GS1 Speakers

Prof Teresa Rees

Teresa Rees, Gender Summit past speaker
Professor, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University, Director for Wales of the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education.

Teresa has recently completed a six year term of office as Pro Vice Chancellor at Cardiff University. A long-term expert adviser to the European Commission on gender mainstreaming and women in science, she was the rapporteur for projects such as the ETAN report (2000) Science Policies in the European Union: Promoting excellence through mainstreaming gender equality. She was a member of the genSET Expert Group and is currently a member of the European Commission’s Expert Group on Structural change in research institutions: Enhancing excellence, equality and efficiency in research and innovation.

She is an Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences and has been awarded a CBE for her work on equal opportunities and higher education.

Prof Rees spoke about pdf icon Diverse leadership styles in Session A1: SCIENTIFIC LEADERSHIP Equally valuing talent of women and men, a Welcome, on behalf of the genSET Gender Experts and chaired Session C1: R&D AND HR STANDARDS Effective management of R&D human resources at the Gender Summit 1 Europe (GS1Eu).