GS6 Speakers

Prof Curt Rice, Gender Summit 6 Asia-Pacific Speaker
Rector, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences; Head of the Committee on Gender Balance and Diversity in Research (KIF), Norway.

(E)quality in science
Plenary Panel 3: Developing Policies & Partnerships to Improve Gender Diversity in STEMM

Parallel Session 2: Workshop on Gendered Innovations in Research

Curt Rice is a Rector at the Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences and leads Norway’s Committee on Gender Balance and Diversity in Research. He also chairs the Board for Current Research Information System in Norway (CRIStin) and is a member of the Board at the University of Tromsø. Previously, he has served as Pro Rector for Research at the University of Tromsø and he was the Founding Director of the Center for Advanced Study in Theoretical Linguistics: A Norwegian Centre of Excellence (CASTL).

Prof Rice is a member of the genSET Science Leaders Panel; the Gender Summits were established on the recommendation of the panel. Since participating in genSET he has written and spoken widely on university leadership and gender, particularly on his blog