GS3 Speakers

Dr Hans Borchgrevink (GS3NA)


Special Adviser, International Staff, The Research Council Norway (RCN), Norway.

Hans M. Borchgrevink MD, is the former Director of Medicine in the Research Council of Norway, and consultant/researcher in audiology and brain function diagnosis. Now chair of WG Monitoring and indicators under the EU Steering Group on Human Resources and Mobility (EU-SGHRM), where he is also Norwegian expert representative. He is Vice-Chair of the EU Advisory Group to Marie Curie Actions, and member of the EU ERA Communication Expert Advisory Group (subgroup gender), the EU Gender Impact Assessment Expert advisory group, and the Science Europe Task Force on Gender and Diversity. Former chair of the WG Mobility in the European Science Foundation Member Organisation (ESF-MO) Forum Researcher Careers, representative of the EU Work Programme Committees on People; Health; Infrastructure; the EU IMI Innovative Medicine SRG, and EURAXESS. He has been organiser/chair/speaker at the European gender Summit 2011 and 2012 and at several EU Presidency conferences on gender and research careers.

Dr. Borchgrevink spoke about the actions taken by Research Council Norway in promoting gender equality in and through its grant application system, and also about the role of EU EURAXESS Researchers in Motion initiative and of the ERA Steering Group on Human Resources and Mobility (EU-SGHRM) in promoting gender equality measures and actions in science workplace at the Gender Summit 3 North America 2013.