GS1 Speakers

Henriette Westhrin

Henriette Westhrin, Gender Summit past speaker
Secretary of State to the Norway Ministry of Childhood, Equality and Social Inclusion, Norway.

Henriette Westhrin is Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion in Norway. She is a member of the Socialist Left Party and was Deputy Chair of the party from 2003 to 2007. Westhrin has held positions as Deputy Minister of Finance and Deputy Minister of the Environment as well at the Political Adviser of the Norwegian Union of Social Educators and Social Workers

Ms Westhrin spoke about Gender Issues in Norway in Session C2: LEVERAGING POLICIES AND LEGISLATION The Norwegian experience and The Role of Government in Plenary Session: Policy for creating a gender and socially responsive science and innovation environment at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).