
GS3 Speakers

Prof Patricia Rankin


Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, Interim Director, Office of Contracts and Grants, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA.

Dr. Patricia Rankin, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, Interim Director, Office of Contracts and Grants, University of Colorado, Boulder Campus

Dr. Patricia Rankin is the Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and Interim Director for the Office of Contracts and Grants at the University of Colorado, Boulder Campus. Rankin's research interests range from precision measurements as tests of the Standard Model through efforts to understand the symmetries of nature to how to broaden participation in science and engineering.  She served as Associate Dean for Natural Sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences and a Faculty Director in the Office of Faculty Affairs. She is a recipient of a Sloan Fellowship, a Department of Energy Outstanding Junior Investigator Award, the Elizabeth Gee award, and the “Best Shall Teach” awards.

Professor Ranking spoke at the Gender Summit 3 North America 2013 (GS3NA) on the subject of networks and networking and how institutions and professional organisations can use networks to help advance women in STEM through development of skills, collaborations, sharing problems and solutions and supplementing mentoring.