affairs of the Korean Medical Association. Her research focuses on the various aspects of Helicobacter pylori and is motivated regarding translational research as a gastroenterologist for aging and gender.
Read more: Nayoung Kim

Research Fellow and Director of Health Service and Policy Research Department, Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs (KIHASA), Korea.
Findings from the 2013 Korean Women Health Statistic Report: Today’s Evidence and Tomorrow’s Issues
Workshop: Gendered Innovations in Engineering Technology & Industry, Clinical Practice and Life Science Research
Nam-Soon Kim is a Research Fellow and Director of Health Service and Policy Research Department at the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs (KIHASA). She has a keen research interest in women health, gender based analysis and evidence based health policy. She has led multiple projects on such topics as depression, chronic pain and women health statistics with gender perspective. She has served on editorial boards of KIHASA's official journal: Health and Social Welfare Review and scientific board of Korean Association for Health Technology Assessment.
Read more: Nam-Soon Kim

Acting Head, Department of Environmental Science, Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Gender Diversity in STEMM: A Case study in Royal University of Phnom Penh (download presentation here
Parallel session 1: Mainstreaming Gender into Asia-Pacific’s Research, Innovation and Development Goals for more effective and sustainable outcomes
Chea Eliyan, an acting head of Department of Environmental Science, Royal University of Phnom Penh. Her Professional background is Environmental Engineering and Management. She has involved in many research studies and projects implementation within the environment and sustainable development themes. However, her research interests are water supply and sanitation and solid waste treatment and management.
Read more: Chea Eliyan

Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering and Director of Engineering Education Research Center, Konkuk University, Korea.
Gender Issues in the Drinking Water Standard for Disinfection By-Products in Korea
Workshop: Gendered Innovations in Engineering Technology & Industry, Clinical Practice and Life Science Research
JiHyang Kweon is a professor in Department of Environmental Engineering and the Director of Engineering Education Research Center at Konkuk University. Her research focuses on understanding the mechanisms of advanced treatment processes including membrane technology and advanced oxidation processes and of formation of by-products in disinfection during drinking water production. She is a member of the Korean Society of Environmental Engineers, Korean Society of Water and Wastewater, and Korean Society of Water Environment.
Read more: JiHyang Kweon

Scientist, Advanced Remanufacturing and Technology Centre (ARTC), A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research), Singapore.
Snapshot of women in science, engineering in Singapore (download presentation here
Parallel Session 1: Mainstreaming Gender into Asia-Pacific’s Research, Innovation and Development Goals for more effective and sustainable outcomes
Sumin Jeon is working as a scientist at the Advanced Remanufacturing and Technology Centre (ARTC) National Lab in Singapore. Her research interests are simulation modelling for optimal processing flow design, and design and operation for port container terminals and shipyard areas using simulation. Before she came to Singapore, she worked in Europe as a consultant on port design and simulation. As a woman in engineering, she is also a member of UN Women Singapore committee, involved in charitable activities and assisting regional support
Read more: Sumin Jeon

Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Ulsan, Korea.
How far does the impact of one movement go? (download presentation here
Conference: Improving Diversity of STEMM Talents: K-12 Programmes
Sun Young Jang is a professor, in the Department of Mathematics, University of Ulsan. She obtained her B. S. from Seoul National University and her Ph. D Seoul National University. She has been Visiting Professor at Sogang University (1988-1989), Tokyo Metropolitan University (1991), Purdue University (1966-1967), and Seoul National University (2008 -2009 and 2015-2016). She was president of the Korean Women’s Mathematical Association from 2009-2010 and Vice President of the Korean Mathematical Society from 2010- 2011. She was on the Committee of the Korean National Science and Technology Commission from 2011- 2013 and on the Executive Committee of the Local Organizing Committee of 2014 Seoul ICM, 2012-2014. She is also director of the Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology Center (WISET) from 2007-present.
Read more: Sun Young Jang

Professor, School of Environmental Engineering, University of Seoul, Korea.
Gender Issues in Chemical risk Assessment and Safety Testing Strategy
Workshop: Gendered Innovations in Engineering Technology and Industry, Session 2
Dr Jinhee Choi is currently a Professor of the School of Environmental Engineering at the University of Seoul. She received the B.S. in Biology and the Master in Environmental Planning from Seoul National University, Korea and the PhD in Environmental Toxicology from University of Paris XI, France. She has been working on environmental toxicology and risk assessment area. Her research interest lies on the understanding the mechanisms of environmental contaminants and development of toxicity prediction models using multi-OMICS and systems toxicology approach.
Read more: Jinhee Choi

Director, Division of Clinical Diagnostics Business, Macrogen, Korea
Gender innovation in clinical genetic tests
PARALLEL SESSION 3: Advancing Gender Sensitive Innovation Ecosystems
Chang Won Park is now in charge of the division of clinical diagnostics business at Macrogen. He received his B.S. in physics from Seoul National University in 1993. After shifting toward biological sciences, he received his master’s degree and Ph.D. in biological sciences from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 1996 and in 2001, respectively. His research subject in graduate school was mammalian genetics and epigenetic modification of mammalian genome. He then worked as a postdoctoral fellow and subsequently as a research associate in the gastroenterology division of the University of Minnesota Medical School.
Read more: Chang Won Park

Director, Korea-Ethiopia Innovation Center; Senior Research Fellow, Science and Technology Policy Institute, Korea
Science, Technology and Innovation ODA and Gender Issue (download presentation here
Plenary Panel 4: Building Public Aspirations for Socioeconomic Improvement through Gender-Based Technologies
As researcher and practitioner on science and technology policy, Dr Yim has conducted many research projects, run science and technology parks and provided consulting services to the government. His special interest ranges from the subject of science and technology parks, regional innovation clusters and globalization of R&D. He has published more than thirty books and papers on technology management and technology policy both domestically and internationally. Currently, he is working at the Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI) in the area of science, technology and innovation ODA as the director for Korea-Ethiopia Innovation Center (KEIC).
Read more: Deok Soon Yim

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Hoseo University, Korea.
Gender Equality in Disaster Management in South Korea
Workshop: Gendered Innovations in Engineering Technology & Industry, Session 2
Dr Gunhui Chung is an assistant professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, Hoseo University since 2013. She received a ph.D’s degree in the department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, the University of Arizona, USA and work in the Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology prior joining to Hoseo University. She is deeply interested in the natural disasters, particularly the urban floods and climate change. Her researches cover the disaster vulnerability, management, and risk reduction.
Read more: Gunhui Chung

Vice-President, The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST); Adviser, The Korean Federation of Women’s Science and Technology Associations (KOFWST), Korea.
Co-chair, Plenary Panel 1: Pursuing Excellence in Research through Gendered Innovations
Myeong-Hee Yu is a principal research scientist at the Biomedical Research Institute of KIST (Korea Institute of Science and Technology). She received her undergraduate degree in Microbiology from Seoul National University and received her Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkeley (1981). After postdoctoral training at M.I.T., she returned to Korea and has spent 30 years working on the structure-function relationship of proteins. Dr Yu has been working on the folding and stability problem of a human plasma inhibitor protein, alpha-1-antitrypsin. She has shown that genetic emphysema, a human disorder resulting from a-1-antitrypsin deficiency, is associated with a hepatic block in the folding process.
Read more: Myeong-Hee Yu

Senior Researcher, Department of Hereditary diseases of the Skin, Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Dermatology and Venereology, Kazakhstan.
Gender Equality and Gender Investigations in Kazakhstan; Some Regional Features of Gender Approach to Researches in Medicine (download presentation here
Parallel Session 1: Mainstreaming Gender into Asia-Pacific’s Research, Innovation and Development Goals for more effective and sustainable outcomes
Read more: Irina Kim

Director, International Affairs Division, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Korea.
Disseminating the KIST model: A case of V-KIST (download presentation here
Plenary Panel 4: Building Public Aspirations for Socioeconomic Improvement through Gender-Based Technologies
Eun Gyeong Yang received her B.S. and M.S. degrees in Chemistry from the College of Natural Sciences at Seoul National University, Korea in 1986 and 1988. She then proceeded to Stanford University, USA, where she obtained her Ph.D. in Chemistry in 1994, with a thesis on pH effects on lipid dynamics in natural membranes. After working as a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Neurobiology at Stanford University from 1994 to 1998, she joined the Pharmaceutical Discovery Division of SRI international in Menlo Park, California in1998, and then moved to Caliper Technologies Corp in Mountain View, California in 2000. Dr Yang came back to Korea in 2001 to do her research in the Life Sciences Division at Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST). From 2010 to 2012, she served as the Director of the Functional Proteomics Center, one of the 21st Frontier Projects. She was then appointed the Head of the Center for Theragnosis at the KIST Biomedical Research Institute where she led molecular imaging as well as molecular diagnostics teams from 2012 to 2014. After serving as the Dean of the Global School for R&D for 6 months, she has been the Director of International Affairs since September 2014.
Read more: Eun Gyeong Yang

General Manager, Center for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology (WISET), Korea.
Women’s engagement, changes and further leap in the fields of science, engineering and technology for better world: Korea’s policy and strategy (download presentation here
Parallel Session 1: Mainstreaming Gender into Asia-Pacific’s Research, Innovation and Development Goals for more effective and sustainable outcomes
Mi-Ock Mun received her B.S. M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Physics from POSTECH, Korea, in 1991, 1993 and 1997, respectively. She was a research professor in the department of physics at Yonsei University until 2003. She then joined the WISE program of Korea at Ewha Womans University as a research professor. Dr Mun is the general manager of the WISET center since 2011. She contributed the integrated design of life-long policy program for girls and women getting into or working in the fields of science, engineering and technology. Her interests include science communication, creative research, STS and HRD in STEMM fields.
Read more: Mi-Ock Mun

Dean, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) and member, The Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST), Korea.
Gender-sex differences in exposure and its risk of environmental organic pollutants
Workshop: Gendered Innovations in Engineering Technology & Industry, Session 2
Yoon-Seok Chang is currently the Dean of School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Postech in Pohang, Korea and a member of The Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST). His research interests are analysis, monitoring and health risk assessment of environmental pollutants, such as endocrine disrupting chemicals and persistent organic chemicals. Gender specific analysis and health effects of women and children against hazardous materials are of particular concern.
Read more: Yoon-Seok Chang

Distinguished Professor, School of Life Science, La Trobe University, Melbourne and Fellow, Australian Academy of Science (AAS), Australia.
Improving the Gender Balance of Fellows Elected to Science Academies
AASSA Regional Workshop on Gender Issues in Science Research and Education
Science in Australia Gender Equity (download presentation here
Parallel Session 1: Mainstreaming Gender into Asia-Pacific’s Research, Innovation and Development Goals for more effective and sustainable outcomes
Jenny Graves is an molecular and evolutionary geneticist who works on Australian animals, including kangaroos and platypus, devils (Tasmanian) and dragons (lizards). She uses their distant relationship to humans to discover how genes, chromosomes and regulatory systems evolved, and how they work in all animals including humans. She uses this unique perspective to explore the origin, function and fate of human sex genes and chromosomes, (in)famously predicting that the Y chromosome will disappear. Jenny worked at La Trobe University in Melbourne for many years, then headed a department of Comparative Genomics at the Australian National University in Canberra, where she also directed the ARC Centre of Excellence in Kangaroo Genomics, before returning to La Trobe as Distinguished Professor.
Read more: Jennifer Graves

Associate Professor, International Center for Water Resources Management, Central State University, Ohio, USA.
Challenges to Gender Diversity in the Earth and Environmental Science Disciplines (download presentation here
Conference: Introducing the Gender Dimension to STEMM Higher Education
Dr Wishart emerged from Jamaica with 8 years of experience in commercial banking to a US-trained hydrogeophysicist and hydrogeologist with over 18 years of experience as a broadly-trained geoscientist. She is one of few women of color in the field geophysics and a mentor to minority women in the Earth and Environmental Sciences. Her professional expertise spans environmental geophysics; geoelectrical characterization of rock fracture systems; hydrochemical characterization of geothermal and hydrothermal systems; chemometrics; hydrogeology; geostatistics; geospatial modeling; and environmental site remediation. Faculty appointments following her Ph.D. Environmental Science (Rutgers University-Newark, 2008) and MSc. Hydrogeology (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, 2000) include the State University of New York at Buffalo and Illinois Wesleyan University.
Read more: DeBonne N. Wishart

Professor, Electronics Engineering, Kyungpook National University; Head, Women in Science, Engineering and Technology (WISET) Dae-Kyung-Kangwon Regional Center, Korea.
Fusion education program between engineering and software development for pre-engineering girls students from Daegu WISET branch (download presentation here
Conference: Improving Diversity of STEMM Talents: K-12 Programmes
Soonja Kim is a professor in Electronics Engineering at Kyungpook National University and Head of the Women in Science, Engineering and Technology (WISET) Dae-Kyung-Kangwon Regional Center, Korea since 1980 and 2012, respectively. Her research has focused on the Information Security of Computer Networks and applied Cryptography and has been extended to support Women in Engineering.
Read more: Soonja Kim

Professor, School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), China.
Research on Chinese Female Scientific Researchers’ Growth and Development Strategy (download presentation here
Parallel Session 1: Mainstreaming Gender into Asia-Pacific’s Research, Innovation and Development Goals for more effective and sustainable outcomes
Liu Yun is professor of the School of Management and Economic at Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), China. He serves as the Director of the Research Center for Scientific Assessment and Innovation Management of BIT and is the holder of the BIT-UNESCO Chair in South-South Cooperation for Science and Technology to Address Climate Change, which is approved by UNESCO. He is also the Chief Professor of Applied Economics, and the academic leader of the discipline of Knowledge Management and Innovation Management at BIT.
Read more: Liu Yun

Director, Center for Young Scientists (CYS) and Researcher & Lecturer, Surya University, Indonesia.
Gender Mainstreaming in Research and Innovation: A Case of Infrastructure Development in Indonesia (download presentation here
Parallel Session 1: Mainstreaming Gender into Asia-Pacific’s Research, Innovation and Development Goals for more effective and sustainable outcomes
Monika Raharti is director of Center for Young Scientists Indonesia. After completing her bachelor’s in Physics in Institut Teknologi Bandung, she worked in Physics Department, Parahyangan Catholic University in Bandung City, Indonesia. She continued her studies in the Institut Teknologi Bandung and completed her master’s in Physics in 1997 majoring non-linear optics. She has been at Surya University in Jakarta, Indonesia since 2012. Her concerns on Physics Education brought her to work with science teachers and she is actively promoting research in science to students and teachers in secondary schools, as well as developing the system of certification of research teachers and research schools in Indonesia. Currently she serves as a council member of Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies, President of Asia Pacific Conference of Young Scientists, and council member of Indonesian Physical Society.
Read more: Monika Raharti

Chair, Gender and Development Technical Working Group, Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development, Department of Science and Technology, Philippines
Status and Outcomes of Mainstreaming Gender into Agriculture and Aquatic Research, Innovation, and Development Projects in the Philippines (download presentation here
Parallel session 1: Mainstreaming Gender into Asia-Pacific’s Research, Innovation and Development Goals for more effective and sustainable outcomes
Ofelia Floresca-Domingo is a Science Research Specialist and Chairperson of the Gender and Development Technical Working Group (GAD-TWG) of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development-Department of Science and Technology (PCAARRD-DOST), Philippines. The GAD-TWG of PCAARRD-DOST, is an intra-agency collegial body tasked to coordinate and monitor the Gender and Development Program of the Council. As Chairperson, she provides overall supervision and management of the gender mainstreaming programs, activities, and initiatives of the Council.
Read more: Ofelia Floresca-Domingo

Different Association between Dietary Carbohydrate and Metabolic Syndrome Risk by Sex
Workshop: Gendered Innovations in Engineering Technology & Industry, Clinical Practice and Life Science Research
Dr YoonJu Song is an associate professor at the Catholic University of Korea. Her research interests focus on the role of dietary factors in metabolic diseases among the Korean population, which has distinct dietary culture compared to the Western population. She has been to examine different aspects of dietary factors such as nutrient level, food intake level, or dietary patterns and evaluate their impact on the prevalence of metabolic diseases within the Korean population. She is the secretary of the Korea Federation Women’s Science & Technology Associations (KOFWST) and a member of the Korean Nutrition Society and the East Asian Society of Dietary Life.
Read more: YoonJu Song

Professor, Department of Nutrition and Biotechnology, Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Mongolia.
Growth and Development of Mongolian Female Researchers (download presentation here
Parallel Session1: Mainstreaming Gender into Asia-Pacific’s Research, Innovation and Development Goals for more effective and sustainable outcomes
Enkhtaivan Gombosuren is a professor of the Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST) and a Ph.D in Technical Science. She obtained her BS and MS degrees from the National University of Mongolia, and her Doctoral degree from MUST. She has been working for the Mongolian University of Science and Technology since 1977 in various positions such as lecturer, head of the department and lead professor of Nutrition and Food Services, professor of the Nutrition and Biotechnology Department and has 38 years experience of working in university and research. Her research is focused on nutrition for preschool and school age children and women, as well as clinical nutrition.
Read more: Enkhtaivan Gombosuren

Vice President, Global Academic Relations, Elsevier.
Fighting STEM Attrition through Family Friendly Policy Interventions (download presentation here
Conference: Introducing the Gender Dimension to STEMM Higher Education
Anders Karlsson, PhD, in 2012 joined Elsevier as Vice President, Global Academic Relations, to work on strategic alliance building, mainly in the Asia-Pacific region. He also has an advisory role at the Institute of Academic Initiatives, Osaka University. Before joining Elsevier, he was for five years Counselor for Science and Innovation at Embassy of Sweden, Tokyo, Japan, with a regional responsibility for Japan and the Republic of Korea. Before serving as Science Counselor, he was for 10 years Professor at the Royal Institute of Technology - KTH, Stockholm, Sweden. At KTH he led a team working on optics and information technologies.
Read more: Anders Karlsson

President of the Center for WISET (Women in Science, Engineering & Technology), Seoul, Korea.
Better Science and Technology through Gendered Innovations in Asia Pacific
Gender Summits Overview: Collective Commitment and Action for Global Impact
Heisook Lee, is President of the Center for WISET (Women in Science, Engineering and Technology), Korea. Her mathematics research interests include algebraic coding theory and algebraic structures over commutative rings. Her current interests are HRD in STEM fields and gender perspectives in science research. Prof Lee received her B.S. M.Sc. and PhD degrees in Mathematics from Ewha Womans University, Korea, the University of British Columbia and Queen’s University, Canada, in 1971, 1974 and 1978 respectively. She worked at the Universitat Regensburg, Germany, as a postdoctoral fellow and was later appointed Professor of Mathematics at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Korea.
Read more: Heisook Lee (GS6AP)

Postgraduate Researcher, EPCC, University of Edinburgh, UK.
Gender Inequality in High Performance Computing (HPC) (download presentation here
Conference: Introducing the Gender Dimension to STEMM Higher Education
Athina Frantzana is a postgraduate research student working in EPCC at the University of Edinburgh. Her research is focusing on gender diversity in the high performance computing (HPC) community, the causes of the lack of gender equality, the problems this brings to the community, the benefits of increasing diversity and providing evidence for the effectiveness of a range of approaches designed to improve gender diversity. Athina is also a coordinator of the Women in HPC network as and has helped in the organisation of various events linked to the network including the networks launch in April 2014, and the first Women in HPC workshop at SC14.
Read more: Athina Frantzana

Professor, the Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo, Japan.
Development of the Next Generation - Summer and Spring Science Schools for Junior and High School Girl Students (download presentation here
Conference: Improving Diversity of STEMM Talents: K-12 Programmes
Hatsumi Mori is a professor of the Institute for Solid State Physics, the University of Tokyo, Japan, since 2010. After completing her undergraduate studies at Ochanomizu Women University majoring in chemistry, she received her Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Tokyo in 1992. She has worked on the development and the characterization of novel organic functional materials, such as organic (super)conductors, magnets, and dielectrics, and exploring the novel non-equilibrium phenomena by external stimuli. She was the head of the gender equality committee in the Physical Society of Japan from 2013 to 2015. She is a member of Science Council of Japan, a researcher of Research Center of Science Systems in Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, and also served as an adviser of the promotion program of science for junior and high school girls in Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).
Read more: Hatsumi Mori
Senior Director, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST); Director, Office for Diversity and Inclusion, JST, Japan.
Toward Gender Summit Asia-Pacific 2017 in Japan
Gender Summits Overview: Collective Commitment and Action for Global Impact
Miyoko O. Watanabe is Senior Director at Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). She is also the agency’s Director of the Office for Diversity and Inclusion. Dr Watanabe is a member of the Science Council of Japan and chair of the council’s Committee on Comprehensive Synthetic Engineering in Science. She is also a member of the Science and Technology Council at Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan, as well as a Member of Specialist Committee on Formulating the Fourth Basic Plan for Gender Equality in the Council for Gender Equality of the Japanese Cabinet Office.
Read more: Dr Miyoko O. Watanabe (GS6 AP)

Professor Emeritus, University of Ulsan; and Vice President, Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST), Korea.
Opening Remarks, Women in Science and Technology in Asia
AASSA Regional Workshop on Gender Issues in Science Research and Education
Prof Na is a Vice President of the Korean Academy of Science, and she has been a fellow since 2002. She is also the chair of the Academy’s Women Scientist Committee. She was on the faculty of the Department of Biochemistry at University of Ulsan College of Medicine from 1990 to 2014, where she devoted herself to research in the mechanisms of inflammation and development of anti-inflammatory drugs. She has published over 130 articles and reports and has 12 patents. Doe Sun Na is considered a true pioneer and leader in science and technology, and opened an era of women scientists’ leadership. In 2005, she became the first female president of the Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in its 38 year history, as well as the president of the Korea Science Foundation, the first female CEO of a Korean government organization in the science/engineering fields.
Read more: Doe Sun Na

President, Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST); Member, Presidential Advisory Council of Science and Technology, Korea.
Dr Park graduated from Seoul National University, Korea, in 1968 with a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering. In 1970 he went to the USA to study Operations Research for his Master of Science Degree, and Statistics for his Ph.D. degree at North Carolina State University (NCSU). After graduating from NCSU in 1975, he went to Mississippi State University to teach statistics in the Business School as an assistant professor, and then returned to his country, Korea, in 1977. Since 1977 he has served as an associate professor and then as a professor in statistics at Seoul National University (SNU). He has retired from SNU in 2010, and now he is an Emeritus Professor of SNU in statistics.
Read more: Dr Sung Hyun Park

Lecturer, School of Women and Gender Studies, Makerere University, Uganda.
Gender in Distance Education: Implications & Lessons to Learn for Teaching & Learning a Case of Youth Program at Makerere University (download presentation here
Conference: Introducing the Gender Dimension to STEMM Higher Education
Dr Ruth Nsibirano is a full time staff member at the School of Women and Gender Studies, Makerere University. She holds a Ph.D in Gender Studies has an MA in Women's Studies and an Honors degree in Library and Information Science from Makerere University. Dr Nsibirano has extensive research on issues of gender and ICT, integration of technology in teaching and learning, and gender mainstreaming. She has participated in several professional level courses, national and regional research projects as well as in international conferences on ICT, and the application of educational technologies in university teaching, learning and research. The goal of such research is to contribute to increased gender equality in uptake. Dr Nsibirano has competencies in information management, use of moodle E-learning platforms, online course content development and gender analysis, among others.
Read more: Ruth Nsibirano

Assistant Dean, Tsinghua School Economics and Management; Director, Tsinghua University's Research Center for Technological Innovation, China.
Female participation in Research and Innovation: Evidence in China (download presentation here
Plenary Panel 2: Developing Science Policies to Promote Gender-Based and Innovations
Dr Chen is Assistant Dean of Tsinghua School Economics and Management and Director of Tsinghua University's Research Center for Technological Innovation. He is a full professor at the Department of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Strategy in Tsinghua SEM.
Read more: Jin Chen

Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy; Director, Center for Strongly Correlated Materials Research (CSCMR), Seoul National University (SNU), Korea.
Plenary Panel 2: Developing Science Policies to Promote Gender-Based and Innovations
Prof Se-Jung Oh is a professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy and the director of the Center for Strongly Correlated Materials Research (CSCMR) at Seoul National University (SNU) in Korea. He received Ph.D degree in physics from Stanford University in 1982, and then worked at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center until he returned to Korea to teach at SNU in 1984. During his tenure at SNU, he served as the Dean of the College of Natural Sciences from 2004-2008, the vice president of the Korean Physical Society, an executive board member of the Korean Vacuum Society, and a member of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST). In 2011-2014 he took a leave of absence from SNU to serve as the 2nd President of the National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea and also the founding President of the Institute for Basic Sciences (IBS).
Read more: Se-Jung Oh
President, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP), Korea.
Pre-dinner speech
Gala dinner
Dr Youngah Park serves as the President of KISTEP (Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning) since 2013. She also holds a professorship of physics at Myongji University since 1989. After completing her undergraduate studies at Seoul National University majoring in physics, she received her Ph.D. in physics from University of Pennsylvania in 1987. Her research areas include critical phenomena, neural networks, soft matter, and biological physics. She has been the chair of the Women in Physics Working Group of AAPPS (Association of the Asia Pacific Physical Societies) since 2006 and chaired the local organizing committee of the 3rd ICWIP (International Conference on Women in Physics) in 2008.
Read more: Dr Youngah Park (GS6AP)

President, Korean Federation of Women’s Science & Technology Associations (KOFWST), Korea.
Harmonizing global and Local Perspectives for Gendered Innovation (download presentation here
Plenary Panel 1: Pursuing Excellence in Research through Gendered InnovationsChair
Workshop: Gendered Innovations in Engineering Technology & Industry
Dr Hee Young Paik is Professor and Researcher of the Department of Foods and Nutrition, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, and currently working as the President of the Korea Federation of Women’s Science and Technology Associations. Prof Paik received all her degrees in the US. Her final degree is Sc.D. in Nutrition obtained from Harvard’s School of Public Health. From 1984 to 1992, She has been a faculty member at Sookmyung Women’s which are in Seoul, Korea. She also has served as the Minister of Gender Equality and Family, Republic of Korea, 2009-2011. She has received several honors including Excellent Research Awards in Science (2005), National Honor for High Achievements in Science (2008), and Asia-Pacific Clinical Nutrition Award (2009).
Read more: Hee Young Paik

Senior researcher, Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3 – UOC), and Coordinator GenPORT, Spain.
GenPORT - Building Sustainable and Effective Online Collaborations for Gender and Science (download presentation here
Plenary Panel 5: Developing Leadership Capacity for Gendered Innovations through Scientific, Technology and Policy Networks
Dr Jörg Müller is currently senior researcher at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3 – UOC) in Barcelona, Spain where he forms part of the Gender and ICT research program. He obtained his PhD in Communications at the European Graduate School (EGS) in Saas-Fee, Switzerland and holds a degree in Sociology and Computer Science from the Free-University in Berlin, Germany.
Read more: Dr Jörg Müller (GS6AP)

President, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea.
Chair (download presentation here
Plenary Panel 3: Developing Policies & Partnerships to Improve Gender Diversity in STEMM
Sung-Mo “Steve” Kang is the 15th president of KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) in Daejeon, Korea, since February, 2013. Kang has been a leader in higher education and public service for nearly two decades and has served as chancellor of the University of California, Merced (March, 2007 – June 2011), dean of Jack Baskin School of Engineering at the University of California, Santa Cruz (January 2001- February 2007), and department head of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) (August 1995 - December 2000).
Read more: Sung-Mo “Steve” Kang

President, Green Technology Center Korea (GTCK), Korea.
Plenary Panel 4: Building Public Aspirations for Socioeconomic Improvement through Gender-Based Technologies
Dr Changmo Sung is President of GTCK (Green Technology Center Korea). He was formerly a President of Hyosung Corporation, responsible for its R&D Business Institute from 2006-2011. Prior to that, he was President of Inje University in Korea’s Gyungnam Province from 2004-2006.He has also served on Korea’s Presidential Committee on Balanced National Development, the Presidential Commission on Policy Planning, and National Special Committee of Innovation Science Technology. Dr Sung was involved in planning and execution of Korean high technology clusters and commercialization for advanced regional economic development. He was also a tenured professor at University of Massachusetts, Lowell from 1993-2004, where he worked in the NSF Nanomanufacturing Center and Renewable Energy Research.
Read more: Changmo Sung

Former Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences, UNESCO.
International collaborations as a strategy for strengthening leadership roles of women: experience from UNESCO and academia
Plenary Panel 5: Developing Leadership Capacity for Gendered Innovations through Scientific, Technology and Policy Networks
Dr Gretchen Kalonji was Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences at UNESCO from 2010 to 2014. Previously, she served in various leadership roles in the University of California system, including as Director of International Strategy Development for the 10 campus UC system, at the UC Office of the President, and as Director of Systemwide Research Development. She also served at the University of Washington as Kyocera Professor of Materials Science from 1990 to 2005. Prior to 1990 she was Assistant and then Associate Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT.
Read more: Gretchen Kalonji

Chair of Committee of Engineering Education Innovations, Seoul National University, Korea.
Review of Korean Government policies for promoting gender diversity in science and technology society (download presentation here
Plenary Panel 3: Developing Policies & Partnerships to Improve Gender Diversity in STEMM
Prof Joon Sik Lee is a professor of the School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University (SNU), Korea. He received his BS and MS degrees from Seoul National University, and PhD degree from University of California, Berkeley. His research interests are in the modelling and measurements of thermal transport at micro/nanoscales. His previous appointments at Seoul National University include Executive Vice President, Dean of Research Affairs, Director of Institute of Advance Machinery and Design, Director of Micro Thermal System Research Center, and Director of SNU Technology Incubation Network. He is also recognized in international academic societies as Vice President of the Pacific Center for Thermal-Fluids Engineering, Member of the International Center for Heat & Mass Transfer, Delegate of the Assembly for International Heat Transfer Conferences, and Editor or Associate Editor of international journals such as Nanoscale and Microscale Themophysical Engineering, Experimental Heat Transfer, International Journal of Transport Phenomena, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Computational Thermal Sciences, and International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration.
Read more: Joon Sik Lee

Former Vice Chancellor, Asian University for Women (AUW), Bangladesh.
Gender Inequality in STEM Education in Bangladesh (download presentation here
Parallel session 1: Mainstreaming Gender into Asia-Pacific’s Research, Innovation and Development Goals for more effective and sustainable outcomes
Dr Fahima Aziz was the Vice Chancellor of the Asian University for Women, Bangladesh from 2012 to 2015. Prior coming to Asian University for Women Dr Fahima Aziz served Endowed Chair in International Business and Economics at Hamline University in St Paul, Minnesota, USA. Dr Aziz chaired the Department of Management and Economics for ten years and concurrently chaired the Environmental Studies Program for seven years at Hamline University. Dr Aziz is deeply interested in promoting higher education for empowerment of women and her recent research include importance of female empowerment and leadership of women. Her research work includes poverty, income inequality, and gender issues in labor market.
Read more: Fahima Aziz

President, National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), Korea.
Welcoming speech
Welcome Reception
Dr Min Keun Chung is currently the President of the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF). He studied industrial engineering at Seoul National University and received his master’s and doctorate degrees from the University of Michigan in 1984.Since joining the faculty of the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering in POSTECH (Pohang University of Science and Technology), Korea, in 1987, he served as dean of academic affairs and the department of Science and Technology. He is now an Emeritus Professor of POSTECH. He also served as the President of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers (2007-2008) as well as in other management positions of various organizations before being appointed President of NRF in 2014.
Read more: Dr Min Keun Chung

President, The Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA); Immediate Past President of The Indian National Science Academy.
Challenges in Ensuring Gender Equality in Science and Technology in the Asia Pacific Region (download presentation here
Plenary Panel 5: Developing Leadership Capacity for Gendered Innovations through Scientific, Technology and Policy Networks
Professor Krishan Lal is President of The Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA) and is Immediate Past President of The Indian National Science Academy (INSA). He is a Foreign Member of Russian Academy of Sciences. He has been Director of India's National Physical Laboratory and was President of the International Council for Science (ICSU) Multi-disciplinary Body the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA).
Read more: Krishan Lal

Research Director of Traffic Safety, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI), Sweden.
Occupant norm in vehicle safety (download presentation here
Plenary Panel 1: Pursuing Excellence in Research through Gendered Innovations
Dr Astrid Linder is Research Director of Traffic Safety at the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) and is responsible for the development of research in crash safety and biomechanics at VTI. She has research experience in the area of crash test performing, mathematical simulations, biomechanics and test condition specifications. Astrid has a PhD. in Mechanical Engineering in the area of vehicle safety and a MSc in Engineering Physics from Sweden.
Read more: Dr Astrid Linder (GS6AP)

(E)quality in science
Plenary Panel 3: Developing Policies & Partnerships to Improve Gender Diversity in STEMM
Parallel Session 2: Workshop on Gendered Innovations in Research
Curt Rice is a Rector at the Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences and leads Norway’s Committee on Gender Balance and Diversity in Research. He also chairs the Board for Current Research Information System in Norway (CRIStin) and is a member of the Board at the University of Tromsø. Previously, he has served as Pro Rector for Research at the University of Tromsø and he was the Founding Director of the Center for Advanced Study in Theoretical Linguistics: A Norwegian Centre of Excellence (CASTL).
Read more: PRof Curt Rice (GS6AP)

President Elect, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS); Presidential Chair in Science and Professor of Chemistry, University of Oregon, USA.
Keynote: The Importance of Women Leading the Way in Research and Innovation
Keynote Speeches
Geraldine (Geri) Richmond is the Presidential Chair in Science and Professor of Chemistry at the University of Oregon. Her research using laser spectroscopy and computational methods focusses on understanding the chemistry and physics that occurs at complex interfaces that have relevance to important problems in energy production, environmental remediation and atmospheric chemistry. She is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and is a Fellow of the American Chemical Society (ACS), the American Physical Society (APS) and the Association for Women in Science. Awards for her scientific accomplishments include the ACS Olin-Garvan Medal, the Spiers Medal of the Royal Society of Chemistry, the ACS Joel H. Hildebrand Award in Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Liquids and the APS Davisson-Germer Prize.
Read more: Geraldine Richmond

John L. Hinds Professor of History of Science, Stanford University, USA; Director, EU/US Gendered Innovations in Science, Health & Medicine, Engineering, and Environment project, EU/USA.
Gendered Innovations: Methods and Applications
Workshop: Gendered Innovations in Engineering Technology & Industry, Session 1
Gendered Innovations in Science, Medicine, Engineering, and Environment: Case Studies and Policies (download presentation here
Plenary Panel 1: Pursuing Excellence in Research through Gendered Innovations
Gendered Innovations in Research: Principles and Methods (download presentation here
Parallel Session 2: Workshop on Gendered Innovations in Research
Londa Schiebinger is the John L. Hinds Professor of History of Science at Stanford University and Director of the Gendered Innovations Project. From 2004-2010, Schiebinger served as the Director of Stanford's Clayman Institute for Gender Research. She is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Over the past thirty years, Schiebinger’s work has been devoted to teasing apart three analytically distinct but interlocking pieces of the gender and science puzzle: the history of women's participation in science; gender in the structure of scientific institutions; and the gendering of human knowledge.
Read more: Prof Londa Schiebinger (GS6A)

Head of Department, Gender and Diversity in Organizations, Technical University Berlin, and Director of Responsible Research and Innovation Unit, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Germany.
Gendered Innovations as a Part of Research Agendas: How Does It Work?
Workshop: Gendered Innovations in Engineering Technology & Industry, Session 2
Integrating Gender Aspects in User Driven Innovation practices (download presentation here
Parallel session 3: Advancing Gender Sensitive Innovation Ecosystems
Developing leadership for socio-economic improvement through Gendered Innovations (download presentation here
Plenary Panel 4: Building Public Aspirations for Socioeconomic Improvement through Gender-Based Technologies
Martina Schraudner received her PhD in Biology from the Technical University of Munich, and worked as a researcher at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich) and the Forschungszentrum Jülich. She obtained her "Inauguration as a Lecturer" (Habilitation) at the Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture at the Humboldt University of Berlin.
Read more: Martina Schraudner (GS6AP)

Adjunct Professor, Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Politician and Former Member of European Parliament, Denmark.
How to improve the gender dimension through networking (download presentation here
Plenary Panel 5: Developing Leadership Capacity for Gendered Innovations through Scientific, Technology and Policy Networks
Britta Thomsen is at present adjunct professor at Copenhagen Business School (CBS) and owner of Britta Thomsen Consulting. She was member of the European Parliament from 2004-2014. She was full member of the committee of Industry and Research including vice-chair from 2004-2007. She was also a full member during the whole term of the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality and elected as coordinator of the Group of Socialists and Democrats.
Read more: Britta Thomsen (GS6AP)

Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, Tamkang University, Chinese Taipei.
Gender status in STEMM; efforts and outcomes of gender mainstreaming in STEMM in Taiwan
Parallel Session 1: Mainstreaming Gender into Asia-Pacific’s Research, Innovation and Development Goals for more effective and sustainable outcomes
Chia-Li Wu is a natural product chemist. She is an Emeritus Professor of Chemistry of Tamkang University where she was previously Chemistry Department Chair. She has been participating women’s groups for women’s rights and gender equity education more than 30 years. She was once on leave to take a government position in a Standing Committee of Examination Yuan, which is in charge of supervising all national exams for screening civil servants and policies related to civil service.
Read more: Chia-Li Wu

Congratulatory Remarks
Opening Ceremony
Dr Yanghee Choi has been Korean Minister of Science, ICT and Future Planning since 2014. He was previously Chairman of Samsung Science & Technology Foundation and Member of the President’s Council on Informatization Strategies as well as member of the Office of Strategic R&D Planning of the Ministry of Knowledge Economy. He was also previously External Director of POSCO ICT.
Read more: Minister Yanghee Choi

Global impact through regional focus (download presentation here
Gender Summits Overview: Collective Commitment and Action for Global Impact
How gender knowledge can promote innovation with socioeconomic impacts (download presentation here
Parallel Session 3: Advancing Gender Sensitive Innovation Ecosystems
Elizabeth Pollitzer PhD is founder and Director of Portia, an organization devoted to improving gender equality in STEM and advancing the understanding of the gender dimension in STEM. She has 20 years’ experience teaching and researching in the Department of Computing at Imperial College, University of London. Her original training was in Biophysics. She now applies this scientific background to promoting effective strategies for gender equality in STEM. She is expert adviser on gender issues to the European Commission.
Read more: Dr Elizabeth Pollitzer (GS6AP)

Professor, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Korea.
A STEAM Course Proposal to Complement the Current Gender-Sensitive Curricula in College STEM Education in Korea (download presentation here
Conference: Introducing the Gender Dimension to STEMM Higher Education
Dr Siyeon Lee is a Ph.D in English literature from the University of Edinburgh, UK, and currently teaches at the Division of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea. Her research interests include among other things representations of selfhood and gender in early English novels and satiric writing in the early eighteenth century.
Read more: Siyeon Lee

A Summary of the 3rd Large-Scale Survey of Actual Conditions of Gender Equality in Scientific & Technological Professions in Japan (download presentation here
Parallel Session 1: Mainstreaming Gender into Asia-Pacific’s Research, Innovation and Development Goals for more effective and sustainable outcomes
Reiko Motohashi is a professor of Agriculture at Shizuoka University, Japan.
She previously worked as a senior scientist in the Plant Mutation Exploration Team of the Plant Functional Genomics Research Group at the Genomic Sciences Center RIKEN from 2001-2004, after being a researcher in the RIKEN Plant Molecular Biology Laboratory from 1997-2001. She obtained a Ph.D in Agriculture from the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Tokyo, in 1997, majoring in plant molecular biology and molecular genetics. She is also a member of The Japan Inter-Society Liaison Association Committee for Promoting Equal Participation of Men and Women in Science and Engineering (EPMEWSE).
Read more: Reiko Motohashi

Head of the Pain Genetics Lab, McGill University, Canada.
Sex Differences in the Genetic and Cellular Mediation of Pain (download presentation here
Plenary Panel 1: Pursuing Excellence in Research through Gendered Innovations
Parallel Session 2: Workshop on Gendered Innovations in Research
Jeffrey S. Mogil is currently the E.P. Taylor Professor of Pain Studies and the Canada Research Chair in the Genetics of Pain. Dr. Mogil has made seminal contributions to the field of pain genetics and is the author of many major reviews of the subject, including an edited book, The Genetics of Pain (IASP Press, 2004). He is also a recognized authority in the fields of sex differences in pain and analgesia, and pain testing methods in the laboratory mouse. Dr. Mogil is the author of over 195 journal articles and book chapters since 1992, and has given over 280 invited lectures in that same period.
Read more: Jeffrey S. Mogil

Fellow, Pakistan Academy of Sciences (PAS), Pakistan.
Enhancement of Science Education and Mentoring Programs for Young Females
Workshop: AASSA Regional Workshop on Gender Issues in Science Research and Education
Status of Gender Diversity in STEMM Fields in Pakistan (download presentation here
Parallel Session 1: Mainstreaming Gender into Asia-Pacific’s Research, Innovation and Development Goals for more effective and sustainable outcomes
Prof Azra Khanum obtained her MSc in Chemistry from the University of Karachi and her M.Phil. and PhD in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology from Quaid-e-Azam University, both in Pakistan. She has also worked at the National Institute of Health, USA, as a Fogarty Post Doctorate Fellow (1984-1987), Visiting Scientist (1995-1997), and Adjunct Scientist (1990, 1993, 1999-2002). From 1993-1994, she was a Guest Scientist at the Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam. She has served as a Lecturer (1979-1984) and Assistant Professor (1984-1991) at Quaid-i-Azam University, Pakistan, then as Associate Professor and Professor at Pir Mehr Ali Shah - Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi (PMAS-AAUR), Pakistan.
Read more: Azra Khanum

Deputy Director General, China Science and Technology Exchange Center (CSTEC), Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), China.
The Status of China’s Female R&D Personnel and Promotion Policies (download presentation here
Plenary Panel 3: Developing Policies & Partnerships to Improve Gender Diversity in STEMM
Dr Yan Wang is Deputy Director General of the China Science and Technology Exchange Center (CSTEC) in the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), China. Prior to that, she was the division director of System Reform and Science and Technology Talents, and then the division director of Regulations and Intellectual Property, Department of Policy and Regulations, MOST. She was the First Secretary of Science and Technology in the Embassy of China to the United States of America from 2004-2007. She was formerly Professor and Director of the Information and Analysis and Research Center, Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (ISTIC).
Read more: Yan Wang

Parallel Session 3: Advancing Gender Sensitive Innovation Ecosystems
Woo Il Lee is currently Vice President of Seoul National University. He received his B.S. and M.Sc. degrees from Seoul National University in 1976 and 1978, respectively and his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 1983, all in mechanical engineering. After working at Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials as a senior research engineer, he joined the faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Seoul National University in 1987. From 2005 until 2009, Professor Lee was Chairman of Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. He served as Dean of the school’s College of Engineering for two years from 2011.
Read more: Woo Il Lee

Director, Center for Science Technology & Economic Policy, Institute for Policy & Social Research, University of Kansas, USA.
Where are the bottlenecks in STEM Majors and Careers? (download presentation here
Conference: Improving Diversity of STEMM Talents: K-12 Programmes
Donna Ginther is a Professor of Economics and the Director of the Center for Science Technology & Economic Policy at the Institute for Policy & Social Research at the University of Kansas. Prior to joining the University of Kansas faculty, she was a research economist and associate policy adviser in the regional group of the Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta from 2000 to 2002, and taught at Washington University from 1997 to 2000 and Southern Methodist University from 1995 to 1997. Her major fields of study are scientific labor markets, gender differences in employment outcomes, wage inequality, scientific entrepreneurship, and children's educational attainments.
Read more: Donna Ginther

Malaysian Chairman, Governing Council, International Science Technology and Innovation Centre for South-South Cooperation under the auspices of UNESCO (ISTIC), Malaysia.
Plenary Panel 5: Developing Leadership Capacity for Gendered Innovations through Scientific, Technology and Policy Networks
Academician Dato’ Ir (Dr) Lee Yee Cheong is the Malaysian Chairman, Governing Council, International Science Technology and Innovation Centre for South-South Cooperation under the auspices of UNESCO (ISTIC), Kuala Lumpur. He is also a Member of the National Science and Research Council of Malaysia; Pro-Chancellor of the Infrastructure University of Kuala Lumpur, Chairman of the Global Council InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) Science Education Program and former Chairman of Governing Board of the Institute of Energy Policy and Research (IEPRe) at the University Tenaga Malaysia (UNITEN), as well as Adjunct Professor of UNITEN. Furthermore, he is Advisor to MIGHT International; a Member of Global Science Innovation Advisory Council (GSIAC); and Vice Chairman of the UN Sustainable Development Solution Network (SDSN) Malaysia.
Read more: Yee Cheong Lee

Vice President, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT), Japan.
Japanese actions to improve Gender Diversity in STEMM Fields (download presentation here
Plenary Panel 3: Developing Policies & Partnerships to Improve Gender Diversity in STEMM
Chisato Miyira is Vice President of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, where she has been a professor since March 2003. She has also been a representative of the university’s Women's Future Development Organization since 2009, and was an Advisor to the President for Gender Equality Support Affairs on behalf of the university from July 2008 to March 2014. Prior to that, she was Director of the university’s Women's Career Support and Development Center, from September 2006 to March 2009.She was previously associate professor of Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, and before that was a research associate and lecturer at Showa University, Japan. She obtained her Bachelors of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo University of Science, in March 1978.
Read more: Chisato Miyaura

Keynote (download presentation here
Keynote Speeches
Youngsuk ‘YS’ Chi is an international businessman and a leader in the media and technology industry, and currently serves Elsevier and RELX Group in several different capacities. In his primary role as Director of Corporate Affairs and Asia Strategy for RELX Group, he is responsible for government affairs, corporate communications, and corporate responsibility for Elsevier’s parent company. As non-executive Chairman of Elsevier, he works directly with governments, Elsevier customers and in industry associations worldwide. Chi also recently completed 4 years of service as the President of the International Publishers Association, a global organization that represents the interests of more than 50 publishing industry association members from countries around the world, and will serve as Past President for the next two years.
Read more: Youngsuk "YS" Chi

Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, European Union.
Gender Equality in Research: A Global Concern [video presentation] (watch the video here
Plenary Panel 2: Developing Science Policies to Promote Gender-Based and Innovations
Carlos Moedas is the European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation. His responsibilities include ensuring that research funding programmes, notably Horizon 2020, contribute to the European Commission's jobs, growth and investment package. He is also responsible for promoting the international excellence of the EU's research and science, and strengthening research capacities and innovation across all Member States. Other duties include evaluating how EU‑funded research can be used more effectively; ensuring that Commission proposals are based on scientific evidence, as well as encouraging private companies to apply research to meet challenges faced by society and create more high-quality jobs.
Read more: Commissioner Carlos Moedas (GS6AP)

Professor of Environmental Design, Department of Integrated Science and Engineering for Sustainable Society, Chuo University, Japan.
Experiences from the reconstruction planning after Great East Japan Earthquake (download presentation here
Plenary Panel 4: Building Public Aspirations for Socioeconomic Improvement through Gender-Based Technologies
Mikiko Ishikawa has been a Professor of Environmental Design, in the Department of Integrated Science and Engineering for Sustainable Society, Chuo University, Japan, since 2013. Her areas of specialization are urban environmental planning and landscape planning and environmental design. She completed her Master’s of Landscape Architecture at the Harvard Graduate School of Design and a doctorate in Landscape Architecture (Agrobiology) at the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Tokyo. She is certified as a Landscape Architect and City Planner by the Ministry of Science and Technology in Japan.
Read more: Mikiko Ishikawa
Taking Sex into Account in Medicine (download presentation here
Plenary Panel 2: Developing Science Policies to Promote Gender-Based and Innovations
Helena Hui Wang is Asia Editor of The Lancet. She is The Lancet’s first point of contact with authors in Asia, building relationships with top researchers and research institutes as well as key government agencies within the region, and identifying and attracting submissions of the best research. She also does peer-review of manuscripts, including fast track submissions, writes editorials, and develops The Lancet’s presence in China through conferences and themed issues. Helena Wang holds a M.D. and a Master degree in Medicine from Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China. She has received editorial and writing trainings in London and Oxford, UK, and has taken the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer's course on Clinical Trial Statistics in Belgium.
Read more: Helena Hui Wang

Professor of Chemical Engineering at Hongik University; head of the Women in Science, Engineering and Technology (WISET) Seoul Regional Center, Korea.
Motivating Female Students in Engineering Classrooms Through Social Relevance of Engineering Solutions (download presentation here
Conference: Introducing the Gender Dimension to STEMM Higher Education
How Gender Affects Teamwork in Engineering Class Projects
Workshop: Gendered Innovations in Engineering Technology & Industry, Division of Engineering Architectural Environment
Prof Myongsook Oh is a professor of the Chemical Engineering Department at Hongik University in Seoul. She obtained a B.S. degree in chemical engineering from the University of California at Berkeley, and Sc. D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).Before joining Hongik University, Dr. Oh was associated with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and Texaco, Inc in the U. S. Starting from her Sc. D. thesis on softening coal pyrolysis, she worked on the conversion of fossil fuels for over 30 years. Dr. Oh’s current research is focused on the gasification process, concentrating on the transformation of inorganics.
Read more: Myongsook Susan Oh

Vice-Rector, Leiden University, Netherlands; Chair, League of European Research Universities (LERU), Gender Equality Group, Europe.
Gendered Innovations: The new position paper from LERU (League of European Research Universities) (download presentation here
Plenary Panel 3: Developing Policies & Partnerships to Improve Gender Diversity in STEMM
Gender Summits Overview: Collective Commitment and Action for Global Impact
Simone Buitendijk MD, MPH, PhD is Vice-rector Magnificus in charge of teaching and learning and of diversity and member of the Board of the University of Leiden. She is Professor and Chair of Women’s and Family Health at the Leiden University Medical Center. She studied Medicine in Utrecht, received a Master’s degree in Public Health at the Yale School of Medicine in the US, and earned her PhD degree in Leiden. She is a member of the LERU (League of European Research Universities) Gender Steering Group. She co-authored the 2013 LERU position paper ‘'Women, research and universities: excellence without gender bias" and of the 2015 LERU advice paper of Gendered Research and Innovation (in press).
Read more: Prof Simone Buitendijk (GS6AP)

Executive Member, Council for Science and Technology Policy, Cabinet Office of Japan, Japan.
Working together for Gendered Innovation (download presentation here
Plenary Panel 5: Developing Leadership Capacity for Gendered Innovations through Scientific, Technology and Policy Networks
Yuko Harayama rejoined in 2013 the Council for Science and Technology Policy, Cabinet Office of Japan, as an Executive Member. She is the former Deputy Director of the Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). She is a Legion D’Honneur recipient (Chevalier), recognized by the President of France for her research on science and technology policy.
Read more: Yuko Harayama