Dorah Marema

Dorah Marema, Gender Summit 5 Africa speaker

President, GenderCC – women for climate justice, International.

Integrating human behaviour into understanding climate change (download presentation here pdf icon)
Topic D: Building communities of gender expertise and leadership

Since 2010, Ramatsobane Dorah Marema is the President of GenderCC's Baord and one the founders of GenderCC Southern Africa. For many years, Dorah was the Executive Director of the GreenHouse Project, an environmental NGO based in Johannesburg, South Africa. There, Dorah Lebelo was responsible for setting up a variety of projects, among them a permaculture project in a park in a poor and run-down neighbourhood in Johannesburg.

This project aims to demonstrate to the surrounding inhabitants and passers-by how to live sustainably, i.e. gardening, composting etc. Other program areas include green building and design, efficiency and renewable energy and waste management/ recycling project. Since January 2010, Dorah Lebelo and GenderCC have been implementing a project focusing on capacity development in rural communities in South Africa where there is great need for information about climate change and adaptation. Furthermore, Dorah is heading GenderCC’s Focal Point in Africa, and recently founded GenderCC-South Africa.