GS5 Africa 2105 - Poverty alleviation and economic empowerment through scientific research & innovation: Better Knowledge From and For Africa
Plenary 1 - The first Gender Summit Africa
Opening remarks (download presentation here )
Prof Olive Shisana, CEO, Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa
Video remarks (watch the video here )
Dr Jo Handelsman, Associate Director for Science at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, USA (Video)
Welcome (watch the video here )
Prof Peter Piot, Director & Professor of Global Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Disease, UK (Video)
Keynote address (download presentation here )
Minister Naledi Pandor, Minister of Science and Technology, South Africa
Parallel Panels Day 1
Theme 1: Gender and Scientific Research and Knowledge Topic A: Benefits of STEM diversity in operation Meeting rooms 1.63-1.64 |
Theme 2: Gender Expertise and People Topic C: Sex and gender knowledge, improving people’s lives Meeting rooms 2.41-2.43 |
Theme 3: Gender and Science Systems Topic E: Funders affecting change in research strategies and priorities Meeting rooms 2.44-2.46 |
Theme 4: Gender and Societal and Economic Development Topic G: Building Africa’s scientific human capital Meeting rooms 2.61-2.63 |
Chair: Karen Craggs-Milne Widening participation in research and innovation (download presentation here Creating inclusive and integrated science and technology sectors Ensuring access and equity in research: lessons from USA (download presentation here Rapporteur: Dr Batlile Maseko Q&A |
Chair: Dr Sherri-Ann P. Butterfield Bringing about substantial change in gender composition of engineering and technology fields: lessons from the construction sector (download presentation here The gender context of interventions (download presentation here The life of South Africa's rural womanhood: Agency of two decades and lessons for future research (download presentation here Rapporteur: Savannah Nuwagabai Q&A |
Chair: Dr Kyle Farmbry NRF Funding Opportunities Gender Budgeting: Measurement and Evaluation Harnessing science and collaborating to solve human basic needs (download presentation here Rapporteur: Dr Leanne Seeliger Q&A |
Chair: Sibusiso Nkomo How to Nurture and Develop Africa focused Research Leaders (download presentation here Publishers Without Borders: Promoting Indigenous Authors (download presentation here On Baseline Inputs and Outputs to Increase Participation Rates in Higher Education in Africa download presentation here Rapporteur: Leshell Hatley Q&A |
Parallel Knowledge Exchange Forums - Day 1
Gender and Engineering |
Important early career milestones and support | Gender, Technology and Communities of the Future | Entrepreneurship by STEM Women | |
Moderator: Chemutai Angela Siele Panelists: Dr Hale Ann Tufan (download presentation here Dr Wanjiru Kamau-Rutenberg (download presentation here Q&A |
Moderator: Lindiwe Gama Panelists: Hema Vallabh (download presentation here Rorisang Lekalake (download presentation here Q&A |
Moderator: Dr Tonya Blowers Dr Wuraola Akande (download presentation here Lova Marline (download presentation here Q&A |
Moderator: Dr Wanda Ward Panelists: Q&A |
Moderator: Prof Sonya T. Smith Panelists: Q&A |
Ministerial Dinner
Chair and Welcome
Daan du Toit, Deputy Director-General: International Cooperation and Resources, Department for Science and Technology, South Africa
Keynote address (download transcript here )
Minister Susan Shabangu, Minister in the Presidency responsible for Women, Republic of South Africa
Plenary 2 - The Gender Summits: a global movement
Opening remarks
The Gender Summit movement (download presentation here )
Dr Elizabeth Pollitzer, Director, Portia Ltd, UK
Welcome (watch the video here )
Commissioner Neven Mimica, DG International Cooperation and Development, European Commission (Video address)
The Gender Summit Roadmap for North America (download presentation here)
Dr Wanda Ward, Head of the Office of International and Integrative Activities, National Science Foundation (NSF), USA
Introducing the Gender Summit to Asia-Pacific (download presentation here )
Prof Heisook Lee, President of Center for WISET (Women in Science, Engineering & Technology), Seoul, Korea
Keynote address (download transcript here )
Minister Susan Shabangu, Minister in the Presidency responsible for Women, Republic of South Africa
Parallel Panels - Day 2
Theme 1: Gender and Scientific Research and Knowledge |
Theme 2: Gender Expertise and People |
Theme 3: Gender and Science Systems |
Theme 4: Gender and Societal and Economic Development |
Chair: Dr Romilla Maharaj
Ensuring access to reliable information for transformative change Socially responsible research in engineering: solutions fit for all! The future of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine in the African Continent (download presentation here Rapporteur: Dr Alastair van Heerden Q&A |
Chair: Prof Narnia Bohler- Muller Integrating human behaviour into understanding climate change (download presentation here Integrating gender expertise into interventions for improved agriculture and nutrition The International Social Survey Programme as a gender-sensitive comparative project. Possibilities, achievements and limits (download presentation here Rapporteur: Cecil Masoka Q&A |
Chair: Dr Bheki Hadebe Increasing female participation in Science through international collaboration (download presentation here International collaborations on health, sexuality and HIV/AIDS interventions Opportunities and Challenges for Conducting Trans-National Collaborative Research (download presentation here Rapporteur: Sacha Knox Q&A |
Chair: Daphne Michelle Titus Funding to address Gender Inequalities The European Year of Development 2015 and the Gender Dimension of Development Cooperation Getting more out of STEM through effective management Rapporteur: Sonja N. Woods Q&A |
Parallel Knowledge Exchange Forums - Day 2
Women and STEM careers: exchanging insights and best practice |
Youth Engagement in STEM | Women of the African Diaspora in STEM Academic Leadership | Gender Monitoring and Evaluation | Driving Equality and Excellence |
Moderator: Dr Narcrisha S. Norman Panelists: Dr Angelique Wildschut (download presentation here Prof André Béraud (download presentation here Prof Sonya T. Smith (download presentation here Q&A |
Moderator:Matshaba Mothiane Panelists: Rethabile Mashale (download presentation here Christine Theron (download presentation here Dr Dorothy Nyambi (download presentation here Q&A |
Moderator:Dr Kelly Mack Panelists: Q&A |
Moderator: Dr Benita Moolman Panelists: Viviane Ralimanga Q&A |
Moderator:Dr Anne Pépin Panelists: (download presentation here Q&A |
Plenary 3 - The final day
Welcome to the final day (download the presentation here )
Prof Phindile Lukhele-Olorunju, Interim Head of Section, AISA, Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa
The next Gender Summit - GS6 Asia Pacific (download the presentation here )
Dr Youngah Park, President, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP), South Korea
Parallel panel wrap up sessions
Theme 1 report: Gender and Scientific Research & Knowledge |
Theme 2 report: Gender Expertise and People |
Theme 3 report: Gender and Science Systems |
Theme 4 report: Gender and Societal and Economic Development |
Facilitator: Dr Sumaya Mall Report from Topic A: Benefits of STEM diversity in operation (download presentation here Report from Topic B: Learning from and overcoming gender disparities through research (download presentation here Q&A |
Facilitator: Dr Divine Fuh Report from Topic C: Sex and gender knowledge, improving people’s lives Q&A |
Facilitator: Dr Benita Moolman Report from Topic E: Funders affecting change in research strategies and priorities Q&A |
Facilitator: Dr Kelly Mack Topic G: Building Africa’s scientific human capital Report from Topic H: Tackling challenges through social knowledge Q&A |
Plenary session 4 - close
Panel: Highlights from Themes
Chair: Dr Wanda Ward, Head of the Office of International and Integrative Activities, National Science Foundation (NSF), USA
Panel: Facilitators: Dr Sumaya Mall (Theme 1), Dr Divine Fuh (Theme 2), Dr Benita Moolman (Theme 3), Dr Kelly Mack (Theme 4)
Looking ahead (download presentation here )
Dr Elizabeth Pollitzer, Director, Portia Ltd, UK
Closing remarks (download presentation here)
Prof Olive Shisana, CEO, Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa