GS6 Speakers

Jong Tae Youn

Prof Jong Tae Youn, Gender Summit 6 Asia Pacific speaker

Professor, Department of Graphic Arts and Information Engineering, Pukyong National University, Korea. 

Factors Causing Women Students to Drop Out of Engineering (download presentation here pdf icon)
Conference: Introducing the Gender Dimension to STEMM Higher Education

Jong Tae Youn is a Professor at the department of Graphic Arts and Information Engineering in Pukyong National University and has been Director of WISET, Women in Science Engineering and Technology, Regional Agency of Dongnam in South Korea since 2012 and also Director of IVDP, Internship and Vocational Training Program of his school since 2015. His main research interests are Computer Simulations for Higher Education, Rheology, and Women in Engineering Education. Currently, he is performing two government projects including WISET program and two University-Industry Corporation projects including the Computer Simulation of the Printed Electronics and had performed 20 projects.

He published 110 papers and 7 of Graphic Arts Engineering text books for high school and university students. He was a Vice Dean of College of Engineering and Head of Department at his school. He received Master and Doctor Degree of Chemical Engineering from Chungnam National University and had been worked as a senior researcher at KSPMC, Korea Security Printing and Minting Corporation, for 8 years. From 1998 he had been a visiting Professor at University of Maine in USA for 3 years. He supervised 5 Ph.D and 32 master theses.