GS3 Speakers

Carolyn Emerson

Carolyn Emerson, Gender Summit speaker

Project Coordinator, Canadian Coalition for Women in Science, Engineering, Trades and Technology, Canada.

Carolyn Emerson was Professional Assistant to the NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering, Atlantic Canada, 1998-2002.  Since then, she has worked on projects in Canada and the U.S. focusing on women’s full participation in science, engineering, trades and technology.   Carolyn is the co-author of Becoming Leaders – A Practical Handbook for Women in Engineering, Science and Technology published in 2008.  She currently serves as Project Coordinator for the Canadian Centre for Women in Science, Engineering, Trades and Technology.

Carolyn Emerson spoke about the Centre’s Women in SETT Leadership Program that provides professional development workshops to early career females to advance their career success and leadership roles at the Gender Summit 3 North America 2013 (GS3NA). She will also reference the Program’s module that assists senior leaders and managers to better understand the business case for increasing women’s representation, assess their organizational environment, and share practices to create more inclusive and innovative workplaces.