Dr Christa Washington

Dr Washington, Gender Summit 5 Speaker

Assistant Director of Leadership Development and Scholar-in-Residence, North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC, USA.

A Translation from Theory to Practice
Knowledge Exchange Forum: Women of the African Diaspora in STEM Academic Leadership

Dr C. Ellen Washington is the Assistant Director of Leadership Development and Scholar-in-Residence at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC. Previously she served seven years as Chair of the Department of Psychology and Chair of the IRB Committee at Saint Augustine’s University in Raleigh, NC. C. Ellen recently completed the OURS Fellowship at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology where she earned a Post Doc Certificate in Academic Leadership.  In her current role as Assistant Director, she provides leadership for sustainability and growth of the Chancellor’s Leadership Academy. Dr Washington offers significant experience in academic leadership, women in leadership, higher educational learning models, strategic planning, and organizational development.

Her current research interests are innovative and creative educational models such as MOOCs and other blended learning formats. She is also an avid proponent for diversity in the workplace, and leadership and social competencies. Dr Washington has published articles in the Oxford University Public Policy Journal and the International Journal of Business and Social Science. She presented this work at Oxford University Roundtable in 2010 and the London’s Women’s Leadership Symposium in 2012 in the UK. She is currently working to develop her dissertation into a toolkit for mentoring and women in the academy. She recently completed Leadership Raleigh, and is pursuing a Post Doc in Academic Leadership. She is an active member of APA (American Psychological Association), SIOP (Society of Industrial/Organizational Psychology, NAIM (National Association of IRB Managers), and AABHE (American Association for Blacks in Higher Education).