GS6 Speakers

Dr Chen Jin, Gender Summit 6 Asia-Pacific Speaker
Assistant Dean, Tsinghua School Economics and Management; Director, Tsinghua University's Research Center for Technological Innovation, China.

Female participation in Research and Innovation: Evidence in China (download presentation here pdf icon)
Plenary Panel 2: Developing Science Policies to Promote Gender-Based and Innovations

Dr Chen is Assistant Dean of Tsinghua School Economics and Management and Director of Tsinghua University's Research Center for Technological Innovation. He is a full professor at the Department of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Strategy in Tsinghua SEM.  

He is a leading international scholars on R&D and innovation management and policy, and has published more than 600 articles in various journals and proceedings of international conferences, including Technovation, R&D Management, Research Technology Management,  IEEE Transaction on Engineering Management, and the International Journal of Technology Management. Dr Chen also published over 60 books on management, and management of technology and innovation. Dr Chen serves as the chief editor of International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, the associate editor of Engineering Management Review, International Journal of Technology Marketing, Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy. He was awarded the Outstanding Youth Fund in 2002 by National Science Foundation of China. In 2009, he was selected for the China’s National Talents Project. Dr Chen was made the Changjiang Scholar Professor by Ministry of Education in year 2014. He has also conducted research on women entrepreneurs in China.

Summary of talk for Gender summit 6 Asia-Pacific: 

The presentation will report the status of women scientists by using the data of the national science foundation granted projects. Then a multi-level case study is provided to explore the critical success factors of women scientists in China. Policy suggestions for better participation of women in research and innovation are also provided.