GS3 Speakers

Dr Nancy M. Carter

Dr Carter, Gender Summit Speaker

Senior Vice President, Research, Catalyst, USA.

Nancy M. Carter PhD leads Catalyst in developing groundbreaking research on issues related to women’s advancement in business and the professions. Prior to joining Catalyst, she was Leverhulme Visiting Professor at the London Business School and held the Richard M. Schulze Chair in Entrepreneurship at the University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis. She has worked professionally in advertising and marketing research and works closely with government and private sector initiatives promoting women’s advancement. She has published and speaks widely on gender, organizations, strategy, and entrepreneurship. Her book, Clearing the Hurdles, documents women’s challenges in accessing resources for building their businesses. In 2007, she was honored with the prestigious Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research for her work on the Diana Project, a research initiative on women entrepreneurs and the venture capital industry. Her research on women and minority entrepreneurs has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Small Business Administration, the National Business Women’s Council, the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, and Entrepreneurship and Small Business Research Institute. In 2009, Dr. Carter was appointed Visiting Scholar at INSEAD, a graduate business school with campuses in France, Singapore, and Abu Dhabi. Dr. Carter received her PhD in Business Administration from the University of Nebraska, an MA in Mass Communications from California State University, and a BA in Journalism from the University of Nebraska.

Dr. Nancy Carter spoke about the key findings from a Catalyst survey about employees' experiences and perceptions of flexible working arrangements and how the availability of flexible working arrangements affect career aspirations. She reflected how the findings help inform development of measures to promote women’s advancement in business and the professions.