GS1 Speakers

Dr Suzanne de-Cheveigne

Suzanne de Cheveigne, Gender Summit past speaker
Senior Scientific Officer Composite Indicators (COIN), Project Leader, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, Unit G3: Econometrics and Applied Statistics, Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission.

Suzanne de Cheveigne is senior researcher (directrice de recherche) with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Centre Norbert Elias in Marseilles, France. She carries out research on public problems in the areas of science, technology and the environment, with particular attention to the role of media and to the place of women in science. She is a member of the Editorial Board of Science Communication and Enquete and a member of the Scientific Committee of the PCST (Public Communication of Science and Technology) International Network. She is author of L'Environnement dans le journal televisé: Médiateurs et visions du monde and first author of Les Biotechnologies en débat: Pour une démocratie scientifique.

 Dr de Cheveigne spoke about Ambassadors and gatekeepers in Session A3: KNOWLEDGE PRODUCTION Research norms and integrity at the Gender Summit 1 Europe (GS1Eu).