Ana Arana Antelo

Ana Arana Antelo, GS7 Europe Speaker

Head of Unit, Science With and For Society, Directorate General Research & Innovation, European Commission, International.

Gender mainstreaming in Horizon 2020
Parallel 6: Policy actions for systematic change

Ana Arana Antelo is a lawyer specialised in European Law. She works in the European Commission as Head of Unit for "Science with and for Society" in the Directorate General for Research and Innovation, where she also headed the "Research Infrastructures" unit. She was previously Deputy Head of Cabinet of the Commissioner responsible for Research, Innovation and Science.  Prior to that she worked in the Directorate General for Transport and Energy, where she headed the unit responsible for the electricity and gas internal markets. She has also worked in the Directorate General for Competition, as well as in the Directorate General for External Relations dealing with relations with the then New Independent States of the former Soviet Union. Before entering the European Commission, Ana worked as head of the legal department in a software company.