GS6 Speakers

Monika Raharti

Monika Raharti, Gender Summit 6 Asia-Pacific speaker

Director, Center for Young Scientists (CYS) and Researcher & Lecturer, Surya University, Indonesia.

Gender Mainstreaming in Research and Innovation: A Case of Infrastructure Development in Indonesia (download presentation here pdf icon)
Parallel Session 1: Mainstreaming Gender into Asia-Pacific’s Research, Innovation and Development Goals for more effective and sustainable outcomes

Monika Raharti is director of Center for Young Scientists Indonesia. After completing her bachelor’s in Physics in Institut Teknologi Bandung, she worked in Physics Department, Parahyangan Catholic University in Bandung City, Indonesia. She continued her studies in the Institut Teknologi Bandung and completed her master’s in Physics in 1997 majoring non-linear optics. She has been at Surya University in Jakarta, Indonesia since 2012. Her concerns on Physics Education brought her to work with science teachers and she is actively promoting research in science to students and teachers in secondary schools, as well as developing the system of certification of research teachers and research schools in Indonesia. Currently she serves as a council member of Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies, President of Asia Pacific Conference of Young Scientists, and council member of Indonesian Physical Society.

Summary of talk for Gender Summit 6 Asia-Pacific:

The rapid growth of economic in Indonesia has been pushing many sectors to be more innovative and creative. Gender mainstreaming has been concerned by government as one of the criteria in every ministry in their planning as well as budgeting. To make sure that the implementation is working well, it is required to follow up with evaluations. The Center of Research and Development of Ministry of Public Work has been actively pushing gender mainstreaming in research and innovations by developing working group and programmes to enhance the awareness of researchers.