GS3 Speakers

Itzá Castañeda

Itzá Castañeda, Gender Summit speaker (GS3NA)

Gender Adviser, International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Mexico.

Itzá Castañeda studied biology and later a Masters in Environment and Development. She is an expert in environmental problems from the perspective of gender and has been working on the issue of gender equity in environmental policy. She has participated in numerous national and international forums related to the topic of gender equality and is the author of six books and other publications on gender, environment, disasters, climate change and human development. She isa Gender Adviser at the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Itzá Castañeda took on the role of Discussant in the Day 3 Session on Environment, to which she brought her extensive experience and expertise of gender issues and relevant policy considerations at the Gender Summit 3 North America 2013.