Dr Andrea Lawrence

Dr Andrea Lawrence, Gender Summit 5 Africa Speaker

Associate Professor and Chair of Computer Science, Spelman College, USA.

Knowledge Exchange Forum: Gender, Technology and Communities of the Future

Dr Andrea Lawrence is Associate Professor and Chair of Computer Science at Spelman College, a liberal arts, historically Black college for women in Atlanta, GA.  She received her B.S. degree in mathematics from Purdue University, and her Ph.D. in computer science from the Georgia Institute of Technology. A member of the Spelman College faculty for 30 years, she teaches a wide variety of courses and supervises independent study projects in the areas of human computer interaction and remote sensing related to Antarctic ice.

Dr Lawrence has worked with the Computing Educators Oral History Project (CEOHP) and the History Makers. One of her main interests is increasing the number of minority students and women who pursue graduate degrees in computer science.  Thus, she has been involved in a number of mentoring activities including the Academic Alliance of NCWIT and the STARS Alliance. She has also been involved with two other broadening participation activities, NSF grants supporting the ARTSI Alliance and Spelman SpelBots. She is past president of the Association of Departments of Computer Science/Engineering at Minority Institutions (ADMI), an organization that supports student research, student access to graduate education and computing careers, and enhancing academic programs in computer science and engineering.