GS3 Speakers

Prof Martina Schraudner (GS3NA)

Schraudner web

Head of the Department of Gender and Diversity in Organizations, Technical University Berlin, and Director of Responsible Research and Innovation Unit, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Germany, Europe.

Martina Schraudner is the Head of the Department of Gender and Diversity in Organizations at Technical University Berlin, and Director of Responsible Research and Innovation Unit at Fraunhofer Gesellschaft. Her research currently focuses on the integration of different perspectives in the innovation process and involvement of potential users, dialogue between different science disciplines, and accommodating views of different stakeholders.

Professor Schraudner spoke at the Gender Summit 3 North America 2013 (GS3NA) on the research in enabling participatory innovation process in particular at the idea formation phase, which involves development of new communication formats, collaborative shaping of innovation ideas and process and shared visions of the future.  When innovation ideas are created, their feasibility checked by engineers at Fraunhofer. In one area, namely rehabilitation, the approach produced 100 new ideas, 70% of which were assessed as implementable.