GS1 Speakers

Ylann Schemm (GS1EU)

Ylann Schemm, Gender Summit past speaker

Corporate Relations Manager, The Elsevier Foundation.

Ylann Schemm runs Elsevier's corporate responsibility and partnerships program which focus on promoting women in science, research access in the developing world, popularizing an understanding of peer review and inspiring early career researchers to become ambassadors of sound science. She manages the Elsevier Foundation’s New Scholars program which supports projects to expand the participation of women in STEM and create a more family friendly academia and the Foundation’s Innovative Libraries in Developing Countries program with capacity-building projects in science, technology and medicine -- through training, education; infrastructure digitization and preservation of information. She is also an active member of the communications team for Research4Life, a unique UN-pan publisher partnership to provide free or low cost access to researchers in the developing world.

Ms Schemm spoke about Dual Career initiatives in Session C1: R&D AND HR STANDARDS Effective management of R&D human resources at the Gender Summit 1 EU (GS1EU).