Dr Marike Kolossa-Gehring

Dr Marike Kolossa-Gehring, Gender Summit 7 Europe Speaker

Department of Environmental Hygiene, Section Toxicology, Health related Environmental Monitoring, German Federal Environmental Agency, Germany. 

Mainstreaming gender into methodologies and human resources development
Parallel 3: Gender as cross cutting issue in research and innovation

Dr Marike Kolossa-Gehring joined the German Environment Agency in 1992 where she worked as a scientist in the sections environmental impacts on human health, general and international affairs of environmental chemicals and toxicology Since 2004 she is heading the section “toxicology, health related environmental monitoring” where she is responsible for the human biomonitoring studies German Environmental Survey and the German Specimen Bank which build the basis for the German system for health-related environmental monitoring. 

In 2010 she took over the management for a German initiative to support human biomonitoring which is a co-operation project between the German Chemical Industry Association and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. She was member and work package leader of the finalized EU- project Expert team to Support BIOmonitoring (ESBIO), a consortium preparing a concept for biomonitoring in Europe and DEMOCOPHES and COPHES, the Consortium to Perform Human Biomonitoring on a European Scale preparing a human biomonitoring study for Europe. From to 2006 to 2010 she was vize-chair and chair, respectively, of the OECD Endocrine Disruptor Testing and Assessment Advisory Board. From 2011 until 2015 she was governmental councilor of the International Society of Exposure Science ISES.