GS3 Speakers

Prof Risa Sargent


Associate Professor, Department of Biology, University of Ottawa, Canada.

Risa Sargent is an evolutionary ecologist who studies the role of plant pollinator interactions in the diversification of flowering plants. From 2007-2012 she held a NSERC University Faculty Award at the University of Ottawa where she is currently associate professor in Biology. Professor Sargent has been one of the lead organizers of the Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution's 'Symposium for Women Entering Ecology and Evolution Today (SWEEET)' since its inception in 2008. The annual symposium's goal is to tackle the issues that impede women's entry and success into careers in science. 

Professor Sargent chaired the "Voices of Early-Career Scientists" in the Parallel Roadmaps Sessions at the Gender Summit 3 North America 2013 (GS3NA).