GS6 Speakers

Helena Hui Wang

Helena Wang, Gender Summit 6 Asia-Pacific Speaker

Asia Editor, The Lancet.

Taking Sex into Account in Medicine (download presentation here pdf icon)
Plenary Panel 2: Developing Science Policies to Promote Gender-Based and Innovations

Helena Hui Wang is Asia Editor of The Lancet.  She is The Lancet’s first point of contact with authors in Asia, building relationships with top researchers and research institutes as well as key government agencies within the region, and identifying and attracting submissions of the best research.  She also does peer-review of manuscripts, including fast track submissions, writes editorials, and develops The Lancet’s presence in China through conferences and themed issues. Helena Wang holds a M.D. and a Master degree in Medicine from Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China. She has received editorial and writing trainings in London and Oxford, UK, and has taken the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer's course on Clinical Trial Statistics in Belgium.   

Summary of Talk for Gender Summit 6 Asia-Pacific:

This presentation introduces how gendered-approach has been promoted and implemented in The Lancet in many areas including editorial board of The Lancet and guide for authors which calls for researchers to enrol women into clinical trials of all phases, and to plan to analyse data by sex. The gender based research and series published in The Lancet are also used as examples to show how The Lancet pushes the progress in this area.  Lastly, several suggestions on how to mainstream gender into global health are proposed.