
GS9 Call for Abstracts

Gender-based research, innovation and development for sustainable economies and societal wellbeing

Thank you for all your submissions. The submissions have been reviewed and the corresponding authors informed.

The abstracts selected to present at the GS9 can be found on the GS9 Programme

The GS9 Europe invites abstracts from research and projects on the following themes:

  • Environment and quality of human life (e.g. pollution and climate change effects on the lives of women and men)
  • Sex and gender dynamics in ecosystem services (e.g. sustainable production of fish or plants for food, protecting biodiversity)
  • Sex-gender effects in research, innovation and development (e.g. differences in results and outcomes for women and men)
  • Sex-gender knowledge in science curriculum and researcher training (e.g. clinical medicine, safety engineering, research standards)
  • Gender in decision-making and leadership (e.g. research teams, assessment of excellence, academic governance)
  • Gender analysis for design and implementation of policy (e.g. open science and innovation, sustainable development)
  • Scientific understanding of sex and gender (e.g. at molecular, cell, physiological, and socio-cultural levels)

The Call is now closed.

Applicants will be informed by 15 September 2016.

Rates: Successful abstracts will be eligible for the earlybird rate