GS3 Speakers

Prof Nancy Hopkins

Prof Nancy Hopkins, Gender Summit speaker

Professor of Biology, MIT, USA.

Nancy Hopkins is the Amgen, Inc. Professor of Molecular Biology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a successful cancer biologist. She contributed to a better understanding of the genetic basis of early vertebrate development by identifying a significant fraction of the genes essential for early zebrafish development. Many of these genes have human counterparts that are involved in health conditions, including birth defects and cancer. She is a prominent advocate of equality for women in science. In 2012, she received the Margaret L. Kripke Legend Award for Promotion of Women in Cancer Medicine and Cancer Science. 

Professor Hopkins spoke at the Gender Summit 3 North America 2013 (GS3NA) on how science institutions can ensure that women and men have the same opportunities in their science careers based on her own efforts and experience of the change that she has initiated and which has taken place since 1999 at MIT/