GS6 Speakers

Enkhtaivan Gombosuren

Prof Enkhtaivan Gombosuren, Gender Summit 6 Asia-Pacific Speaker

Professor, Department of Nutrition and Biotechnology, Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Mongolia.

Growth and Development of Mongolian Female Researchers (download presentation here pdf icon)
Parallel Session1: Mainstreaming Gender into Asia-Pacific’s Research, Innovation and Development Goals for more effective and sustainable outcomes

Enkhtaivan Gombosuren is a professor of the Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST) and a Ph.D in Technical Science. She obtained her BS and MS degrees from the National University of Mongolia, and her Doctoral degree from MUST. She has been working for the Mongolian University of Science and Technology since 1977 in various positions such as lecturer, head of the department and lead professor of Nutrition and Food Services, professor of the Nutrition and Biotechnology Department and has 38 years experience of working in university and research. Her research is focused on nutrition for preschool and school age children and women, as well as clinical nutrition. 

She has worked or is currently working on more than 10 national and international projects as a supervisor or consultant such as: Joint “School Lunch” Model Projects of Mongolia and Korea in capital/city, prefecture and district levels, JICA Model Project on “Improvement of living standard of households in the “ger” (tent) district of Ulaanbaatar by growing vegetables”, Joint “The Agriculture based School Lunch” Model Program under the initiative of Her Royal Highness Princess of Thailand, etc. She has published more than thirty research papers and articles in international and national academic journals and for the proceedings of international and national conferences. Dr Enkhtaivan Gombosuren is the founder and president of the Mongolian Nutrition Society (MNS). Through her initiatives and support of her foreign colleagues, the MNS became one of the adhering bodies of the International Union of Nutritional Sciences and the Federation of Asian Nutrition Societies.

Summary of talk for Gender Summit 6 Asia-Pacific:

In order for gender to provide a basis for countries’ sustainable development, this must be addressed as an essential element of the development process of good governance. One of the important obligations of the Government of Mongolia is to ensure the people’s freedom and empowerment and ensure gender equality on the path towards a happy future. The “National Committee of Gender Equality” is organized by the Mongolian Government with the mission to “Create a transparent state by defining gender-based development policies for gender equal rights and equal opportunities for everyone”. Mongolia has adopted the Law on: “Promotion of Gender Equality” in 2011 and developed the National Program on: “Gender Equality” in 2011. Women have made significant contributions to science since the earliest times. Historians with an interest in gender and science have illuminated the scientific endeavors and accomplishments of women, the barriers they have faced, and the strategies they have adopted to have their work peer-reviewed and accepted. The Gender Summit has established a regional network to foster and promote its activities in a physically close and similar time zone region, because participants have common interests as well as sharing regional problems, they can work together to solve such issues.