GS6 Speakers

Dr Ruth Nsibirano, Gender Summit 6 Asia-Pacific Speaker
Lecturer, School of Women and Gender Studies, Makerere University, Uganda.

Gender in Distance Education: Implications & Lessons to Learn for Teaching & Learning a Case of Youth Program at Makerere University (download presentation here pdf icon) 
Conference: Introducing the Gender Dimension to STEMM Higher Education

Dr Ruth Nsibirano is a full time staff member at the School of Women and Gender Studies, Makerere University. She holds a Ph.D in Gender Studies has an MA in Women's Studies and an Honors degree in Library and Information Science from Makerere University. Dr Nsibirano  has extensive research on issues of gender and ICT, integration of technology in teaching and learning, and gender mainstreaming. She has participated in several professional level courses, national and regional research projects as well as in international conferences on ICT, and the application of educational technologies in university teaching, learning and research. The goal of such research is to contribute to increased gender equality in uptake. Dr Nsibirano has competencies in information management, use of moodle E-learning platforms, online course content development and gender analysis, among others.