GS3 Speakers

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson PhD

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson PhD

MPH Congress representative from Texas, USA.

Eddie Bernice Johnson is a Representative from Texas.  She was chief psychiatric nurse and psychotherapist at Veterans Administration hospital, Dallas; member of the Texas state house of representatives, 1972-1977; administrator, United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare; member of the Texas state senate, 1986-1992; and elected as a Democrat to the One Hundred Third and to the ten succeeding Congresses (January 3, 1993-present).

Congresswoman Johnson spoke at the Gender Summit 3 North America 2013 (GS3NA) about her role in introducing two bills in Congress: the Broadening Participation in STEM Education Act and the Fulfilling the Potential of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Act, as well as on her efforts for the Congress to adopt the STEM Opportunities Act Focused on women.