GS12 Comittee Biographies

Lorena Archundia

Lorena Archundia WEB National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT)

Ms Lorena Archundia holds the post of Directora de Cátedras at the Mexican National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT). She obtained a Master in Administration and Public Policy by the Center for Economic Research and Teaching (CIDE) and the Degree in Political Science and Public Administration by the Universidad Iberoamericana. Mexico.

In CONACYT has developed a wide trajectory among them, in the Deputy Director of Scientific Development as Director of Science Planning.
In the Ministry of Public Education, she served as Advisor to the Secretariat for Educational Services for the Federal District, under the responsibility of following up the issues of professional development of teachers, teaching science, plans and study programs, projects in Support for school infrastructure, international cooperation and social communication.

At the state level, she has been Director General of the State System of Documentation and Archive of the Institute of Public Information and Statistics in Morelia (IMIPE). Among his publications, stands-out her participation as co-author in the publication titled “The institutional design of the science and technology policy in Mexico”, published by CIDE and the Institute of Legal Research of the UNAM.