GS6 Speakers

Hyolin Kim

Hyolin Kim, Gender Summit 6 Asia Pacific speaker

Director of User Experience, Automotive R&D Division, Hyundai Motor Group, Korea.  

User experience in automobiles considering gender differences (download presentation here pdf icon)
Parallel Session 3: Advancing Gender Sensitive Innovation Ecosystems

Hyolin Kim is Director of User Experience in the Automotive R&D Division at Hyundai Motor Group. She received the B.S. in computer science from Yonsei University, Korea and the master’s degree in interactive telecommunications from New York University, USA. She is a leading professional in user experience design, interactions and usability areas from building strategic concepts to hands-on production with more than 20 years working experiences. Before joining Hyundai Motor Group, she was the head of user experience organization in the mobile industry. She also led successful projects in software and services industries in Korea and in the US. Her major goal is to make holistically satisfying products and to make users more comfortable and pleased while they use the products. She focuses on users considering gender, age, culture and etc., and figures out how the products could meet various and different expectations in the whole development processes.

 Summary of talk for Gender Summit 6 Asia-Pacific:

It is most important for automakers to make safe cars for drivers and fellow passengers as well as pedestrians. Automakers have been developing technologies that assist drivers and help prevent accidents so that the cars are safer for both drivers and pedestrians. Besides driving, drivers and passengers do many other things in the cars as well. For this reason, cars are getting more and more safety and convenience features included in them. When automakers design and add such features to cars, they consider both physical and behavioral differences between various user groups such as gender, ages, life styles and etc. This presentation will explore the cutting-edge technologies automakers are recently developing and introduce how automakers are putting their efforts into making cars to meet various users’ expectations.