Dr Emilie Marcus

Dr Emilie Marcus, Gender Summit 7 Eu speaker

CEO, Cell Press, Elsevier.

Plenary 2

As CEO of Cell Press, Emilie Marcus, PhD, leads a portfolio of 32 scientific journals—including the flagship Cell, for which she serves as Editor-in-Chief—international conferences and online tools for biomedical researchers with a keen focus on innovation in scientific communication for accelerating discovery. She is a key opinion leader in scientific publishing and has made significant contributions to debates on the impact of new information technology, reproducibility and ethics in biomedical research, peer review, business models, and the uses and abuses of impact factors as a measure of journal quality.

In addition to her senior-management role, Dr Marcus is responsible for setting the strategic direction and overseeing the peer-review process and publication decisions for Cell Press’s flagship journal Cell, for which she continues to serve as Editor-in-Chief. An active presence in the scientific community, she travels frequently to conferences and universities worldwide and talks with scientists about their work daily. She earned a doctorate in Neurobiology from Yale University and conducted postdoctoral training at the University of California, San Diego, and the Salk Institute. She joined Cell Press in 1998 and has previously acted as editor of the journal Neuron and the company’s VP of content development. She currently serves on the board of the Elsevier Foundation.