GS3 Speakers

Betty Shanahan (GS3NA)


Executive Director & CEO, Society of Women Engineers (SWE), USA.

Betty Shanahan is the executive director and CEO for the Society of Women Engineers. As SWE's executive director since 2002, Shanahan is a champion for diversity in engineering and the engineering profession overall. Before joining SWE, she spent 24 years in development, engineering management, and marketing for the electronics and software industries. She began her career at Data General, where she was the "one woman engineer" on the project captured in Tracy Kidder's The Soul of a New Machine.

Betty Shanahan chaired the session on Networks at the Gender Summit 3 North America 2013 (GS3NA) and brought into this role her extensive personal and professional experience of the role of networks in advancing women’s position in STEM and in society, as well as the activities of the Society of Women Engineers.