Dr Kelly Mack (GS5A)

Dr Mack, Gender Summit 5 Speaker

Vice President for Undergraduate Science Education and Executive Director, Project Kaleidoscope, Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), USA. 

A Translation from Theory to Practice
Knowledge Exchange Forum: Women of the African Diaspora in STEM Academic Leadership
Theme 4 wrap-up: Gender and Societal and Economic Development

Kelly Mack PhD is the Vice President for Undergraduate Science Education and Executive Director of Project Kaleidoscope, a non-profit organization focusing on undergraduate STEM education reform, at the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U).  She was the Senior Program Director for the National Science Foundation (NSF) ADVANCE Program. Her scientific interests include Physiology and Endocrinology.

Dr Mack served as Professor of Biology at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. rDuring her tenure at UMES, Dr Mack served as Principal Investigator, Director or Co-Director for externally funded projects that totaled over $12 million dollars, including the UMES ADVANCE Program, which focused on issues related to African American women faculty in the STEM disciplines and led to the initiation of several institution-wide practices to promote the professional development of all faculty. Dr Kelly Mack received her Bachelor of Science degree from the UMES in Biology and later the PhD degree from Howard University in Physiology. Dr Mack has had extensive training and experience in the area of cancer research with her research efforts focusing primarily on the use of novel antitumor agents in human estrogen receptor negative breast tumor cells.  Specifically, these efforts have included the role of the cellular accumulation of cisplatin in breast tumor cells, and the use of demethyltransferase inhibitors and histone deacetylase agents in inducing the re-expression of the estrogen receptor in human breast tumor cells. More recently, her research focus has involved the use of bioflavonoids in the regulation of estrogen receptor positive (ER+) and estrogen receptor negative (ER-) breast tumor cell proliferation. Dr Mack has served as a member of the Board of Governors for the National Council on Undergraduate Research and is a current member of the National Institutes of Health Review Subcommittee for Training, Workforce Development and Diversity.