GS3 Speakers

Dr Alexis K. Ault

Alexis K. Ault, Gender Summit Speaker (GS3NA)

National Science Foundation (NSF) Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Geoscience, University of Arizona, USA.

Alexis K. Ault is an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Geoscience at the University of Arizona.  In August 2014 she will be joining the faculty of the Department of Geology at Utah State University.  Her research applies innovative chronologic tools to investigate surface and near-surface processes in both active orogenic settings and “stable” continental interiors.   Talk title: Preparing for an academic career in Geoscience.

Dr. Ault spoke about Preparing for an academic career in Geoscience in the Empowering Voices of Early-Career Scientists session at the Gender Summit 3 North America.