Christine Theron

Christine Theron, Gender Summit 5 Africa speakers

Programme Coordinator, Thope Foundation, Cape Town, South Africa.

Gendered choices in Education (download presentation here pdf icon)
Knowledge Exchange Forum: Youth Engagement in STEM

Christine Theron is  Programme Coordinator at Thope Foundation.  Having spent the last few years abroad working in different cultural and educational systems in South Korea and Mexico, she returned to Cape Town with a keen interest in the plight of  women and girls living in vulnerable situations. As a result, her research area and much of her work with Thope Foundation is concerned with understanding education systems, their role in promoting gender equality and alleviating poverty. 

Christine currently heads up Thope Foundation’s Advocacy and Lifekskills programs which work with women and girls to foster community support that create safety nets for vulnerable girls.  Her recent report tittled: “Intercepting vulnerability in adolescent girls: The Importance of Social Support and Intergenerational Dialogue amongst girls and women in Khayelitsha¨ was awarded a distinction.