Prof Ines Sanchez De Madariaga (GS1EU)

Head of the Women and Science Unit, Cabinet of the Secretary of State for Science and Innovation, Spain.
Head of the Women and Science Unit, Cabinet of the Minister of Science and Innovation, Spain Inés Sánchez de Madariaga, Arch, PhD, MSc is Head of the Women and Science Unit, Cabinet of the Minister of Science and Innovation, and Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the Madrid School of Architecture. She holds a PhD from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and a Master of Science from Columbia University, New York, where she studied as a Fulbright Grantee. She has been Visiting Scholar at Columbia University, New York, and at the London School of Economics and Political Science, as well as Jean Monnet Visiting Professor at the Bauhaus- Weimar School of Architecture in Germany. She is author of six books and more than 30 articles in technical and professional journals. Founder and director of the first Spanish research group on gender, architecture and city planning. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the European Urban Research Association, and Editor of Urban, the main Spanish journal on city planning. She is the Spanish representative at the Helsinki Group, an advisory body to the European Commission on gender and science issues. In addition to her academic record, she has been Executive Advisor to the Minister of Housing and Deputy Director for Architecture at the Spanish Government.
Prof de Madariaga spoke about The Report on Structural Change of the European Commission Expert Group in Plenary Session: Policy for creating a gender and socially responsive science and innovation environment at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn (GS1Eu)

Commissioner for Research, Innovation & Science, DG Research, Innovation & Science, European Commission.
Political career 1994 -1997: Member of Dáil Éireann and Opposition Spokesperson on Health. 1993 -1994: Minister for Justice. Member of the Irish Government team which negotiated the Joint Declaration of December 1993, by the British and Irish Governments, on Peace and Reconciliation in Ireland 1992: Minister for Tourism, Transport and Communications • 1991 -1992: Member of Dáil Éireann • 1987 - 1991: Minister for European Affairs. Chaired inter-departmental Cttee. on EU policy with responsibility for co-ordinating Ireland’s EU Presidency in 1990. During the Presidency chaired the Budget, Telecommunications, Culture and Development Councils
Read more: Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn (GS1Eu)
Dr Hans Borchgrevink (GS1Eu)

Chair, Working Group Monitoring of the ERA Steering Group on Human Resources and Mobility (EU-SGHRM).
Hans M. Borchgrevink MD, is the former Director of Medicine in the Research Council of Norway, and consultant/researcher in audiology and brain function diagnosis. Now chair of WG Monitoring in the EU Steering Group on Human Resources and Mobility (EU-SGHRM), chair WG Mobility in the European Science Foundation Member Organisation (ESF-MO) Forum Researcher Careers, and Norwegian representative in EU SGHRM, EU IMI Innovative Medicine SRG, and EURAXESS. He has been the invited session chair/rapporteur/speaker at several EU Presidency conferences.
Read more: Dr Hans Borchgrevink (GS1Eu)
Dr Wanda Ward (GS1EU)

Director, Office of Integrative Activities, NSF (The United States National Science Foundation), USA.
During her tenure at the United States National Science Foundation (NSF), Ward has served in a number of science and engineering policy, planning and program capacities in both Education and Human Resources and the Office of the Director. Ward provided critical leadership for development of several NSF-wide activities, including the Human and Social Dynamics priority area, the Science of Learning Centers program, Cyberinfrastructure and the Social Sciences, and the ADVANCE program. Ward has also served on the President's National Science and Technology Council subcommittees and interagency working groups in the areas of science education and workforce development, and the social, behavioural and economic sciences. Prior to joining NSF, Ward was an associate professor of psychology and founding director of the Center for Research on Multi-Ethnic Education at the University of Oklahoma, Norman. She has also held visiting academic appointments at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Johns Hopkins University. She received a BA in psychology as well as the Afro-American Studies Certificate from Princeton University and a PhD in psychology from Stanford University. Ward was awarded a Ford Foundation Fellowship and the 2005 American Psychological Association (APA) Presidential Citation, the most distinguished honour given by the APA president. The APA award recognized her steadfast support of the advancement of behavioural science and her to devotion to enhancing the diversity of the science and engineering workforce.
Dr Ward spoke about Advancing women scientists in academia: The NSF Experience at Session C3: MOBILISING AND MOBILITY OF SCIENTIFIC TALENT Competitive advantage of gender equality at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Prof Ineke Klinge (GS1EU)

Associate Professor of Gender Medicine, Caphri School for Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University, The Netherlands.
Ineke Klinge is associate professor of Gender Medicine at Maastricht University. She combined her training in biomedical sciences (specialization Immunology) with gender research. Her past and current research for the European Commission focuses on innovation of biomedical and health research by incorporation of sex and gender aspects. The project GenderBasic (2005-2008) that she coordinated was elected by the European Commission as a FP6 success story. During winter semester 2008-2009 she was appointed as Maria-Goeppert-Mayer guest professor in Gender Medicine at the Georg-August-University in Göttingen, Germany. In 2010, with Claudia Wiesemann she published the book Sex and Gender in Biomedicine. Theories, Methodologies, Results. She is currently co-director of the EU Expert group Innovation through Gender that develops methods of sex and gender analysis for basic and applied research: Gendered Innovations in Science, Health & Medicine, Engineering and Environment.
Prof Klinge spoke about Gender, Biomedicine and Health in Session C4: EXCELLENCE AND RESPONSIBILITY OF SCIENCE Gender as a scientific quality value at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Prof Martina Schraudner (GS1EU)

Head of the department of Gender and Diversity in Organisations, Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management, Technische Universität Berlin.
Professor Schraudner is head of the department of Gender and Diversity in Organisations at the Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management of the Technische Universität Berlin (TUB). Her research currently focuses on the integration of different perspectives in the innovation process already in very early stages of research planning. This requires a systematic involvement of potential users and a continuous dialogue between different kinds of sciences and stakeholders on the one hand, and the readiness to integrate different perspectives in the decision making processes on the other. Another field of her work are innovative research initiatives. One of her key interests is to develop strategies to guarantee effective and result-oriented cooperation among researchers, decision makers, funding institutions and other financial contributors to research. Martina Schraudner has served on several innovation committees of the German government, and is member of a European Expert Group. She has undertaken the first steps in establishing gender mainstreaming strategies for research institutions in Germany especially by integrating gender aspects in different research themes. She is a member of the genSET Science Leaders Panel. Dr Schraudner, a biologist, became Professor at the Technische Universität Berlin in 2008. She also works at the Fraunhofer Headquarters in the field of strategic research planning.
Prof Schraudner spoke about Involving Industry and markets at Session C4: EXCELLENCE AND RESPONSIBILITY OF SCIENCE Gender as a scientific quality value a the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Prof Simone Buitendijk (GS1EU)

Vice-rector, University of Leiden, Netherlands.
Until September 2011 Simone Buitendijk was Head of the Child Health Programme at TNO Institute for Applied Science in the Netherlands. She presently holds a chair in Women’s and Family Health at the Leiden University Medical Center and is a member of the Governing Board of the University of Leiden. She received her MD at University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, MPH at Yale in the US, and PhD at Leiden University, the Netherlands. She is a member of the National Health Council that advises the Dutch Government on national issues in health and a member of the genSET Science Leaders Panel.
Read more: Prof Simone Buitendijk (GS1EU)
Prof Curt Rice (GS1EU)

Pro Rector for Research & Development, University of Tromsø, Norway.
Curt Rice works as Pro Rector for Research & Development at the University of Tromsø, in Tromsø, Norway. Prior to assuming this position in 2009, he was the Founding Director of the Center for Advanced Study in Theoretical Linguistics: A Norwegian Centre of Excellence (CASTL). He is a member of the genSET Science Leaders Panel and he is the Chair of the Board of Current Research Information Systems in Norway ( His primary activities as Pro Rector focus on gender equality, open access, research-based teaching and leadership development. He blogs on these issues at
Read more: Prof Curt Rice (GS1EU)
Prof Teresa Lago (GS1Eu)

Member of the ERC Scientific Council, Chair of the ERC Gender balance working group.
Teresa Lago was born in Lisboa and graduated at the School of Sciences, University of Porto (1971). Later she obtained a PhD in Astronomy at Sussex University, UK (1979). She was responsible for setting-up the first Astronomy Degree in the country and later a European Masters Degree, a European Interuniversity Masters Degree (1994), a Masters in the Teaching of Astronomy (1997) and a Doctoral Programme in Astronomy (2003) at the University of Porto. She was a member of the Executive Board of the European Astrophysics Doctoral Network involving over thirty institutions in Europe (1986-1997). She received the Henri Chrétien Award (American Astronomical Society) (1985).
Read more: Prof Teresa Lago (GS1Eu)
Dr Ángeles Rodríguez-Peña (GS1EU)

President of the COST Committee of Senior Officials (CSO), COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), Technical Cabinet of the Secretary General of Innovation at the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation.
Dr Rodríguez-Peña has been President of the COST Committee of Senior Officials (CSO) since June 2010 and Special Advisor to the Technical Cabinet of the Secretary General of Innovation at the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation since January 2011. As former Deputy Director General for European Programmes from 2007 to 2010 she headed the Spanish delegation in the Scientific and Technical Research Committee of the Council of the European Union (CREST) and as a member of the newly-named European Research Area Committee (ERAC). She also represented Spain in the Strategic Forum for International Science & Technology Cooperation (SFIC), another CREST level created by the Council of the European Union. From 2002 to 2007, she was Deputy Head of International Affairs at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) responsible for European Science Foundation (ESF) relations as well as European policy fora such as the Framework Programme. Her flair for international research cooperation is partly thanks to her own background as a scientist. After obtaining her PhD. in Biology in Madrid, Spain, she obtained a postdoctoral fellowship from the European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO) in 1981 to join the former Imperial Cancer Research Foundation – now Cancer Research UK – in London, United Kingdom, where she remained as an associated scientist until 1986. Once back in Spain, she started her own research group and spent time as a visiting scientist at Harvard Medical School in Boston, USA, and at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden.
Dr Rodríguez-Peña chaired Session A3: KNOWLEDGE PRODUCTION Research norms and integrity and spoke about The role of Inter-governmental collaborations in the Plenary Session: Policy for creating a gender and socially responsive science and innovation environment at the Gender Summit 1 (GS1EU).
Dr Shirin Heidari (GS1EU)

Executive Editor, Journal of the International AIDS Society.
Dr Shirin Heidari is Executive Editor of the Journal of the International AIDS Society. She also oversees a number of research promotion programmes at the International AIDS Society. In her capacity, she continuously advocates for a gender sensitive approach to research and programme delivery. Under her leadership, the IAS and partners released a Consensus Statement outlining HIV research priorities for women, girls and children, in which they call for research data to be disaggregated by sex to ensure opportunities for gender-based analysis. As Executive Editor, she implemented an editorial policy which strongly encourages authors to disaggregate research data by sex and provide a gender analysis in submitting manuscripts. Shirin has a Doctorate degree in Clinical Virology and Experimental Oncology from Karolinska Institute in Sweden. She completed her post-doctoral training with The European Vaccine Effort against HIV/AIDS and thereafter, she continued her research at the Centre of Excellence for Infectious Medicine at the Karolinska Institute. She has 10 years of experience in research and is the author of a number of publications.
Dr Heidari contributed to the roundtable Session D: GENDER ISSUES IN SCIENCE PUBLICATIONS How can editorial policies and writing on gender issues in science be improved to make the assessment and selection of research results for publication sensitive to gender and sex issues? at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Prof Marja Makarow (GS1Eu)

Chief Executive, ESF (European Science Foundation).
Professor Makarow has been Chief Executive of the European Science Foundation (ESF) since January 2008. She is Professor of applied biochemistry and molecular biology at the University of Helsinki, where she was Vice-Rector for Research prior to her ESF position and has served on boards and strategic councils of several universities. Marja Makarow is an advisor to the Finnish Government in the Council for Research and Innovation Policy, and to the EU Commissioner for Research in the European Research Area Board. Her responsibilities have included the presidency of the European Molecular Biology Conference (EMBC/EMBO) and membership of the Council of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). She chairs one of the evaluation panels of the European Research Council and has served as expert for research funding organisations in Austria, Belgium, Canada, Finland and Ireland. Marja Makarow is the recipient of several awards, honours and decorations, and has published widely in reputed scientific journals.
Prof Makarowdelivered a keynote and acted as Chair Session B2: COLLABORATIVE STRENGTH Working better as teams at the Gender Summit 1 Europe (GS1Eu).
Dr Thomas Eichenberger (GS1EU)

Head, Office of Faculty Affairs ETH Zürich (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich), Switzerland.
Thomas Eichenberger received his university degree in history, English and German literature in 1986 at the University of Zurich where he also graduated in 1988 with a thesis in medieval history. In 1989 he joined the President’s Office at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, ETH Zürich, which centrally organizes, structures and monitors the faculty hiring procedures at ETH Zürich. Since 2005, Thomas Eichenberger has been the head of the Office for Faculty Affairs. Over the years he has been involved in the hiring of more than 260 faculty members at ETH Zürich. He has expertise in the area of hiring and retaining faculty, dual career aspects, mobility of researchers, pension and social security issues, the career development of young scientists as well as aspects of gender and structural change in which field he was repeatedly invited as an expert by the European Commission, most recently in a Expert Group on Structural change in research institutions: Enhancing excellence, equality and efficiency in research and innovation
Dr Eichenberger spoke about Best practice at ETH in Session C1: R&D AND HR STANDARDS Effective management of R&D human resources at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Prof Londa Schiebinger (GS1Eu)
John L. Hinds Professor of History of Science, Stanford University and Director, Gendered Innovations in Science, Health & Medicine, Engineering, and Environment project, USA.
Londa Schiebinger is the John L. Hinds Professor of History of Science, Stanford University, and Director of the EU/US Gendered Innovations in Science, Health & Medicine, and Engineering Project. Professor Schiebinger received her PhD from Harvard University and is a leading international authority on gender and science. From 2004 to 2010, she served as Director of Stanford's Clayman Institute for Gender Research. Over the past twenty-five years, her work has been devoted to teasing apart three analytically distinct but interlocking pieces of the gender and science puzzle: the history of women's participation in science; gender in scientific institutions; and gender in research.
Read more: Prof Londa Schiebinger (GS1Eu)
Dr Erik Litborn

Programme Director, VINNOVA (The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems), Sweden.
Erik Litborn is working for VINNOVA (The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems) and holds a position as Programme Director. During the PhD studies he was in parallel working as the Scientific Secretary in the Nanochemistry Programme which was funded with 40 MSEK by the Swedish Strategic Foundation. After defending his thesis in Analytical Chemistry 2001, he left the academy for a position as R&D Scientist in a startup company having sites in both Stockholm and Lausanne, Switzerland. After the financial problems in the biotech business area he left the company and started to work for VINNOVA 2004 with the Green Material Programme and setting up the Sweden-Japan collaboration programme Multidisciplinary BIO. Since 2005, Erik is responsible for the current 7-year programme VINNMER (total budget >600mSEK incl co-financing) which is since 2009 co-funded by FP7-PEOPLE with €5 million (VINNMER-PEOPLE 229694). In addition, he is also responsible for the 10-year Berzelii Centra Programme (CoE, total budget 700 mSEK incl co-financing) and is a member of the Programme Management Team for the VINN Excellence Center programme.
Dr Litborn spoke about VINNMER: the solution for successful careers for underrepresented gender in Session C2: LEVERAGING POLICIES AND LEGISLATION The Norwegian experience at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Prof Flora de Pablo

Professor of Research, Centre for Biological Investigation, CSIC (Spanish National Research Council).
Flora de Pablo is Professor of Research (highest rank) at the Center for Biological Investigation for the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in Madrid. She heads the 3D lab (Development, differentiation and degeneration). She holds M.D. degree (1975), Doctoral Thesis in Medicine (1979) and Master in Psychology from the Universidad de Salamanca. She has worked for a decade in the USA, in the National Institute of Health (Bethesda) and the California Institute of Technology (Pasadena). Her field of specialty is the molecular and cellular biology of development. She has been a member of the Commission for Women in Science at CSIC since 2001. She was founder and first president (2001-2007) of the Spanish Association of Women Investigators and Technologists (AMIT).
Prof de Pablo chaired Session C3: MOBILISING AND MOBILITY OF SCIENTIFIC TALENT Competitive advantage of gender equalityat the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Nik Everatt

Global HR Director for Customer Excellence & Logistics, Unilever.
Nik Everatt has 15 years’ experience in HR roles in various multinational companies, including ICI, Ineos & Barclays Bank. Most recently, 5 years’ experience as HR Director for Research & Development within Unilever, with a specific interest in the challenges and benefits of achieving gender balance within industry in general and research & development specifically.
Mr Everatt spoke about The Global Industry Perspective in Plenary Session: Policy for creating a gender and socially responsive science and innovation environment at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Lise Christensen

Senior Adviser, RCN (The Research Council of Norway).
Lise Christensen, Mag Art in Sociology, Senior Adviser at the Research Council of Norway. Christensen has extensive experience in the field of promoting gender balance in science and higher education. She presently works within a national research funding agency, formerly within a large academic institution - the University of Oslo. Christensen has also research experience from sociology.
Ms Christensen spoke about The Role of the RCN in promoting the gender dimension in research in Session C2: LEVERAGING POLICIES AND LEGISLATION The Norwegian experience at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Dr Linda Rustad

Chair and Member of KIF (Committee for Gender Balance in Research Norway).
Linda Rustad is Senior Advisor at the Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions where she is the secretariat for the Committee for Gender Balance in Research in Norway. The committee is appointed by the Ministry of Education and Research. Rustad is a philosopher with a special interest in theory of science, research policy and gender. She has taught several university courses on these topics and has written several articles in about theory of science with a gender perspective. She has also edited a booklet for research leaders.
Dr Rustad spoke about Between governmental and institutional level - unique opportunities for action? The Norwegian Committee for Gender Balance in Research in Session C2: LEVERAGING POLICIES AND LEGISLATION The Norwegian experience at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Prof Gerd Bjørhovde

Member and Chair of KIF (Committee for Gender Balance in Research Norway).
Dr.philos. Gerd Karin Bjørhovde is Professor of English literature at the University of Tromsø, Norway. In her research Bjørhovde has worked extensively with feminist perspectives on literature and women writers, particularly women’s pioneering contributions to and experiments with the novel form. She has been active in various gender equality and research committees both nationally and internationally. In 1999 she was Convenor of the 7th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women – Women’s Worlds ’99, which took place in Tromsø. From 2001 through 2008 Bjørhovde was pro-rector of the University of Tromsø, focusing in that period among other things on internationalization of education and research, and on promoting gender mainstreaming in her own institution as well as nationally. In 2007 she was appointed Chair of the Committee for Mainstreaming – Women in Science Norway, by the Minister of Education, from 2010 called Committee for Gender Balance in Research.
Prof Bjørhovde spoke about Between governmental and institutional level - unique opportunities for action? The Norwegian Committee for Gender Balance in Research in Session C2: LEVERAGING POLICIES AND LEGISLATION The Norwegian experience at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Jorun Hjertö
Senior Adviser, Norway Ministry of Childhood, Equality and Social Inclusion, Norway.
Ms Jorun Hjertø works in the area of family policies and gender equality, dealing with anti-discrimination as well as mainstreaming and policy development. She holds a graduate degree in political science from the University of Bergen, on the issue of women in decision-making. She has served as head of project of the Equal Pay Commission appointed by the Government in 2006. She had a secondment as a national expert to the European Commission, Employment and Social Affairs Directorate for three years. She was further head of project of the Nordic programme on Equal pay for women and men in the Nordic countries.
Ms Hjertø spoke about Policy Approach at National Level in Session C2: LEVERAGING POLICIES AND LEGISLATION The Norwegian experience at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Prof Henrik Toft Jensen

Former Rector, Roskilde University.
Henrik Toft Jensen is Lecturer at the Department of Environmental, Social and Spatial Change at Roskilde University, Denmark. He was Rector of Roskilde University from 1989 to 2006 and Chair of the Danish Rectors’ Conference from 2000 to 2002. Dr Toft Jensen started his career at the Department of Geography of the University of Copenhagen where he worked from 1968 to 1973. Until 1975 he was an adjunct professor at Falkonergårdens Gymnasium, Denmark. He then joined the Department of Geography, Social Science and Computer Science of Roskilde University, where he served as Head of Department from 1982 to 1987. Dr Toft Jensen is involved in a variety of higher education projects and expert committees within and outside Europe. He is, amongst others, a member of the program committee Regions of knowledge of the EU 7th Framework (since 2007), the Chair of the steering committee of the E4 Group’s European Quality Assurance Forum (since 2006) and a member of the Irish Universities Quality Board (since 2006). He is a member the External Review Panel of the Singaporean universities and was a member of an advisory panel to the Singaporean government from 2003 to 2006. He was the Chair of the Steering Committee of EUA’s Institutional Evaluation Programme (2001-2007) and also represented EUA in the E4 Group until 2007. Dr Toft Jensen is and was also involved in several Danish bodies, both in the fields of higher education and geography, technology boards, business development committees, and is the chair of the Tourist Board of East Denmark. Dr Toft Jensen studied political science and geography at Copenhagen University and holds several honorary degrees. He is Doctor Honoris Causa of, amongst others, the Linguistic University of Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia.
Prof Toft Jensen chaired Session C4: EXCELLENCE AND RESPONSIBILITY OF SCIENCE Gender as a scientific quality valueat the Gender Sumimt 1 EU (GS1EU).
Henriette Westhrin

Secretary of State to the Norway Ministry of Childhood, Equality and Social Inclusion, Norway.
Henriette Westhrin is Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion in Norway. She is a member of the Socialist Left Party and was Deputy Chair of the party from 2003 to 2007. Westhrin has held positions as Deputy Minister of Finance and Deputy Minister of the Environment as well at the Political Adviser of the Norwegian Union of Social Educators and Social Workers
Ms Westhrin spoke about Gender Issues in Norway in Session C2: LEVERAGING POLICIES AND LEGISLATION The Norwegian experience and The Role of Government in Plenary Session: Policy for creating a gender and socially responsive science and innovation environment at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Dr Astrid James

Deputy Editor, The Lancet.
Astrid James qualified in medicine from University College Hospital, London, in 1986 and then worked in the NHS for five years in general medicine and surgery, cardiology, oncology, obstetrics and gynaecology, paediatrics, geriatrics, and in general practice. She completed general practice training and then decided to go into medical publishing, working first for Medical Tribune in the UK and then for Medical Action Communications. Astrid joined The Lancet as an Assistant Editor in 1993, becoming Deputy Editor in 2001. Among her interests is a commitment to promoting the need for women in medicine and more broadly in science, and to identifying and discussing barriers to their career development.
Read more: Dr Astrid James
Prof Teresa Rees

Professor, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University, Director for Wales of the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education.
Teresa has recently completed a six year term of office as Pro Vice Chancellor at Cardiff University. A long-term expert adviser to the European Commission on gender mainstreaming and women in science, she was the rapporteur for projects such as the ETAN report (2000) Science Policies in the European Union: Promoting excellence through mainstreaming gender equality. She was a member of the genSET Expert Group and is currently a member of the European Commission’s Expert Group on Structural change in research institutions: Enhancing excellence, equality and efficiency in research and innovation.
Read more: Prof Teresa Rees
Prof Anders Flodström

Vice-Chairman, EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology), Professor in Physics, the KTH (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden), Former University Chancellor, Swedish National Agency for Higher Education (1 August 2007 - 30 June 2010).
Professor Flodström started his career as member of research staff in Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. He has been the Secretary General of the Swedish Research Council for Engineering Sciences and President at Linköping University (LiU), Sweden. He was President of the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm until July 2007, when he was appointed University Chancellor for Swedish universities. He is member of the Swedish Academy for the Engineering Sciences (IVA). He is also honorary doctor at Riga Technical University in Latvia, honorary doctor of Helsinki Technical University (TKK) and honorary professor in Dalian University of Technology in China.
Read more: Prof Anders Flodström
Dr Raymond Seltz

Secretary General, Euroscience.
Raymond Seltz obtained his doctorate in nuclear physics from the University of Strasbourg. He joined CNRS in 1960 where his research activities were in experimental nuclear physics, accelerator technology and use of nuclear radiation technologies in agriculture and industry. He has been director of the "Centre de Recherches Nucléaires-Strasbourg", member of scientific committees at CNRS and CERN and was co-founder of NUPECC, the "Nuclear Physics European collaboration Committee". From 1991 to 2000 he was in charge of the CNRS bureau in Bonn (Germany) and joined the French Embassy as scientific attaché with the mission of improving the French- German scientific collaboration.
Read more: Dr Raymond Seltz
Lawrence McGinty

Science and Medical Editor, ITV News, UK.
Lawrence McGinty joined ITV News at Science Editor in 1987. In 2000 Lawrence was a member of the reporting team covering the Mozambique floods. The team was subsequently awarded an Emmy, the American equivalent of an Oscar, for Best International News Coverage. Lawrence reports on all matters to do with science and the environment for ITV news programmes. His reports have included extensive analytical coverage of the Challenger, Zeebrugge and Chernobyl disasters as well as coverage of many topical medical issues, such as AIDS and the links between CJD and BSE. Lawrence joined ITN in 1982 as science correspondent working on Channel 4 News.
Read more: Lawrence McGinty
Patricia Reilly (GS1Eu)

Patricia Reilly qualified as a veterinary surgeon from University College Dublin in 1996, and worked in mixed clinical practice until 2001, when she joined the Irish Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. In 2004 she joined the Irish Embassy in Warsaw as Ireland's first Agricultural Attaché to Poland. On return to the Department of Agriculture in 2008, she re-joined the National Disease Control Centre, where her work involved veterinary international trade policy and contingency planning. Patricia is a graduate of the King's Inns, Dublin, and other academic qualifications include an MSc in European Food Regulation and a Diploma in European Law from the Law Society of Ireland.
Read more: Patricia Reilly (GS1Eu)
Jennifer Campbell

Director of Corporate Philanthropy and Partnerships, L’Oréal, and Secretary General, L’Oréal Corporate Foundation.
Jennifer Campbell is responsible for the leadership and direction of the L’Oréal-UNESCO “For Women in Science” program and the development of corporate partnerships and philanthropy programs for the L’Oréal Group. After studies at Sweet Briar College and The George Washington University, Jennifer joined The Severin Group (Gucci Timepieces, Fila Sportime Watches and Art2Watch) in Community Relations and Communications. Jennifer moved to France in 1989 to join The Walt Disney Company Europe. She spent eleven years with “the Mouse” in a succession of roles in publishing, communications and marketing at the European level. During her time at Disney, Jennifer forged a global children’s educational partnership with UNESCO and developed international programs such as the “Children’s Summit” and “Friendship Day”.
Ms Campbell spoke about Promoting female scientists in Session C3: MOBILISING AND MOBILITY OF SCIENTIFIC TALENT Competitive advantage of gender equality at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Prof Ulla Carlsson

Professor and Director of NORDICOM (Nordic Information Centre for Media and Communication Research) and the International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media at the University of Gothenburg.
Dr Ulla Carlsson is a founder and continuing editor of the refereed journal Nordicom Review and the Clearinghouse Yearbooks. Ulla Carlsson has edited publications on media development; media statistics; media history; popular culture; media theory; gender; children and media; the globalization of media; media governance; media literacy; etc. Most of Ulla Carlsson’s own research focuses on international communication and the globalization of media. She has published several books and reports in this field. Ulla Carlsson is a member of the board of many regional and international research organizations and committees, and she is also part of the editorial board for several international journals in the field of media and communication.
Prof Carlsson contributed to the roundtable Session D: GENDER ISSUES IN SCIENCE PUBLICATIONS How can editorial policies and writing on gender issues in science be improved to make the assessment and selection of research results for publication sensitive to gender and sex issues? at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Ursula Schwartzenbart

Director of Global Diversity Office and Performance & Potential Management, Daimler AG.
In May 2005, Mrs Schwarzenbart started her current assignment as Director of Global Diversity Management. The mission of the Global Diversity Office is the implementation of diversity and inclusion at Daimler worldwide. From 1999 until 2001 she served as Senior Human Resources (HR) Manager in Engineering of Mercedes Passenger Cars and was then promoted to the first HR Director position in Engineering. Her responsibilities have covered the entire scope of the HR landscape and included organisational and corporate security issues. In 2000, she implemented the global rollout of a new performance and potential management system (LEAD) in addition to her line responsibilities. Prior to that, Mrs Schwarzenbart managed organisational and human resources development for executive levels in Daimler's plant Sindelfingen after handling change management processes there. She has also worked on the development of the first behavioural-based training for supervisors and professionals. Her career at Daimler-Benz started with a degree in social and behavioural sciences in 1988. Mrs Schwarzenbart also serves as a member of the supervisory board at the University of Konstanz and the German Youth Insititute (DJI), Munich.
Ms Schwartzenbart spoke about Enabling innovativeness of teams in Session C1: R&D AND HR STANDARDS Effective management of R&D human resources at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Giles Chichester

Vice-President of the European Parliament and responsible for STOA (Scientific Technology Options Assessment for the European Parliament)
Giles Chichester Studied at Oxford University 1965-68: MA (Hons) (Geography) (1972). He worked in publishing at the University of London Press and Hodder and Stoughton Ltd (1968-1969). Then in Francis Chichester Ltd as Production Manager (1969); Director (1971); General Manager (1972); Managing Director (1983); Chairman, (1989). He was Non-Executive Director, Mediterranean Charter Services, Ltd (1973-1979) and Non-Executive Director, Orrin and Geer Ltd - Bookbinders (1974-1981). Director, Goodwin and Chichester Ltd, New Zealand (1975-1993) and Guildford Timber Co. Ltd, New Zealand (1975- ). Director, Silverstream Forests Ltd, New Zealand (1986- ). Chairman, Hammersmith Conservative Association (1984-1987). Chairman, London West Conservative European Constituency Council (1987-1988). Member, Conservative National Union Executive Committee (1988-1990, 1997-1998). Member of the European Parliament since 1994. Mr Chichester has served on many voluntary bodies such as school governing bodies, charities, clubs. His a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and has been chairman of the European Energy Forum since 2004.
Mr Chichester delivered a Keynote via videolink at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Dr Maria Elżbieta Orłowska

Secretary of State of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Representing the Polish Presidency of the EU Council.
Maria Elżbieta Orłowska received a PhD degree in Technology at the Warsaw University of Technology, in 2003 she became Doctor of Science at the University of Queensland, Australia, and in 2004 she obtained a post-doctoral degree at the Institute of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Since 2004 she has been a fellow of the Australian Academy of Science. From 1988 till 2007 she held the position of Professor of Information Systems at the School of Information Technology and Electric Engineering at the University of Queensland. From 1995 to 2007 she headed the school's Data and Knowledge Engineering Research Division. From 1992 she acted as the Distributed Databases Unit Leader, and more recently the leader of the Workflow Technology Group for the Cooperative Research Centre for Distributed Systems Technology Pty Ltd. (DSTC). She was also a Board Member of the Australian Research Council. Author or co-author of nearly 300 research papers published in peer reviewed international journals. In recognition of scientific activity and contributions to applied research, she was awarded many prestigious distinctions e.g.: the Distinguished Research Fellow of DSTC Pty Ltd., the Queensland government IT&T Award for Transactional Workflows Systems. Since November 2007 Professor Orłowska has been Honorary Professor of the University of Queensland. In 1997 she returned to Poland and became Professor at the Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology and since 2008 she has been Secretary of State in the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Recently she has been rewarded the title of doctor honoris causa of the University of Queensland.
Dr Orłowska delivered a Keynote at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Mieke Van Oostende

Principal in the Antwerp office, McKinsey & Company, Belgium.
After obtaining Master Degrees in Applied Economics (Universiteit Gent, Belgium) and General Management (Vlerick Management School, Belgium), Mieke Van Oostende started working as a Research Analyst at the Vlerick Management School focusing on marketing and strategy. In September 2011, she joined McKinsey & Company where she became Principal in 2009. Since joining McKinsey, Mieke Van Oostende has specialised in serving the financial industry, in particular on strategic, organizational and post-merger management topics. She is a member of McKinsey's European banking practice. In addition, Mieke van Oostende is closely involved in "Women Matter", a McKinsey proprietary initiative aiming at researching and promoting gender diversity and equal opportunities. She leads the BeNeLux chapter of Women Matter and coleads the Women Matter efforts at European level.
Ms Van Oostende spoke about The Women Matter project in Session B3: INTELLECTUAL ADVANTAGE Collective intelligence and social sensitivity of research at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Dr Laure Turner

Head of Unit, Sectoral Studies Department, INSEE (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies), France.
Laure Turner holds a PhD in Economics of Science and Innovation from the Sorbonne University. She worked four years as a researcher before joining the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies. In the framework of the European Commission "Women in Science and Technology" program, she implemented with leading companies a data collection protocol and an econometric model in order to study the impact on innovation of gender diversity in R&D teams and the business model of gender diversity policies at the firm level.
Dr Turner spoke about Gender diversity and innovative performance in Session B3: INTELLECTUAL ADVANTAGE Collective intelligence and social sensitivity of research at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Dr Julia Bear

Fulbright Post-Doctoral Fellow, The Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Israel.
Julia Bear is currently a Fulbright Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. She received her PhD in Organizational Behavior from Carnegie Mellon University, and her BA from Stanford University. She is also the recipient of a Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowship to Israel. Her research interests include gender, negotiation, and conflict management.
Dr Bear spoke about Collective intelligence and team collaboration: The role of gender inSession B3: INTELLECTUAL ADVANTAGE Collective intelligence and social sensitivity of research at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
VAdm (rte) Jan Willem Kelder

Member of the Board of Management and Chairman of the Council for Defence Research, TNO (The Netherlands Organisations for Applied Scientific Research).
After his education at the Royal Naval Institute in Den Helder, Mr Kelder was promoted to naval officer in 1973. In his first sixteen years he held a variety of operational positions in the Royal Netherlands Navy. During this period he specialised in navigation and combat information and finally, in 1989, he graduated in Higher Military Strategy at the Naval Staff College. From 1990 until 1998 Mr Kelder had a variety of staff positions, including a staff function on board of the Dutch naval vessels that took part in the Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm after the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq. Hereafter he commanded two frigates. In December 1997 he was appointed as deputy Director of Personnel in the rank of Commodore and three years later in the same naval rank he commanded the Dutch-Belgian taskforce. In April 2002 he served as Rear Admiral in the function of deputy Commander in Chief. After his promotion to Vice Admiral in 2005 he was appointed to Commander in Chief of the Royal Netherlands Navy.
VAdm (rte) Jan Willem Kelder acted as the chair for Session B3: INTELLECTUAL ADVANTAGE Collective intelligence and social sensitivity of research and spoke about the Perspective from Applied Research in Plenary Session: Policy for creating a gender and socially responsive science and innovation environment at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Dr Elisabeth Pain

Contributing Editor for Science Careers, Science Magazine.
Dr Elisabeth Pain obtained an MSc degree in biotechnology in her native France in 1997. She then pursued a PhD in immunology at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom, followed by a postgraduate diploma in journalism studies at Cardiff University with a bursary from the Association of British Science Writers. In 2002, Elisabeth joined Science Careers, the online jobs and career guidance magazine of the journal Science, as U.K. Editor in the Science International Office in Cambridge. Two years later she relocated to Barcelona in Spain, expanding her role at Science Careers as a freelance contributor covering the south and then the whole of Europe.
Read more: Dr Elisabeth Pain
Prof Geoffrey Boulton

General Secretary, Royal Society of Edinburgh,UK.
Geoffrey Boulton is a member of the Prime Minister’s Council for Science and Technology, the UK’s top-level science and technology advisory body. He chairs the Advisory Board of the University of Heidelberg, and is a member of the Strategic Council of the University of Geneva. Until recently he chaired the Research Committee of the League of European Universities (LERU) and the Royal Society’s Nuclear Energy Work Group. He has been a member of the Councils of the Natural Environment Research Council and the Royal Society, a member of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution, the Scottish Science Advisory Committee, the Scottish Higher Education Funding Council and chairman of its Research Committee.
Read more: Prof Geoffrey Boulton
Isabelle Esser

Vice-President Research & Development, Unilever.
Isabelle Esser is currently the Vice-President Research & Development for the Savoury category at Unilever. She is directly responsible for R&D of the global innovation portfolio and the current existing business leading teams across the world. As such, she defines and proposes the R&D strategy for the Category and ensures its execution. She sits on the Global Executive Board for the Category. At the beginning of 2009, she took additional responsibilities in the area of Fragrance. She is responsible for building and strengthening the Fragrance Expertise within Unilever.
Read more: Isabelle Esser
Dr Astrid Linder (GS1Eu)

Research Director of Traffic Safety, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI), Sweden.
Dr Astrid Linder is the Research Director of Traffic Safety at Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) and is responsible for the development of the research area crash safety and biomechanics at VTI. She has a research experience in the area of crash test performing, mathematical simulations, biomechanics and test condition specifications. Astrid has a PhD in Mechanical Engineering in the area of vehicle safety and a M.Sc. in Engineering Physics from Sweden. Her PhD focused on whiplash injuries in rear impacts and dummy development and dynamic seat test related to these injuries. She coordinates the EU funded project ADSEAT, in which a finite element model of a crash test dummy of an average female are developed.
Read more: Dr Astrid Linder (GS1Eu)
Isabel Yordi

Coordinator of gender and health, Unit of policy and Cross cutting priorities, WHO (World Health Organization) Regional Office for Europe.
Isabel Yordi Aguirre, is responsible of the Gender and Health programme in the WHO Regional Office for Europe based in Copenhagen. This programme is in the unit of Policy and cross-cutting priorities and it is in charge of mainstreaming gender and providing technical assistance to the 53 Member States of the WHO European Region. Isabel Yordi holds a master on Political Science and an M.B.A. She has more than 20 years of international experience with United Nations combining experience on gender, strategic planning and health.
Ms Yordi spoke about Improving Women's Health by Joining Policy, Research and Practice in Session B1: GENDERED R&D Opportunities for Innovation at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Dr Wiebke Schone

Researcher, Hochschule Furtwangen University, Germany.
In 2002, Wiebke Schone received her diploma in engineering (precision mechanics) from the University of Applied Sciences in Wilhelmshaven after studying in Wilhelmshaven, Germany, and Portland, Oregon, USA. She worked as a software development engineer in the optical storage industry for several years, where she gained deep knowledge on the innovation environment for high-tech project and patenting. In 2009, Wiebke Schone completed her MBA at the Hochschule Furtwangen University in Villingen- Schwenningen, Germany. Since then, she has been working in the university's lab for innovation and gender.
Read more: Dr Wiebke Schone
Dr Joan Marsh

Associate Publishing Director, Wiley-Blackwell, President, EASE (European Association of Science Editors).
Joan read Natural Sciences at Cambridge, specializing in Biochemistry, followed by a PhD on the hormonal regulation of gene expression in Xenopus oviduct at the National Institute for Medical Research in London. She then worked for the Ciba Foundation, also in London, initially editing manuscripts and transcribed discussions from their acclaimed symposia to produce the published book series, and latterly also organizing some of the symposia. In 1994, Joan took the opportunity to travel in South-East Asia, which she combined with teaching science writing at several universities in the region, particularly Mahidol University in Bangkok. After two years in Hong Kong working for Hong Kong University then Excerpta Medica, Joan returned to England in 1999 in time to help as a volunteer at the Rugby World Cup. She started work for Wiley the following year, commissioning books in the Life Sciences, subsequently adding Medical Books to her roster, then specializing in psychiatry after the merger of Wiley with Blackwell. Joan joined the European Association of Science Editors in 1987 and has attended each of their triennial congresses since, except one. She joined the EASE Council in 2006 and became President three years later.
Dr Marsh contributed to the roundtable Session D: GENDER ISSUES IN SCIENCE PUBLICATIONS How can editorial policies and writing on gender issues in science be improved to make the assessment and selection of research results for publication sensitive to gender and sex issues? at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Maya Widmer

Equal Opportunities in Research Funding, SNSF (Swiss National Science Foundation), Switzerland.
Maya Widmer is in charge of gender equality in the research funding process at the Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF. After graduating in German and English studies at the University of Zurich, she worked as scientific assistant, editor and education expert. She lectured at, among others, the universities of Zurich and Basel and was strongly involved in a four-year research project on literature of women in Switzerland. Maya Widmer is member of the steering committee of the “Federal Programme for Gender Equality at Swiss Universities”, which she coordinated between 2001 and 2004 on national level. She has been member of the Helsinki Group since 2004, and she chaired the expert group on “Women in Research Decision Making” established by the European Commission 2006-2007.
Ms Widmer spoke about Gender equality in Swiss Universities in Session C3: MOBILISING AND MOBILITY OF SCIENTIFIC TALENT Competitive advantage of gender equality at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Dr Ingrid Wünning Tschol (GS1EU)

Senior Vice President and Head of Department “Health and Science”, Robert Bosch Foundation, Germany.
Born 1958, Dr Ingrid Wünning Tschol received her PhD in Biology from the University of Tübingen Germany. Between 1985 -1990 she conducted postdoctoral research at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge and State University of New York in Stony Brook, USA. Further stations in her career were Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft in Bonn/Germany and Head of Medical Section at the European Science Foundation in Strasbourg/France. Currently she is Senior Vice President and Head of Science Department, Robert Bosch Stiftung, Stuttgart/Germany. She belongs to numerous Advisory Boards, both in Germany and in Europe. She was Vice-Chairman of the ESOF 2006 Steering Committee and Co- Chair of ESOF 2008/ ESOF2010 and ESOF 2012. She is Vice Chair of the European Research Area Board (ERAB), an independent Board which advises the EU Commissioner with regard to ERA and the Framework Programmes.
Dr Ingrid Wünning Tschol spoke about academia-net in Session C4: EXCELLENCE AND RESPONSIBILITY OF SCIENCE Gender as a scientific quality value at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Prof Elke Anklam

Director, JRC (European Commission Joint Research Council), IHCP (The Institute for Health and Consumer Protection).
Elke Anklam obtained her degree in Food Chemistry from the University of Münster, Germany in 1981 and her PhD in Organic Chemistry from the University of Hamburg, Germany in 1985, followed by a post-doctoral year in the University of Strasbourg, France. She worked as a researcher in the Hahn-Meitner Institute in Berlin, Germany and was teaching as Professor in the Applied University of Fulda, Germany. Since 2006 she is Director of the Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (IHCP) located in Ispra, Italy – one of the seven Institutes of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC). She worked in several positions in the JRC since 1991 (Deputy Director in the JRC Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM) in Geel, Belgium; Head of Unit in the IHCP and IRMM).
Prof Anklam spoke about Gender Equality in customer driven research based policy support in Session C4: EXCELLENCE AND RESPONSIBILITY OF SCIENCE Gender as a scientific quality value at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Dr Lars Haikola

University Chancellor of Sweden, Head of Högskoleverket (The Swedish National Agency for Higher Education), Sweden.
Lars Haikola has been the University Chancellor of Sweden and Head of the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education since 2010. The task of the Agency is mainly to review the quality of higher education, monitor trends and developments in higher education, ensure that universities comply with legislation and regulations, and also to promote the equal treatment of students irrespective of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or disability. Lars Haikola has been an executive leader in many academic fields in different positions at Lund University, for example as Dean of the School of Education and as Director of the International Office. From 2001 - 2007 he was the vice-chancellor of Blekinge Institute of Technology. He achieved his PhD in Philosophy of Religion at Lund University 1977 where he is also an associate professor. His scholarly interests are focused on Science & Religion, Ethics & Ecology, and Multi-Faith – Ideological Pluralism. He has chaired several audit- and accreditation groups assessing universities since 1995. Between 1998 and 2005 he was the chairman of the Council for the Renewal of Higher Education in Sweden. He chaired the merger of Växjö University and Kalmar University to become Linnaeus University in 2009. He has been the Chairman of the Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies since 2008 and was vice-president of Telecom City, Karlskrona, Sweden, from 2001 to 2007. In all his arenas he has acted for the integration of gender and equality in academic affairs. Among his latest publications are How to Conduct Solo-artists. About Governance and Leadership at Lund University, 2000, Science, Religion and the Need of a World-View, Pretoria 2003.
Dr Haikola chaired the Session C5: EMBEDDING GENDER IN THE SCIENCE CURRICULUM Improving professional competency of researchers at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Prof Teresa Freixes

Professor of Constitutional Law, Autonomous University Barcelona, Spain.
Professor Dr Teresa Freixes has been Professor of Constitutional Law at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) since 1993 and Professor Jean Monnet of European Constitutional Law since 2003 (ad personam since 2008). She is a Member of the Royal Academy of Doctors and Narcís Monturiol Medal and achieved Distinction Success Stories (World Reference Jean Monnet Chair). Professional activity at the University and as a legal expert of the European Commission since 1994 (participation in the elaboration of the Amsterdam Treaty, the Charter of Fundamental Rights, the European Constitution and the Lisbon Treaty) and of the Council of Europe (Program of Juridical Assistance for the East European Countries to form magistrates and professors and supervise the legislative adaptation process, 1997-99). Amongst other positionas, she is: a member (representative for Spain) of the “Réseau UE d'experts indépendants en matière de droits fondamentaux” (2002-2006) of the European Commission; a Senior Expert of FRALEX and FRANET (Fundamental Rights Agency, Legal Experts Group) - Director of the Spanish team since November 2007; Director of the Joint European Masters: “Law and Policies of European Integration: European Constitutional Law and multilevel constitutionalism” – official title in Spain, France, Italy and Poland, adapted to Bologna. She is the main researcher in several projects of R+D+I, European Programs and High Level Working Groups. She has authored reports for the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Government of Spain (Ministries of Public Administration and Social Affairs), the Governments of Catalonia, Andalusia, Balearic Islands and several private organisations (Bar associations, NGOs). Prof Freixes is a visiting teacher in different universities, a member of several Scientific Councils and Observatories as well as official evaluator in EAECA, ANEP and AGAUR. She is President of the National Commission for Accreditation of the University Professors (ANECA) and has published a dozens of books and more than 100 scientific articles or chapters of books.
Prof Freixes spoke about Embedding through legislation in Session C5: EMBEDDING GENDER IN THE SCIENCE CURRICULUM Improving professional competency of researchersat the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Prof Flavia Franconi

Professor of Pharmacology, Department of Pharmacology, University of Sassari, Italy.
Prof Franconi MD is full professor of Pharmacology at University of Sassari and the Coordinator the PhD in Gender Pharmacology. She is a member of the National Advisory Board on Menopause Guidelines, Women’s Health Committee of the Health Minister, Committee “Valutazione Piani di Settore”, and the Working Group on “Drugs and Gender “of the Italian Drug Agency. She participated UN meeting on Gender, Paris 2010. She is referee of many international journals, and amongst others, on the editorial board of Gender Medicine. She organized the second edition of Summer School of Eugim Project in Sassari 19-22 September 2011, as well as many Italian meetings and two international meetings on Genes, Drugs and Gender. During her presidency of the Italian Gender Health Group, two websites were launched on gender ( and to incorporate and implement gender issues. In particular, last year she promoted a nationwide companion entitled “Gender Attention” which utilises viral video. Prof Franconi has published about 170 papers in international journals and many of them evidence the sex-gender difference in drug-response. In collaboration with the Department of Drug of Italian National Institute of Heath, she evidenced that the cell fate, especially apoptosis and autophagy, are sex-gender dependent process, at least in some cell type such as vascular smooth muscle cells. Moreover she evidenced that sex-gender differences starts very early in the life. She is currently involved in studying the influence of environment in the response of drugs
Prof Franconi spoke about Creating common modules and pools of teachers in Session C5: EMBEDDING GENDER IN THE SCIENCE CURRICULUM Improving professional competency of researchers at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU),
Dr Lina von Sydow

Division of Scientific Computing, Dean of Education, The Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden.
Lina von Sydow has been a Senior Lecturer in Scientific Computing at Uppsala University since 2001. She has an interest in both teaching and research (Computational Finance). Dr von Sydow obtained her PhD in 1995 at Uppsala University and in 1996/1997 was a postdoc at Oxford University Computing Laboratory. During her years of teaching she has thought a lot about gender issues and why women often are underrepresented in the courses that she teaches. In 2006-2008 Dr von Sydow and colleagues pursued a pedagogical project funded by The Swedish Agency for Networks and Cooperation in Higher Education. The project was called “Gender-aware course-reform in Scientific Computing” and she will discuss and present this project at the Summit. More details regarding the project can be found at . Dr von Sydow is now the Dean of Education at the Faculty of Science and Technology at Uppsala University.
Dr von Sydow spoke about Achieving constructive alignment in Session C5: EMBEDDING GENDER IN THE SCIENCE CURRICULUM Improving professional competency of researchers at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Ernst H. Kristiansen

Executive Vice President, Regional Manager Oslo, SINTEF (The Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research at the Norwegian Institute of Technology. Member, KIF (Committee for Gender Balance in Research Norway.
Kristiansen has extensive experience as a director at SINTEF. He is currently deputy director at SINTEF ICT, and is Regional Manager for SINTEF in Oslo. He has previously led SINTEF Electronics and Cybernetics and SINTEF Building and Infrastructures. Kristiansen also has important responsibilities in international research at SINTEF, among other things related to the EU framework programs for research and development. He is currently a board member for EARTO
Read more: Ernst H. Kristiansen
Dr Magdalena Skipper

Senior Editor, Biology, Nature.
Dr Magdalena Skipper obtained her BSc in Genetics at the University of Nottingham, her PhD from the Laboratory for Molecular Biology, at the University of Cambridge, UK. She was a postdoctoral fellow at Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London; since renamed Cancer Research UK. After her postdoc she joined Nature Publishing Group to work on Nature Reviews Genetics, which she was Chief Editor for six years. She is now Senior Editor at Nature. Her areas of responsibility include genetics, genomics, gene therapy, biotechnology and molecular evolution.
Read more: Dr Magdalena Skipper
Dr Ginny Barbour

Chief Editor, Public Library of Science (PloS), Medicine.
Ginny Barbour joined PLoS in 2004 and was one of the founding editors of PLoS Medicine; she became Chief Editor in 2008. Her background in publishing comes from The Lancet, where she worked from 1999 until joining PLoS. She initially studied Natural Sciences at Cambridge University, and then medicine at UCL and Middlesex Hospital School of Medicine, London. After training in Haematology at the Royal Free Hospital, London, she studied globin gene regulation in Oxford and then at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. She is the Secretary of the Committee on Publication Ethics, and is a member of the Ethics Committee for the World Association of Medical Editors.
Read more: Dr Ginny Barbour
Dr Suzanne de-Cheveigne

Senior Scientific Officer Composite Indicators (COIN), Project Leader, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, Unit G3: Econometrics and Applied Statistics, Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission.
Suzanne de Cheveigne is senior researcher (directrice de recherche) with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Centre Norbert Elias in Marseilles, France. She carries out research on public problems in the areas of science, technology and the environment, with particular attention to the role of media and to the place of women in science. She is a member of the Editorial Board of Science Communication and Enquete and a member of the Scientific Committee of the PCST (Public Communication of Science and Technology) International Network. She is author of L'Environnement dans le journal televisé: Médiateurs et visions du monde and first author of Les Biotechnologies en débat: Pour une démocratie scientifique.
Read more: Dr Suzanne de-Cheveigne
Prof Maria Teresa Ruiz Cantero

Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Department Public Health, University of Alicante, Spain.
Prof Teresa Ruiz's work focuses on social inequalities in health. She is a social epidemiologist, with a background in folk-Medicine, epidemiology of chronic diseases, political epidemiology, and involvement as an activist in issues concerning gender justice, science, and health. Her work involves: 1. Area-Based gender Measures for Health Data and Methods for improving monitoring of gender inequalities in health, and 2. Development of theoretical frameworks to guide work on understanding gender bias in research and management of disease at primary and specialised health care.
Read more: Prof Maria Teresa Ruiz Cantero
Silvia-Adriana Ţicău

Romanian Member of the European Parliament and STOA (Scientific Technology Options Assessment for the European Parliament) Panel member.
Silvia-Adriana Ticău is a Romanian Member of the European Parliament, from 1st January 2007. She is Vice-Chair of the Committee on Transport and Tourism in the European Parliament, a substitute member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy and a member of the Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA). Prior to becoming an MEP, she was Member of the Romanian Senate (Nov 2004-Dec 2006), Minister of Communications and Information Technology (July-Nov 2004) and Secretary of State for Information Technology (Sept 2001- July 2004). She also served as a General-Director for Information Technology and Information Society Development Strategy at the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (2001). Before 2001, Mrs Ticău was Director of Operations, Director of Information Technology Department, Software Director, and analyst-programmer in the private sector.
Ms Ţicăuspoke about Encouraging ICT led Innovation in Session B1: GENDERED R&D Opportunities for Innovation at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Prof Daniela Corda (GS1EU)

Director, Institute of Protein Biochemistry (IBP), National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Italy.
Daniela Corda is a cell biologist, Director of the Institute of Protein Biochemistry of the National Research Council in Naples, Italy. She obtained her degree in Biological Sciences at Perugia University, Italy and her PhD in Life Sciences at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. She has been working in the signal transduction and membrane lipid dynamics field for more than 20 years, first in Israel, and then at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA, for her post-doctoral studies. She moved to the “Mario Negri” Pharmacological Research Institute in Milan in 1986, and in 1987 she was one of the founders of the Consorzio Mario Negri Sud, where she served as Head of the Department of Cell Biology and Oncology from 1996 to 2003 and Director of Research and development until 2009. Since 1998 she has been active in science policy focussing on career development in Europe and on gender-related issues within European organisation such as the European Life Scientist Organisation (ELSO), the EC Marie Curie Programme, the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) where she has also chaired the Working Group on the Career of Young Scientists, and is a member of the genSET Science Leaders Panel.
Prof Corda spoke about Mobility and Careers in Session C3: MOBILISING AND MOBILITY OF SCIENTIFIC TALENT Competitive advantage of gender equality at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU)
Prof Jürgen Popp (GS1Eu)

Scientific Director, Institute of Photonic Technology, University of Jena, Germany.
Jürgen Popp studied chemistry at the universities of Erlangen and Würzburg. After his PhD in Chemistry he joined Yale University for postdoctoral work. He subsequently returned to Würzburg University where he finished his habilitation in 2002. Since 2002 he holds a chair for Physical Chemistry at the Friedrich-Schiller University Jena. Since 2006 he is also the scientific director of the Institute of Photonic Technology, Jena. His research interests are concerned with bio- and material-photonics. In particular his expertise is in the field of Raman spectroscopy and in the development of innovative Raman techniques should be emphasized.
Read more: Prof Jürgen Popp (GS1Eu)
Ylann Schemm (GS1EU)

Corporate Relations Manager, The Elsevier Foundation.
Ylann Schemm runs Elsevier's corporate responsibility and partnerships program which focus on promoting women in science, research access in the developing world, popularizing an understanding of peer review and inspiring early career researchers to become ambassadors of sound science. She manages the Elsevier Foundation’s New Scholars program which supports projects to expand the participation of women in STEM and create a more family friendly academia and the Foundation’s Innovative Libraries in Developing Countries program with capacity-building projects in science, technology and medicine -- through training, education; infrastructure digitization and preservation of information. She is also an active member of the communications team for Research4Life, a unique UN-pan publisher partnership to provide free or low cost access to researchers in the developing world.
Ms Schemm spoke about Dual Career initiatives in Session C1: R&D AND HR STANDARDS Effective management of R&D human resources at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).
Prof Kevein Dunbar (GS1Eu)

Professor in the Department of Human Development in the College of Education at University of Maryland.
Kevin Dunbar grew up in Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland. He attended The National University of Ireland at University College, Dublin. He obtained a BA in Logic and Psychology in 1977 and an M.A. in 1979. In 1980 he began work on his PhD in the Department of Psychology at the University of Toronto and worked with Professor Colin MacLeod. His doctoral work was on attention and automaticity. In 1985 he moved to Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh to begin postdoctoral work with Professor David Klahr on reasoning and problem solving. They worked on complex thinking and scientific reasoning and proposed a dual space search model of scientific thinking in both adults and children.
Read more: Prof Kevein Dunbar (GS1Eu)
Dr Rolf Tarrach (GS1Eu)

Rector, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Dr Tarrach will serve as President of the University of Luxembourg until 2014, having assumed the position in 2005. He is formerly a professor of theoretical physics, and has served in that capacity at the universities of Valencia and Barcelona, as well as the University of Saint Petersburg. He gained his postdoc at CERN in 1976 before becoming a Professor of Theoretical Physics at Valencia (1983), Barcelona (1986) and Luxembourg (2010) Universities, then going on to act as Vice-president of the University of Barcelona (1990-1993). Many organisations have taken advantage of his breadth of knowledge and his command of languages.
Read more: Dr Rolf Tarrach (GS1Eu)