GS6 Speakers

Myoung-Ock Ahn

Ahn Myoung-Ock, Gender Summit speaker

President, National Medical Center of Korea.

Gender in Science Policy (download presentation here pdf icon)
Plenary Panel 2: Developing Science Policies to Promote Gender-Based and Innovations

Dr Ahn is President & CEO of National Medical Center of Korea and Professor of Graduate School of Health and Welfare, CHA University. She is medical doctor specialized in OB & Gyn and preventive medicine, who holds public health background as well(MPH & DrPH, PhD) Prior to this position, she was the chairman of the Advisory Committee to Speaker of Korean National Assembly, Future Vision Committee for the Women and Children of Korea as well as Chairman of boards of directors, Women’s Human Rights Commission of Korea. Before that she was Member of National Assembly, who was recognized as the best parliamentarian to propose the most bills and pass the most bills in the history during one term.

Summary of talk for Gender Summit 6 Asia-Pacific:

Women have long been overlooked as important stakeholders and active participants in medical & scientific research. Science & technology policy should be better aligned in order to correct this inappropriate discrepancy.

Objective: The experience and perspectives as a woman medical doctor, scientist, politician, and administrator will be discussed and shared in depth in order to achieve gendered innovation in science & technology policy.

Discussion: Medical education, training and experience as a scientist could be great qualifications for politics & administration, by dedication to save lives as well as timely and prompt action to treat the sick and wounded. Lifelong wisdom gained as a female professional, perspectives and spirit of viewing society from the point of view of the underprivileged and the weak are also common to medicine, politics and administration. Women in politics & administration usually face more challenges than men in most countries, but a medical & scientific background paired with feminine values & wisdom are surely assets when pursuing excellent political & administrative careers. Although there is still a long way to go to achieve the goals of gender parity & gendered innovation in every aspect of science policy and positions, excellent feminine values will be sparkling in science as they have in the history of development in science.

Conclusion: Feminine values & gender perspectives should be applied in science policy for true evolution. The best and fastest way to achieve gendered innovations will be to ensure that more high level women administrators and decision makers are everywhere in science and technology fields until true gender parity is attained.