Dr Anneli Pauli

Deputy Director-General on Innovation and ERA (European Research Area) of DG Research, European Commission.
Since April 2008, Dr Pauli is the Deputy Director-General on Innovation and ERA (European Research Area) of DG Research (from 1 Jan. 2011 DG Research and Innovation) of the European Commission. In 2007-2008 she was the Deputy Director-General of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. Before joining the Commission services Dr Pauli was the Vice President of the Academy of Finland (2001-2007), responsible for matters concerning science policy and research funding as well as international cooperation. During the years 1996-2000 she worked as Secretary General of the Research Council for Environment and Natural Resources, having also responsibility for the development and implementation of the Finnish Centre of Excellence Programmes. Before, she has worked for the Finnish Ministry of Environment, the Water and Environment Research Institute, the Nessling Foundation, universities and a consulting company. Currently Dr Pauli is a member of the High level group on Joint Programming, European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) and the Chair of European Research Area Committee (ERAC). She is the EC representative to the High Level Group of COST-ESF (the European COoperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research COST-European Science Foundation ESF).
Dr Pauli spoke about Making Progress in Promoting European Research Area in Session 6 - The role of research evidence in shaping science making and science policies at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Dr Elizabeth Pollitzer (GS2EU)

Director, Portia Ltd - genSET, UK.
Dr. Elizabeth Pollitzer is the Director of the genSET programme, an initiative run by Portia Ltd, which builds on the achievements of the now completed FP7 funded project. Portia Ltd UK is responsible for the European Gender Summit programme development and scientific content. Elizabeth was a founding member of Portia, established in 1997 by a group of female scientists in computing, physics and aeronautics at the University of London. Under her initiative, Portia incorporated as a company limited by guarantee in 2001, when she has taken on the role of Managing Director, leading the company from coordinating a single modest national project to spearheading multiple international partnerships involving stakeholders from across many different sectors. Elizabeth has been active in promoting evidence-based actions to address issues concerning gender and science for over 15 years. In her capacity as a gender and science expert she advises, evaluates, designs and facilitates inquires and workshops for leading organisations, and speaks at conferences and events across the world. She has been the primary co-ordinator of numerous award-winning European projects. Her academic background in Computing and Biophysics provides excellent preparation for understanding gender issues in many areas of science. After obtaining a PhD in Information Science, she spent over 25 years in academia, mainly at Imperial College, London, teaching and researching with the main focus on the areas of Expert Systems and Human Computer interaction.
Dr Pollitzer welcomed deleagates on behalf of the Summit co-organiser, Portia in Session 1 - Aligning Policy Agendas the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Prof Tine Baelmans

Vice rector for Student Affairs and Diversity Policy, Full professor at the Faculty of Engineering Science, University of Leuven, Belgium.
As vice rector she is the head of the Diversity Policy Office and Head of the Equal Opportunities Office at KU Leuven (Belgium). She is chair of the Diversity Council of the university, which prepares advices, statements and actions with respect to diversity and gender for the board of the university. Tine Baelmans is also chair of the Diversity Steering Group of the Association KU Leuven and the Network Group on Diversity of Leuven. The latter connects partners within the city, governmental departments of the city and the province as well as representatives from different colleges and high schools in the Leuven area.
Prof Baelmans spoke about Mainstreaming and Consolidating Gender Research Scholarship at the Gender Summit 2 EU 2012 (GS2EU).
Caroline Bélan-Ménagier

Policy Officer, France representative for the Helsinki Group on Women and Science European Disability Policy Development Project Manager, Ministry for Higher Education and Research, France.
Caroline Bélan-Ménagier works for the Ministry for Higher Education and Research in France. In 2009, the Ministry created a Strategy and Territory Coordination Unit and within this Unit, the Equal Opportunities and Anti-Discrimination Office was created. This office has been addressing issues related to gender research and gender equality, disability, and discriminations linked to sex and age – in order to set up procedures, coordinate policies at national level and devise action plans at inter-ministerial level. Caroline Bélan-Ménagier works as a gender expert in the European context and is in charge of elaborating a national position on gender for the European Research Area and Horizon 2020 with the national actors of research and higher education and of the civil society. She is also in charge of setting up initiatives to spread the knowledge on the gender dimension in research at the national level. Finally she is one of the French representatives for the Helsinki Group on women in science.
Ms Bélan-Ménagier acted as the Chair in Café Scientifique 4 - GenderSTE: Networking the way to gender equality in science and technology at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Dr Hans Borchgrevink (GS2EU)

Chair, Working Group Monitoring of the ERA Steering Group on Human Resources and Mobility (EU-SGHRM).
Hans M. Borchgrevink MD, is Special Adviser, International Staff, The Research Council Norway (RCN). He is the former Director of Medicine at the Research Council of Norway, and consultant/researcher in audiology and brain function diagnosis. Now chair of WG Monitoring in the ERA Steering Group on Human Resources and Mobility (EU-SGHRM), chair WG Mobility in the European Science Foundation Member Organisation (ESF-MO) Forum Researcher Careers, and Norwegian representative in EU SGHRM, EU IMI Innovative Medicine SRG, and EURAXESS. He has been the invited session chair/rapporteur/speaker at several EU Presidency conferences.
Dr Borchgrevink spoke about Integrating the Gender Dimension in Research and Innovation Landscape at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Prof Simone Buitendijk (GS2EU)

Vice-Rector of the University of Leiden in the Netherlands and member of the LERU (League of European Research Universities) Steering Group for the advice paper on Gender in Academia.
Simone Buitendijk is the Vice-Rector of the University of Leiden in the Netherlands. She holds the chair of Women’s and Family Health at Leiden University Medical Center. She is a member of the LERU (League of European Research Universities) Steering Group for the advice paper on Gender in Academia, on which she will be presenting at EGS2012. As Vice Rector, she is responsible for education, student affairs, diversity and Human Resource Management. She received her MD at University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, MPH at Yale in the US, and PhD at Leiden University, the Netherlands. She is a member of the National Health Council that advises the Dutch Government on national issues in health.
Prof Buitendijk's presentation was entitles Report on Gender Equality Action from The League of European Research Universities (LERU) in Session 2: Integrating the Gender Dimension in Research and Innovation Landscape at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Chancellor Nancy Cantor (GS2EU)

Chancellor, Syracuse University, USA
Nancy Cantor, chancellor and president of Syracuse University, is known for her work on the public mission of universities, a topic on which she lectures and writes extensively along with intertwined issues such as rewarding public scholarship, sustainability, liberal education and the creative campus, the status of women in the academy, and racial justice and diversity. She is the co-chair of the Central New York Regional Economic Development Council, a post to which she was appointed by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Prior to her appointment at Syracuse, Cantor served in numerous leadership positions in higher education, including provost at the University of Michigan and chancellor of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. A prolific author, Cantor holds a Ph.D. in Psychology from Stanford University and is recognized for her contributions to the understanding of how individuals perceive and think about their social worlds, pursue personal goals, and how they regulate their behavior to adapt to life's most challenging social environments. She is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences, and of the National Academies Roundtable on Science and Technology for Sustainability. She has received the Distinguished Scientific Award for an Early Career Contribution to Psychology from the American Psychological Association, the Woman of Achievement Award from the Anti-Defamation League, the Making a Difference for Women Award from the National Council for Research on Women, the Frank W. Hale, Jr., Diversity Leadership Award from the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education, and the 2008 Carnegie Corporation Academic Leadership Award. Cantor has led and served on numbers boards: the American Association for Higher Education, the American Council on Education, the American Institutes for Research, Say Yes to Education, and the Future of Minority Studies. She is an Honorary Trustee of the American Psychological Foundation and was national co-chair of Imagining America's Tenure Team Initiative.
Chancellor Cantor's presentation was entitled Promoting Diversity and Public Problem-Solving Together in Session 3 - Advancing Science and Innovation through Inclusion: The Gender Factor of the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Prof Ines Sanchez De Madariaga (GS2EU)

Head of the Women and Science Unit, Cabinet of the Secretary of State for Science and Innovation, Spain.
Inés Sánchez de Madariaga, Arch, PhD, MSc is Head of the Women and Science Unit, Cabinet of the Secretary of State for Science and Innovation, Spain and Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the Madrid School of Architecture. She holds a PhD from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and a Master of Science from Columbia University, New York, where she studied as a Fulbright Grantee. She has been Visiting Scholar at Columbia University, New York, and at the London School of Economics and Political Science, as well as Jean Monnet Visiting Professor at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar School of Architecture in Germany. She is author of six books and more than 30 articles in technical and professional journals. Founder and director of the first Spanish research group on gender, architecture and city planning. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the European Urban Research Association, and Editor of Urban, the main Spanish journal on city planning. She is the Spanish representative at the Helsinki Group, an advisory body to the European Commission on gender and science issues. In addition to her academic record, she has been Executive Advisor to the Minister of Housing and Deputy Director for Architecture at the Spanish Government.
Prof de Madariaga acted as Chair in Café 4 - GenderSTE: Networking the way to gender equality in science and technology at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Prof Veerle Draulans

Assistant Professor, ethics & gender and diversity, Tilburg University and Associate Professor of gender studies, University of Leuven, Belgium.
Veerle Draulans holds a Ph.D from the K.U.Leuven (Belgium). She is Assistant Professor in ethics & gender and diversity at Tilburg University, Netherlands, and Associate Professor of gender studies at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, where she coordinates the inter-faculty course Gender Studies. Her research focuses on values, civil society and religion in Europe, care and care policy, gender and leadership, gender and science. She participates in the European Values Study project. She is member of the Belgian Advisory Committee on Bioethics, the Scientific Board of Kadoc, `Documentation and Research Centre for Religion, Culture and Society (Leuven), and the Board of Directors of Emmaus, Christian inspired group of healthcare and welfare organisations.
Prof Draulans spoke about Strategies for gender balanced higher education in Session 8 - Mainstreaming and Consolidating Gender Research Scholarship at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Dr Thomas Eichenberger (GS2EU)

Head, Office of Faculty Affairs ETH Zürich (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich), Switzerland.
Thomas Eichenberger received his university degree in history, English and German literature in 1986 at the University of Zurich where he also graduated in 1988 with a thesis in medieval history. In 1989 he joined the President’s Office at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, ETH Zürich, which centrally organizes, structures and monitors the faculty hiring procedures at ETH Zürich. Since 2005, Thomas Eichenberger has been the head of the Office for Faculty Affairs. Over the years he has been involved in the hiring of more than 270 faculty members at ETH Zürich. He has expertise in the area of hiring and retaining faculty, dual career aspects, mobility of researchers, pension and social security issues, the career development of young scientists as well as aspects of gender and structural change in which field he was repeatedly invited as an expert by the European Commission, most recently in a Expert Group on Structural change in research institutions: Enhancing excellence, equality and efficiency in research and innovation.
Dr Eichenberger was the chair of Session 8 - Mainstreaming and Consolidating Gender Research Scholarship at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Dr Wanda Ward (GS2EU)

Director, Office of Integrative Activities, NSF (The United States National Science Foundation), USA.
During her tenure at the United States National Science Foundation (NSF), Ward has served in a number of science and engineering policy, planning and program capacities, including Senior Advisor to the NSF Director; Assistant to the NSF Deputy Director for Human Resource Development; Deputy Assistant Director for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences; and Deputy Assistant Director, Education and Human Resources. Ward provided critical leadership for development of several NSF-wide activities, including the Human and Social Dynamics priority area, the Science of Learning Centers program, Cyberinfrastructure and the Social Sciences, the ADVANCE program, the Innovation through Institutional Integration activity, and the Career-Life Balance initiative. Ward has also served on the President's National Science and Technology Council subcommittees and interagency working groups in the areas of science education and workforce development, and the social, behavioural and economic sciences. Prior to joining NSF, Ward was an associate professor of psychology and founding director of the Center for Research on Multi-Ethnic Education at the University of Oklahoma, Norman. She received a BA in psychology as well as the Afro-American Studies Certificate from Princeton University and a PhD in psychology from Stanford University. Ward was awarded a Ford Foundation Fellowship, the 2005 American Psychological Association (APA) Presidential Citation, the 2006 Federation of Behavioral, Psychological and Cognitive Sciences Richard T. Louttit Award, and the 2006 U.S. Presidential Rank Award for Distinguished Executive.
Dr Ward acted as Chair in Session 3 - Advancing Science and Innovation through Inclusion: The Gender Factor at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Martin Hynes

Chief Executive of the European Science Foundation (ESF).
Martin Hynes BE, MBA, C.Eng., F.I.E.I., was appointed as Chief Executive of the European Science Foundation in 2011. Prior to this, he was Director of The Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology (IRCSET) and in this role he implemented a number of innovative funding schemes with a special focus on early career researchers. He devised special incentives for engaging young researchers with enterprise across public and private sectors and won significant Marie-Curie co-funding for these programmes. He has been the Programme Committee member for Science in Society actions and in that role encouraged the uptake in Ireland of related actions such as the genSET initiative. Martin has a long standing association with the ESF, having previously occupied the position of Chair of Finance and Audit Committee. Hynes was formerly Senior Science Advisor with the Science Foundation Ireland and a Senior Policy Analyst with Forfás, the national policy and advisory board for enterprise, trade, science, technology and innovation. His experience lies in policy formulation and he has an excellent record of implementing policy decisions. He has been instrumental in the formulation of major national funding initiatives supporting research in the ICT and biotechnology sectors. He also contributed to the formulation of first National Framework of Research Needs and was a significant contributor to the Technology Foresight initiative that laid the ground work for what became Science Foundation Ireland. With specialist training in Governance, Martin has served on a number of Boards including that of the Irish University Quality Board and the Digital Enterprise Research Institute as well as those of private companies. An Engineering and MBA Graduate, he has considerable commercial experience having mentored private sector start-ups during a three year period. He also worked for several years in product line management with Westinghouse Electric.
Mr Hynes acted as Chair of Session 7 - Integrating the Gender Dimension in Research and Innovation Content at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Dr Inger Jonsson

Assistant Professor, Uppsala University, Economic History Department, and Research Secretary, Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Science (FAS), Sweden.
Inger Jonsson is an associate professor and part-time researcher at the Economic History Department, Uppsala University, focusing on the gender division of labour in relation to welfare systems, historically and in contemporary society. She has been a visiting researcher (postdoc) at University of Warwick UK, and a visiting researcher at the Centre for Gender Studies Uppsala University. As a research secretary at one of the publicly financed research funding agencies in Sweden (FAS) she is responsible for gender equality questions and represents FAS in an expert group for the publicly funded research councils in Sweden. She has furthermore participated in networks like “The Nordic Network for International Research Policy Analysis” (a NordForsk NORIA-Net project), and “Evaluation of Funding Schemes and Research Programmes” and “Evaluation of Publicly Funded Research” (both ESF MO Foras).
Dr Jonsson spoke about Addressing gender issues in impact assessment in Session 7 - Integrating the Gender Dimension in Research and Innovation Content at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Dr Ulrike Eickhoff

Head of Division “Quality Assurance and Programme Development”, Head office, DFG (German Research Foundation), Germany.
Dr Ulrike Eickhoff received her PhD in Law in 2000 at the University of Hamburg, Germany, with a thesis about Women´s Rightsin Migration Law. She has graduated in Law and Economics. In the Head office of the DFG (German Research Foundation) she has over the years been responsible for hiring processes, IT project management, the development of personnal and the legal department. Currently she and her group are responsible for the main bodies of the DFG, Joint Committee and Senate, the quality assurance of all funding processes and development of funding programmes as well as funding programme services. From the very beginning she has been a member of the internal steering committee of the German Excellence initiative and therein has been responsible for the development of the decision process. Among others she is in charge of gender equality in the research funding process at the DFG and in this function has taken part in developing the research oriented standards on gender equality.
Dr Eickhoff spoke about the Role of the German Research Council in Promoting Better Gender Equality Practice in Research in Session 2 - Integrating the Gender Dimension in Research and Innovation Landscape at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Dr Peter Fisch

Head of Unit for "Ex-Post Evaluation and Reporting", Directorate General for Research and Innovation, European Commission.
Peter Fisch is Head of Unit for "Ex-Post Evaluation and Reporting" within the Directorate General for Research and Innovation at the European Commission in Brussels. Peter Fisch, born in Coburg, Germany, studied Economics at the Universities of Würzburg (Germany) and Caen (France) and holds a PhD in Political Sciences. He started his professional career in 1987 at the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs and Transport in Munich, dealing with issues relating to Regional Technology Policy. In 1992, he joined the European Commission in Brussels. From 1995 until 2006, he was actively involved in the management of the first European programmes to support research in the social sciences and humanities. Since 2006 he is responsible for the Ex-Post Evaluation of the Framework Programme. Recent milestones are the Interim Evaluation of FP7 and the Annual FP7 Monitoring Reports. Main tasks at the moment include the full implementation of a consistent monitoring system and the development of an enlarged evaluation system for the programme "Horizon 2020".
Dr Fisch acted as Chair of Cafe 3 - From Manifesto to Gender Quality Standard for Projects and Institutions at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn (GS2EU)

Commissioner for Research, Innovation & Science, DG Research, Innovation & Science, European Commission.
Political career 1994 -1997: Member of Dáil Éireann and Opposition Spokesperson on Health. 1993 -1994: Minister for Justice. Member of the Irish Government team which negotiated the Joint Declaration of December 1993, by the British and Irish Governments, on Peace and Reconciliation in Ireland 1992: Minister for Tourism, Transport and Communications • 1991 -1992: Member of Dáil Éireann • 1987 - 1991: Minister for European Affairs. Chaired inter-departmental Cttee. on EU policy with responsibility for co-ordinating Ireland’s EU Presidency in 1990. During the Presidency chaired the Budget, Telecommunications, Culture and Development Councils • 1982 - 1987: Member of Dáil Éireann • Chairwoman of 1st Joint Parliamentary Cttee. on Women’s Rights and Member of Parliamentary Cttee. on Marital Breakdown • 1982: Minister of State for Education • 1981 - 1982: Member of Dáil Éireann • 1979 - 1981: Minister for the Gaeltacht (1st woman Cabinet Minister since the foundation of the State) • 1977 - 1979: Minister of State for Commerce • 1975 – 1977: Member of Dáil Éireann (Irish Parliament). Professional career • 1970 -1975: Teacher • 1997 - 2000: Columnist with “The Irish Times” newspaper; TV presenter; Part-time business consultant; Non-executive director Aer Lingus; Non-executive director Ryan Hotels. • 2000-2010: Member of the European Court of Auditors. Other activities • Former Member of the Governing authority of the National University of Ireland Galway • 1996: Publication “The Green Diamond”.
Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn delivered her keynote Implementing Science Policy through HORIZON 2020, ERA and Innovation Union in Session 1 - Aligning Policy Agendas at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU) by video.
Prof Anne Glover

Chief Scientific Adviser to the President of the European Commission.
Anne Glover studied at Edinburgh University (UK) for a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry 1974-78 and then studied at Cambridge University (UK) where she obtained a Doctorate in Molecular Microbiology 1978-81. She has pursued a career in scientific research at Aberdeen University (UK) where she took up the post of Lecturer in 1983 becoming a Professor in 2001. Her research has been varied and she has investigated how proteins are synthesised and directed to the correct location within our cells, the diversity and function of the microbial population in soil, the development of biological sensors (biosensors) to detect environmental pollution and more recently, how we respond to stress at the molecular level. This current area of research has particular relevance to how we age (our cells are under stress in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease) and also how we respond to artificial stresses such as chemotherapy. In 1999 she commercialised some of her biosensor technology into a successful company which diagnoses environmental pollution and provides solutions for its clean-up. She has played major roles for UK research councils in the setting of strategic priorities and budgets for science and has been a partner in several European research initiatives. In 2006, she was awarded a CBE (Commander of the British Empire) by the Queen in recognition of her services to environmental sciences. In 2008 she was made a Woman of Outstanding Achievement in Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) and has worked hard to raise the profile of women in SET and to ensure that not only are women are recruited into careers in SET but that they are supported to remain in the profession during their careers. Anne has a strong interest in how science, engineering and technology can contribute to the developing world and chaired the UK Collaborative on Development Sciences 2009-2011 which works with others such as the Gates Foundation to enhance our partnerships with the developing world. Anne joined BEPA on the 1st January 2012 as first Chief Scientific Adviser to the President. Prior to that, she was the first Chief Scientific Adviser for Scotland (2006-2011).
Prof Glover spoke on The Role of the Chief Scientific Adviser in Session 6 - The role of research evidence in shaping science making and science policies at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Prof Ingrid Guldvik

Associate professor, Lillehammer University College, Norway.
Ingrid Guldvik is a political scientist and holds a PhD from Norwegian University of Science and Technology and a Masters Degree in Public Planning from University of Tromsø. She has been a Visiting Scholar at University of Wisconsin, Madison. Guldvik has published articles and book chapters on Gender and politics, Disability and political representation, Personal assistance/direct payments etc. She is member of the editorial board of Nordic Journal of Social Research.
Prof Ingrid Guldvik acted as Chair of Café 4 - GenderSTE: Networking the way to gender equality in science and technology at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Dr Shirin Heidari (GS2EU)

Chair of the European Association of Science Editors' Gender Policy Committee and Executive Editor of Journal of the International AIDS Society.
In 2012, Dr Heidari was appointed member of Council of European Associations of Science Editors, where she serves as the chair of the Gender Policy Committee. Dr Heidari is Executive Editor of the Journal of the International AIDS Society. She also oversees a number of research promotion programmes at the International AIDS Society. In her capacity, she continuously advocates for a gender sensitive approach to research and programme delivery. Under her leadership, the IAS and partners released a Consensus Statement outlining HIV research priorities for women, girls and children, in which they call for research data to be disaggregated by sex to ensure opportunities for gender-based analysis. As Executive Editor, she implemented an editorial policy which strongly encourages authors to disaggregate research data by sex and provide a gender analysis in submitting manuscripts. Shirin has a Doctorate degree in Clinical Virology and Experimental Oncology from Karolinska Institute in Sweden. She completed her post-doctoral training with The European Vaccine Effort against HIV/AIDS and thereafter, she continued her research at the Centre of Excellence for Infectious Medicine at the Karolinska Institute. She has 10 years of experience in research and is the author of a number of publications.
Dr Shirin Heidari acted as Chair in Cafe 3 - From Manifesto to Gender Quality Standard for Projects and Institutions at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Prof Ineke Klinge (GS2EU)

Associate Professor of Gender Medicine, Caphri School for Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University, The Netherlands.
Ineke Klinge is associate professor of Gender Medicine at Maastricht University. She combined her training in biomedical sciences (specialization Immunology) with gender research. Her past and current research for the European Commission focuses on innovation of biomedical and health research by incorporation of sex and gender aspects. The project GenderBasic (2005-2008) that she coordinated was elected by the European Commission as a FP6 success story. During winter semester 2008-2009 she was appointed as Maria-Goeppert-Mayer guest professor in Gender Medicine at the Georg-August-University in Göttingen, Germany. In 2010, with Claudia Wiesemann she published the book Sex and Gender in Biomedicine. Theories, Methodologies, Results. She is currently co-director of the EU Expert group Innovation through Gender that develops methods of sex and gender analysis for basic and applied research: Gendered Innovations in Science, Health & Medicine, Engineering and Environment.
Prof Klinge acted as Chair in Café 4 - GenderSTE: Networking the way to gender equality in science and technology at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Commissioner Neelie Kroes

Vice President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda for Europe.
Neelie Kroes was born 1941 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, where she also attended school and helped to build her family’s transport business. She studied economics at Erasmus University, before working there for six years as an Assistant Professor. Her political career started on the Rotterdam Municipal Council, and in 1971 was elected as a Member of the Dutch Parliament for the liberal VVD party. From 1982-1989 she served as Minister for Transport, Public Works and Telecommunication in the Netherlands. After politics she was appointed President of Nyenrode University from 1991-2000, and served on various company boards, including Lucent Technologies, Volvo, and P&O Nedlloyd. Her charity work included advising the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund and World Cancer Research Fund, and she has an ongoing interest in mental health issues. Since 2004, she has worked for the European Commission, as one of the 27 Commissioners working to maintain a peaceful and prosperous Europe. From 2004 to 2009, she was Competition Commissioner, responsible for ensuring a level playing field for business in Europe, and fair prices and wide choice for consumers. In 2010, she became Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda for Europe. This portfolio includes the information and communications technology (ICT) and telecommunications sectors. For example: ensuring trust and security for the Internet and new technologies; ensuring competitive communications, such as in the mobile roaming market; building world-class European research and innovation in this sector; and above all getting every European Digital, with access to fast broadband, so we can make the most out of the Internet to support our economy and society.
Commissioner Neelie Kroes spoke about How ICT and women can contribute to European excellence in Session 6 - The role of research evidence in shaping science making and science policies at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Prof Teresa Lago (GS2EU)

Member of the ERC Scientific Council, Chair of the ERC Gender balance working group.
Teresa Lago was born in Lisboa and graduated at the School of Sciences, University of Porto (1971). Later she obtained a PhD in Astronomy at Sussex University, UK (1979). She was responsible for setting-up the first Astronomy Degree in the country and later a European Masters Degree, a European Interuniversity Masters Degree (1994), a Masters in the Teaching of Astronomy (1997) and a Doctoral Programme in Astronomy (2003) at the University of Porto. She was a member of the Executive Board of the European Astrophysics Doctoral Network involving over thirty institutions in Europe (1986-1997). She received the Henri Chrétien Award (American Astronomical Society) (1985). She authored the national plan to develop Astronomy (National Research Council, 1987) and in 1988 founded the Centre for Astrophysics at the University of Porto, which she directed for eighteen years. She is Associate of the Royal Astronomical Society, UK (1990) and member of the Academiae Europeae (1992). She is a member of the Council of the ESO (the European Organization for Astronomy) and has coordinated the Scientific Council for “Earth & Space Sciences” of the National Research Council. In the past she has been involved in various EC Panels (DG XII) and various international science advisory committees and boards. From 1999-2002 she was President of “Porto 2001 – European Capital of Culture” a wide-ranging € 250 million national project. She is a founding member of the European Research Council and chairs its Working Group on Gender Balance. Most relevant activities include: education, promotion of scientific culture and research in Astrophysics, as well as science policy.
Prof Lago spoke about Integrating Gender Equality Recommendations into Practices at the European Research Council (ERC) in Session 2 - Integrating the Gender Dimension in Research and Innovation Landscape at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Dr Kelly Mack (GS2EU)

Professor of Biology, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, USA.
Dr Mack is a Professor of Biology at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, where she has taught courses in Physiology and Endocrinology for 17 years, and is on loan from her home institution (since Fall 2008) serving as a Program Director for the National Science Foundation (NSF) ADVANCE Program. At her home institution, Dr. Mack served in many capacities including Biology Program Director where she was responsible for providing leadership and strategic vision for the intellectual, educational, and professional development of biology majors and for the coordination of faculty in providing quality instruction, research, and development activities. During her tenure at UMES, Dr. Mack served as Principal Investigator, Director or Co-Director for externally funded projects that totaled over $12 million dollars, including the UMES ADVANCE Program, which focused on issues related to African American women faculty in the STEM disciplines and led to the initiation of several institution-wide practices to promote the professional development of all faculty. Dr. Kelly Mack received her Bachelor of Science degree from the UMES in Biology and later the PhD degree from Howard University in Physiology. Dr. Mack has had extensive training and experience in the area of cancer research with her research efforts focusing primarily on the use of novel antitumor agents in human estrogen receptor negative breast tumor cells. Specifically, these efforts have included the role of the cellular accumulation of cisplatin in breast tumor cells, and the use of demethyltransferase inhibitors and histone deacetylase agents in inducing the re-expression of the estrogen receptor in human breast tumor cells. More recently, her research focus has involved the use of bioflavonoids in the regulation of estrogen receptor positive (ER+) and estrogen receptor negative (ER-) breast tumor cell proliferation. Dr. Mack has served as a member of the Board of Governors for the National Council on Undergraduate Research and is a current member of the National Institutes of Health Review Subcommittee for Training, Workforce Development and Diversity.
Dr Mack acted as Chair in Cafe 1 - The leaky pipeline and age discrimination at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Prof Marja Makarow (GS2EU)

Vice-President, Academy of Finland, Finland.
Marja Makarow is professor of applied biochemistry and molecular biology, and former vice-rector for research, doctoral training and innovation at the University of Helsinki. She served as chief executive of the European Science Foundation (ESF) in 2008-2011. Marja Makarow is member of the governing board of the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT) and former vice-chair of the European Research Area Board (ERAB), and member of the Council for Research and Innovation Policy advising the Finnish Government. As vice-chair of the board of the new Aalto University she has been implementing the recently renovated University Act in her country. Marja Makarow has served on boards, strategic councils and scientific advisory boards of several European top universities and research institutes. She is panel chair of the European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grants scheme, has served as expert for performance assessments of and funding allocations for research funding organisations in Europe and beyond, and steered research assessment exercises of several universities. She was president of the European Molecular Biology Conference (EMBC / EMBO) and delegate of Finland in the council of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). Marja Makarow is former chair of the board of the technology transfer office co-owned by the University of Helsinki and the State of Finland, and of the jury of the world’s largest innovation prize, the Millennium Technology Prize. She is a cell biologist, her interests covering the molecular mechanisms of intracellular transport of proteins. She has published widely in reputed scientific journals, created patented inventions, supervised 19 PhD theses and supported 50 more as doctoral school director. Marja Makarow is member of distinguished learned societies and recipient of several awards, honours and decorations.
Prof Makarow acted as Chair in Cafe 3 - From Manifesto to Gender Quality Standard for Projects and Institutions at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Prof Mary Ann Mason

Professor and Co-Director, Earl Warren Institution for Law and Social Policy, University of California, Berkeley School of Law, USA.
Mary Ann Mason is currently professor and co-director of the Earl Warren Institution for Law and Social Policy at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law. From 2000 to 2007, she served as the first woman dean of the Graduate Division at UC Berkeley, with responsibility for nearly 10,000 students in more than 100 graduate programs. During her tenure, she championed diversity in the graduate student population, promoted equity for student parents, and pioneered measures to enhance the career-life balance for all faculty. Her research findings and advocacy have been central to ground-breaking policy initiatives, including the ten-campus "UC Faculty Family Friendly Edge" and the nationwide "Nine Presidents" summit on gender equity at major research universities. Her most recent book (co-authored with her daughter Eve Mason Ekman) is Mothers on the Fast Track: How a New Generation Can Balance Family and Careers (Oxford, 2007).
Prof Mason spoke about Do Babies Matter in Science? in Session 3 - Advancing Science and Innovation through Inclusion: The Gender Factor at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Prof Pär Omling

Vice-Chancellor of Lund University, President of the European Science Foundation (ESF) and vice-President of Science Europe.
Pär Omling is presently Advisor to the vice-Chancellor of Lund University, President of the European Science Foundation (ESF) and vice-President of Science Europe. He has been deeply involved in national and international research policy for the last 20 years and has e.g. acted as adviser to several governments and research organisations, been President of EUROHORCs, and served as the Head of the Swedish Research Council for 10 years. As Professor at Lund University his main research interests were semiconductor physics, mesoscopic physics and nanoscience. Omling is member of two Swedish and one European Academies. 1995 he was awarded the Gustafsson-prize in physics by the Royal Swedish Academy.
Prof Omling Welcomed delegates to Session 1 - Aligning Policy Agendas and acted as Chair in Session 2 - Integrating the Gender Dimension in Research and Innovation Landscape at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Dr Brigitte Ratzer

Head of Center for the Promotion of Women and Gender Studies, Vienna University of Technology, Austria.
Social Science Studies at VUT. Longstanding lecturer at various Austrian universities and junior researcher at VUT with research-projects in the fields of Bioethics and Biomedical Technology-Assessment, Social Studies of Knowledge and Feminist Research in Science and Technology. Since 2005 Head of Center for the Promotion of Women and Gender Studies, VUT. Currently engaged in building up a network for transferring feminist and gender knowledge to engineering research groups and to the curricula.
Dr Ratzer sp[oke about Gender expertise as knowledge transfer for better project design in Session 8 - Mainstreaming and Consolidating Gender Research Scholarship at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Prof Curt Rice (GS2EU)

Pro Rector for Research & Development, University of Tromsø, Norway.
Curt Rice is the elected Pro Rector for Research & Development at the University of Tromsø for the period 2009–2013. He is also the Head of Board for CRIStin (Current Research Information System in Norway). He has served as a co-editor of Linguistic Inquiry and on the editorial boards of several journals. Rice frequently debates and writes about the politics of higher education and research. He is particularly focused on leadership development, gender equality, open access and research-based education; these are the topic of his blog, www.curtrice.com: Thoughts on university leadership. Rice is a member of the genSET science leaders panel. His work on gender equality at UiT has been featured in articles in Science, Nature, and The Lancet. Rice’s extensive work on gender balance in academia has been acknowledged University of Tromsø Gender Equality Prize.
Prof Rice acted as Conference Moderator, and spoke about Not repeating past mistakes in Session 8 - Mainstreaming and Consolidating Gender Research Scholarship at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Director General Dominique Ristori (GS2EU)

DG Joint Research Centre, European Commission.
Dominique Ristori has been working in the European Commission since 1978 where he has held several positions. Prior to his current position, he was Deputy Director General of the Directorate General for Energy, in charge of nuclear energy policy, in particular the development of the EU legal framework and international relations (2006 – 2010). Whilst Director in charge of General Affairs and Resources at Directorate-General for Energy and Transport, he was responsible for interinstitutional relations; enlargement and international relations; coordination of energy and transport research; internal market, state aids, infringements and public service obligations; passengers' and users' rights; central management of human and budgetary resources (2000 - 2006). Between 1996 and 1999, he was Director in charge of European Energy Policy at Directorate-General for Energy. In the period of 1990 – 1996 D. Ristori was in charge of transnational cooperation between SMEs at the Directorate-General for Enterprise policy. D. Ristori graduated from the Institute of Political Studies of Paris (1975).
Commissioner Ristori spoke about How can the Joint Research Centre improve science policy outcomes for Europe’s citizens? in Session 1 Aligning Policy Agendas at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Dr Ángeles Rodríguez-Peña (GS2EU)

President of the COST Committee of Senior Officials (CSO), COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), Technical Cabinet of the Secretary General of Innovation at the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation.
Dr Rodríguez-Peña has been President of the COST Committee of Senior Officials (CSO) since June 2010 and Special Advisor to the Technical Cabinet of the Secretary General of Innovation at the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation since January 2011. As former Deputy Director General for European Programmes from 2007 to 2010 she headed the Spanish delegation in the Scientific and Technical Research Committee of the Council of the European Union (CREST) and as a member of the newly-named European Research Area Committee (ERAC). She also represented Spain in the Strategic Forum for International Science & Technology Cooperation (SFIC), another CREST level created by the Council of the European Union. From 2002 to 2007, she was Deputy Head of International Affairs at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) responsible for European Science Foundation (ESF) relations as well as European policy fora such as the Framework Programme. Her flair for international research cooperation is partly thanks to her own background as a scientist. After obtaining her PhD in Biology in Madrid, Spain, she obtained a postdoctoral fellowship from the European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO) in 1981 to join the former Imperial Cancer Research Foundation – now Cancer Research UK – in London, United Kingdom, where she remained as an associated scientist until 1986. Once back in Spain, she started her own research group and spent time as a visiting scientist at Harvard Medical School in Boston, USA, and at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden.
Dr Rodríguez-Peña welcomed delegates on behalf of Summit Partner, COST in Session 1 - Aligning Policy Agendas at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Prof Martina Schraudner (GS2EU)

Professor for Gender and Diversity in Organisations, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and the Technical University Berlin, Germany.
Martina Schraudner received her Ph.D. in Biology from the Technical University of Munich, and worked as a researcher at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich) and the Forschungszentrum Jülich. She obtained her "Inauguration as a Lecturer" (Habilitation) at the Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture at the Humboldt University of Berlin. She then accepted a position with Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft where her main responsibility was in strategic research planning with an emphasis on life sciences. Since 2008, she is also professor for "Gender and Diversity in Organisations" at the Technical University of Berlin. Martina Schraudner has participated in a number of initiatives related to the "Partners for Innovation" project and for the development of a high-tech strategy for Germany, She is member of the Hochschulrat of the Paderborn University and is board member of the Kompetenzzentrum Diversity e.V. and Total E-Quality e.V..
Prof Schraudner acted as Chair in Session 7 - Integrating the Gender Dimension in Research and Innovation Content and Cafe 2 - Gender as a Big Ticket Item in R&D&I at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Dr Betty Shanahan (GS2EU)

CAE, F.SWE, Executive Director & CEO, Society of Women Engineers, USA.
Betty Shanahan became the executive director and CEO for the 20,000 member Society of Women Engineers (SWE) in 2002. Previously, Betty spent 24 years in development, engineering management, and marketing management for the electronics and software industries. Betty has earned a B.S. in electrical engineering from Michigan State University, a Master of Software Engineering from the Wang Institute of Graduate Studies, and an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago. Betty participates in forums that advance the engineering profession, including the National Academy of Engineering’s committee for “Changing the Conversation” in the public understanding of engineering.
Dr Shanahan acted as Chair in Cafe 2 - Gender as a Big Ticket Item in R&D&I at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Prof Marie Vahter

Professor, Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM), Karolinska Institutet, the medical university in Stockholm, Sweden.
IMM is a department at the Karolinska Institutetas well as a national resource in environmental health risk assessment. Professor Vahter has basic training in toxicology. Over the last 20 years she has been increasingly involved in epidemiological studies aiming at evaluating potential adverse effects of environmental exposure to toxic metals and other elements. One main research focus is early-life exposure and health effects in both childhood and later in life. Mechanisms of action and susceptibility factors, such as gender, genetic predisposition and nutrition, are important issues to clarify. Evaluation of gender differences in the exposure to and health effects of chemicals in our environment is essential, not only because we need to identify susceptible groups for mitigation prioritization, but also for increasing our understanding of mechanisms of toxic action
Dr Vahter spoke about Are women and men equally susceptible to environmental pollutants? in Session 7 - Integrating the Gender Dimension in Research and Innovation Content at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
VP Oldřich Vlasák (GS2EU)

Vice-President of the European Parliament, responsible for Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA).
Oldřich Vlasák, Vice-President of the European Parliament, is conservative politician who advocates for the interests of self-governing municipalities, cities and regions. Oldřich Vlasák was born on 26th of November 1955 in Hradec Králové. He studied at the Czech Technical University in Prague. After his university studies he worked in science as a technical professional in the field of environment. In his following management career he worked for the private sector. He fully entered local politics in 1994, when he was elected member of the Board of Representatives of the City of Hradec Králové. Between 1998 and 2004 he was mayor of the City. In 2001 he became the President of the Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic. Since 2000 he was active in the European politics. He was delegated to the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe and represented the Czech Republic as an observer in the Committee of the Regions. After his active work in the Policy Committee of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) he has been elected its executive president. In 2004 he has been elected and in 2009 re-elected to the European Parliament. In the European Parliament he has a function of coordinator of European Conservatives and Reformists in the Committee for Regional Development and is a vice chairman of the Intergroup Urban. Since 2012 he is responsible for STOA in the European Parliament Bureau. He is married, has three children and likes various sport activities. For 15 years, he used to volunteer as member of the mountain rescue service.
Vice President Vlasák welcomed delegates in the Session 1 - Aligning Policy Agendas at the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).
Dr Kate White

Adjunct Research Fellow, University of Ballarat, Australia and Director, Women in Higher Education Management Network.
Dr Kate White is an Adjunct Research Fellow in the School of Education and Arts at the University of Ballarat, and an Adjunct Lecturer in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Limerick. She is Director of the eight-country Women in Higher Education Management Network and co-editor (with Barbara Bagilhole) of Gender, Power and Management: a cross-cultural analysis of higher education published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2011. The Network’s second book, Generation and Gender in Academia, will be published by Palgrave in 2013. Kate has been a visiting researcher at the Center for Research in Higher Education Policies, Porto, 2008; the University of Limerick in 2008 and 2012; Uppsala University 2010; and the Centre for Gender Excellence, Linkoping University in 2010 and 2011. Kate is the author of 12 books. Her current research interests are gender and higher education, women’s academic careers and career progression for women in science. In 2012 she is undertaking a new Melbourne based project “Building effective career paths for women in science” which is a case study of how to achieve a paradigm shift in the organisational culture in science research institutes through exploring issues of gender and equity, particularly career progression of women and disparity of outcomes.
Dr White acted as Chair in Cafe 1 - The leaky pipeline and age discriminationt the Gender Summit 2 EU (GS2EU).