Rethabile Mashale

Rethabile Mashale, Gender Summit 5 Africa speaker

Program Director, Thope Foundation, Cape Town, South Africa.

Gendered choices in Education (download presentation herepdf icon)
Knowledge Exchange Forum: Youth Engagement in STEM

Rethabile Mashale is Program Director of Thope Foundation and lead consultant at Rethabile Mashale Consulting. Thope Foundation is a nonprofit organization supporting primary schools girls with tutoring, leadership skills, mentoring and life skills in an effort to intercept vulnerability and support girls to achieve their dreams. She has spent the last decade working in the non-profit sector and academia.

Her professional training is in Social Work and holds a Masters Degree specializing in development studies and social transformation from the University of Cape Town. She is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Stellenbosch. Rethabile has worked for a number of local and international non-profit organisations in the fields of education, health, research, monitoring and evaluation and organizational development and management consulting.